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  1. -It was too big for Him to deliver Midian into their hands for God to get the glory. Self-sufficency is an enemy when it causes us to believe we can always do what needs to be done in our own strength. To prevent this attitude God reduced the size of the army from 32,000 to 300. With an army this small there could be no doubt that the victory was from God. The men could not take the credit. Shrinking the size of the army was essential because God could not allow Israel to take credit for the victory because they would restore their disastrous pattern of depending upon themselves and fail to rely upon the true God. Gideon was facing fear among other overwhelming odds, but God understood his fear, however He didn't excuse him from the task. Gideon was able to obey God because God allowed him to slip into the enemy's camp and overhear a conversation that would give him courage. When Gideon overheard the dream and the interpretation, he worshiped God.
  2. I think we should rely on the Word of God. Today the greatest means of God's guidance is his Word, the Bible. Unlike Gideon w have God's complete, revealed Word. If we want to have more of God's guidance, don't ask for signs, pray and study the Bible. (2Tim 3:16-17). Demanding a sign may cause one to get in trouble with God. (Exodus 17:2, 7; Deut. 6:16).
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