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Everything posted by LaCarla

  1. It think its because before, he had great pride in this pedigree. That maybe it bacame more important to shine with his oun background and set him self as important before man. Or that he had all the right answers of the ot and thought that the WAY, Jesus was some new fangled way that went against what he was brought up to be and believe. He depended so fully on his pedigree, his flesh that any thing else had to be wrong. He believe this to the point of killing and harming christians. When Jesus "shone him the light" was his prdigree finally put where it had needed to be. Where his flesh needed to be. In full trust and love in Jesus christ. In doing this Paul understand that his pedigree and all that he was, and doing to christians, wasn't putting glory in God. That no where was there Love. Except with God and Jesus. That he was loving his titles and who he was in standing with his jewish background. For myself, my background will, being poorer then most, I have to watch myself and not be mad because I don't have what others have. Or want what they have. I want to live my life, poor or not, to make this time in my life, to bring glory to God. That I put aside all this, and put full trust in Jesus and keep my eyes on him every sec of my day.
  2. Yes, confindence in the flesh does show up. I do think that happens because we are of the flesh. But my job is to over come trusting in the flesh and keeping my eyes firmly on Jesus Christ. For this reason, My family has started our own little home church. The church we were attending couldn't follows its on bylaws, One or two people did what they thought was the right thing to do. Which, I'm so sadden to say, is because there was trusting in the flesh. That the laws was put aside. So, I had to put aside what feeling there are, and truly trust in my Lord God.
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