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Everything posted by dra

  1. i think this could be used as anser to a few questions. if a pastor/assitant any man or woman of god going before the people should be careful as to how and what they not only say but show. tis is why i dont have a church, either there is a status of who is or isnt excepted,(wich the word is in love, and from the love they see christ and through christ they get understnading, wich transforms there lives and better equipes us to handle this world. some are void of commentment and not in my opion truly called, they lack love, compassion and patience. not standing on the true word only comprimizing what fits a welcome of folks wonting there ears tickeled.
  2. there is only one who i will say not only came along side of me, but "planted the seed, she is home with the lord now, she pointed me to christ, explained to me by telling me to read the gosple of john. the trinity of the god head, about 2yrs later i gave my life to christ, that was 10yrs ago, i have never met another like her, my prayer is to be in like minded and strenth as she was in boldness even when others laughed at her. she laid a foundation wich god brought alive in me, and now it is the gosple of john wich i point everyone to, then as god progresses that relationship it moves into the strenth and faith and guidance that comes from knowing christ as our savior.
  3. yes there are a few woman friends one wich recently came into my life, backround: mothers influance is of jehova witness, she is confused and void of any real truth concerning, salvation "the meaning, heaven/hell recarnation and void really of peace. the other a mixed belief of catholic afluance/johova witness. she to is reaching for understanding, seems over the last 6months of a two yr friendship is coming more and more to understand, faith/grace oposed to works and doomed to hell. i take it one day at a time careful not to mislead or misinterpret information leading to salvation. in the two there is a foundational aspect needed wich by the grace of god one is there, and still learning. the other we have just begon. then my step son is a muslim wich has been quit a chalenge over two yrs wich i can only pray for strenth and guidance, the discernment to now of the spirit not my emotions,, when to let go.
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