Cheryl McFarlane
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Q4. Knowing Christ
Cheryl McFarlane replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
Knowing Christ is relating to Him in relationship; being in conversation with Him, watching Him challenge you, correct you, stretch you and make you more like Himself. It is more than saving faith because an individual can be saved yet not growing in their intimate, experiential knowledge of Christ. Often times we piggy-back on the experiences of our pastors, friends, and other brothers and sisters without taking time to grow in our own intimacy with Him. Indeed, saving faith comes before a knowledge of Jesus because our sins have severed the relationship between Him and ourselves. We need that relationship to be restored at the cross and then go on to know Him. I struggle in growing in and knowing Him. There are times of real true intimacy when I can say clearly "this is what God is doing in my life right now". There are other times when my experience is shallow and seemingly static. Thankfully He has promised that He will never leave nor forsake us. -
Q1. (2:12-13). In this passage, what does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? I believe Paul is asking the Philippian church to corporately bring the reality of their salvation into their daily workings. He just finished using Christ as the example of humility in the previous verses and he then goes on to say that we need to work out our own salvation. He is calling for that same kind of humility in loving and serving one another as we consider our present state of sanctification. Is this referring to salvation from sin? Yes and no! I think as we mature in our faith, it is the salvation from sin that works our sanctification. Deep huh? What I mean is that as we mature in our faith, the precious reality of our initial salvation becomes dearer and dearer to us, and that growing love and appreciation for what has been done by Christ on our behalf begets growth. We cease from selfishness and begin to serve humbly out of love for and gratitude to Christ.
Q2. Equality with God
Cheryl McFarlane replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
In your own words, what does it mean that Christ didn't cling to his equality with God? Christ being equal to God, and equally deserving of all the honour and glory due Him, intentionally chose to give up all the status of that equality by coming to this sin-stained, hate-filled earth. He could have refused. As God of very God, He rightfully could have stayed in Heaven with the Father and continued to receive all the benefits of that existence. But... He chose not to. He "didn't cling" to that position. I think of children who cling to their toys, or their moms or dads. Christ didn't cling, He lovingly gave it all up to endure the shame of the cross out of love for us. How specifically does this passage teach that Jesus is divine? If Jesus is equal with God (the Father), then clearly He shares all the divine attributes of God meaning He (Christ) is divine also. -
Q1. Humility and Unity
Cheryl McFarlane replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
I like what daeBee had to say on page one of this forum. I believe she's absolutely right. It's great to say we must "be humble". It's great to say we must not be proud. But what does true humility really look like then? "For God so loved the world..." If God loved (loves) the world so much, then so must I. God loved the world enough to give His very best, and His very best (Jesus) was beaten, mocked, scorned, abused and overlooked because He loved us all so much. I believe true humility reflects that kind of love. If we do not recognize the worth of each person in the church and acknowledge how much each one is so LOVED by God, we can easily fall into the trap of picking favourites. Favourite Pastors, favourite friends, etc. Sure, we can be closer to some then others (even David had his Johnathon) but when we do that and neglect the other believers, we are on our way to division. I have personally done this. I belonged to a very busy clique of believers that served the church morning, noon and night. Anyone who did not serve as we did (although we never really came out and said this) was deemed less spiritual and less "succesfull" in their Christian walk. We had no love, no sympathy, no compassion. I Corinthians 13 verse something says if we do all these things but have not love we are a clanging cymbal. God has taught me what true service is... loving Him and loving others (the first and greatest commandment). I now, by God's grace, try to see the infinite worth of each person and let them know, if they are struggling, that God... the creator of the universe... LOVES them. I've seen people respond to that better than any kind of preaching I may have done in the past. The church needs this so badly because it helps us recognize the absolute glory of the gospel. When we can sing together, Jesus loves me this I know, then God is glorified as united we stand in awe of the cross. -
"Paul is "Confident", of what very thing / (v5) FELLOWSHIP IN THE GOSPEL" Quoted from "More than Conquerors" - Posted June 21/05 I think "More than" is on to something here for indeed I've been struggling to get my head wrapped around these verses and the questions that are before us... Taken in context, with verse 5, I believe Paul is confident that God will complete their role as partners in the Gospel. It is a beautiful promise that God will continue to make us useful for His purposes. I did some searching at www.biblegateway.com and found the CEV helpful with their translation... Phil. 1:5-6 "This is because you have taken part with me in spreading the good news from the first day you heard about it. God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won't stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns." Why does Paul expect God to do this? Because God is always doing whatever glorifies Himself. He didn't save us so that we can become narcissistic, navel-gazers (I struggle with this so often!) but so we can reflect His glory. Romans 8:28-29(NIV)... And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. These promises are incredible, they mean that we can be confident that God will use us for His glory based on the promises of His word. Praise His name!!!!
Q2. Partners
Cheryl McFarlane replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
So often we feel that if, as individual believers, we are not called to the mission field then missions are not important. We feel that it's someone else's calling, not ours. But Paul was thrilled that the church in Phil. was willing to share with him so he could, in very practical ways carry out his calling. My missionary friends constantly need money to purchase flight tickets, rent houses abroad, pay their home bills while they're gone, print and distribute literature, purchase discipleship materials, update computers, feed themselves and others... the list goes on and on. As a saint who is called apart to serve, I can serve by helping them financially which in turn helps them do what God has called them to do. The blessing from that? Knowing that they can be enabled to do what they've been commanded to do and not be burdened about financial worries. I don't want to see my dear friends stressed out when they've got such clear direction from God. I want to see them free to do that thing. -
Q1. Slaves and Saints
Cheryl McFarlane replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
A slave is a slave not because he/she wants or chooses to be one, but because the Master chooses him/her to be His slave. I've struggled over the years with a nagging desire to please God with all kinds of crazy, churchy busyness. I now realize that He is pleased with me not because of what I do, but because of what Christ Jesus did. (read Galatians) I am delighted by Paul's later words that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. God will be faithful to use me, send me, etc. I need not worry about whether or not I am doing enough. As I remain faithful to the day to day tasks he gives... that's enough. If a saint is one who is called apart to God's service by God Himself, that is a done deal!! God knows why He created me and saved me. Only as I sit at His feet and learn from Him can I be made aware of the tasks of the day. (Not that I always do this, mind you) I like the way Dr. Wilson puts it in this study: "Salvation and sanctification are both God's work in us. So settle in your heart, you are a 'saint', no matter how rough-hewn your spiritual life seems to be right now. You belong to God. Period." Both terms speak to the issue of us having purpose, whether or not we are part of organized ministry. Paul was a servant, my pastor is a servant, the youth leaders are servants and I (although not called to any stereo-typical type of ministry within the church) am a servant too. I see Paul pointing that out. Although the congregation at large was not out on the mission field with him, they were still "saints", called apart to serve. As we read on in this study, Paul commends them because they did serve by sharing resources. P.S. I have been so blessed by this study already. It's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Doc. Wilson. -
Hello everyone! It's a been a while since I have studied one entire book of the Bible in order to get it's full message. I tend to randomly flip back and forth grabbing a few verses here and there and feel absolutely empty as a result. I was so delighted to find this study as I was surfing the web. The last entire book of the Bible I studied in depth was Galations and it was life changing. I went from being a people-pleasing, overly busy "Super Christian", to one who now understands that the voice of God is quiet and one that I must get away from busyness in order to hear. I now joyfully anticipate some life changes as I delve into the book of Philippians with the rest of you. May we all be made more like Him as we study and pray together. Oh yes, I live in Oshawa, Ontario... Canada and have two beautiful children. I am a single mom. I consider myself to be non-denominational, but attend a Baptist church nearby. I have a passion for seeing the various races and ethnicities in the church come together much closer in their fellowship and experience of God. In Christ, Cheryl