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About njjones

  • Birthday 01/03/1933

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  • Location
    Foothills of the Sierra's in Northern California
  • Interests
    <br>I am a retired nurse who enjoys studying the Bible, so I look forward to this study with Dr. Ralph F. Wilson of Philippians. I have been hungry for the Word since the Lord touched me when I was 12 years old.<br><br>I also enjoy traveling to visit with my four children and grandchildren in Illinois and my sister in Colorado. But it is always good to come back home in the foothills of Northern California.

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  1. "Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? What will be the result of discernment in their lives? How does selfishness cloud discernment? How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives?" Discernment, something for which I have desired from the LORD so that I walk in the light of His will and not stumble in my own selfishness. Paul knew that the Philippians would be well on their way in growing in grace and knowledge of the LORD if they had discernment. Discernment will give good judgement and the ability to make right choices in their walk with the LORD. It will also help them to wisely use the gifts which the Lord has given them to honor and praise the LORD. Selfishness clouds discernment because it places our focus on ourselves and not on the LORD. The results can be like stumbling in the dark. The good is enemy of the best because it falls short of the "Glory of God" or short of God's Plan for us. We end up short changed and short changing God. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
  2. "Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? What will be the result of discernment in their lives? How does selfishness cloud discernment? How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives?" Discernment, something for which I have desired from the LORD so that I walk in the light of His will and not stumble in my own selfishness. Paul knew that the Philippians would be well on their way in growing in grace and knowledge of the LORD if they had discernment. Discernment will give good judgement and the ability to make right choices in their walk with the LORD. It will also help them to wisely use the gifts which the Lord has given them to honor and praise the LORD. Selfishness clouds discernment because it places our focus on ourselves and not on the LORD. The results can be like stumbling in the dark. The good is enemy of the best because it falls short of the "Glory of God" or short of God's Plan for us. We end up short changed and short changing God. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
  3. "What does Paul expect God to do for the Philippian believers? Why does he expect God to do this? What is the basis of Paul's confidence? On what basis can we expect God to do this for us?" Paul expects that God will continue the work in the Philippians which He has begun. Paul knows the faithfulness of the Lord and what God has promised. Paul has a close relationship with the Lord and knows the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit in his own life and trusts that the Lord will carry through His promises toward the Philippians. We can know through the Scriptures that God is faithful and we can see the hand of the Lord at work in our lives as we trust in His faithfulness, as we walk in close fellowship with the Lord. I have long enjoyed the old hymn, "GREAT IS THEY FAITHFULNESS" and found comfort in the words which speak of the faithfulness of the LORD.
  4. "What does Paul expect God to do for the Philippian believers? Why does he expect God to do this? What is the basis of Paul's confidence? On what basis can we expect God to do this for us?" Paul expects that God will continue the work in the Philippians which He has begun. Paul knows the faithfulness of the Lord and what God has promised. Paul has a close relationship with the Lord and knows the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit in his own life and trusts that the Lord will carry through His promises toward the Philippians. We can know through the Scriptures that God is faithful and we can see the hand of the Lord at work in our lives as we trust in His faithfulness, as we walk in close fellowship with the Lord. I have long enjoyed the old hymn, "GREAT IS THEY FAITHFULNESS" and found comfort in the words which speak of the faithfulness of the LORD.
  5. A slave is a person who is physically owned or property of another who has either inherited or bought that person. He has no rights of his own and must obey and preform the work which his owner demands. A saint is a person who has received the blessing of salvation through Christ Jesus who paid the full price of his salvation with His precious life's blood. This salvation places one in an exceptional position, an exalted position, a holy position. Both the slave and the saint owe their obedience to their master, the one who purchased them. The slave if unwilling to be a slave, will be miserable, as force is used to make him comply to his master's demands. The saint on the other hand realizes that he has been bought and saved from a horrible pit and been lifted to an amazing position. The saint has a different mind-set because of the grace of God, his Master, which has been revealed to him by God's Spirit. Mankind, who has been bought with such a costly ransom, can choose to be miserable denying the grace of God or choose to be thankful rejoicing in the Gift and Mercy of God. The Christian's relationship with the Lord can be viewed as both a slave, one bought and owned, and as a saint, one who has been lifted up to a position in Christ. Also the Christian's relationship is affected by his attitude to both of these ideas of who he really is in Christ Jesus. He humbles himself as a slave and is obedient, even as Christ was, yet as he is obedient he rejoices as a saint because of the his New Life in Christ Jesus. As a slave the Christian is obedient and as a saint he is obedient.
  6. We receive the joy of serving with them by giving the gifts which the Lord has given us to exercise through His power and grace. The support we are able to give may be many small things like listening to their needs and sending a card or gift to rejoice in a special occasion or need.
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