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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Mark Warner

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Everything posted by Mark Warner

  1. In fact, I don't believe we really "give" anything to our church, ministries, etc. All that we have, all that we are, come only from the grace of a God who loves us. We become partners in our church in every way in which we contribute, be it with our money, our service, our teaching and or even our witness to a world that is lost without the knowledge of this grace and this love. Our ultimate service and support to our church must be to live and act as the Christians we profess to be and serve as a "light" that makes others (the unchurched) want to know more about the God we love in return.
  2. Well, perhaps I may take a different approach here. The similarities seem to be quite clear; a slave is one who is owned, more often even purchased by his owner's money or other possessions. A saint is purchased in the same way, though the blood of Jesus. The difference is, the slave never chooses to follow or serve his master, while the saint chooses and serves his.
  3. I may be getting in on this a little late, but you gotta start sometime. My name is Mark. My wife suggested these bible study groups because she's done them for some time. She's a Lutheran pastor in Baltimore. I wanted to get more out of a bible study group than what I would traditionally get in church and thought this sounded like one of the best ways to do that. So, here I am and let's get started.
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