Carolynne Speck
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Everything posted by Carolynne Speck
Q7. Perfect Law
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Hearing and Practicing the Word (James 1:18-27)
Not just hearing the word of God but living it, ( Walking in the Word of God ) We need to practise what we preach, Not say one thing a do another. We are to love one another and love our neighbor as ourselves. If we have a good relationship with the Lord this will be easy because it will be part of us, but if we are not walking with the Lord the way we should we will struggle. Thank you Jesus for loving us unconditionally. AMEN. -
Q6. Self-Deceit
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Hearing and Practicing the Word (James 1:18-27)
We look at the outside, while the inside is so deceitful, but God can see the heart. To be a Christian is to walk in the ways of the Lord. To live a Godly life, we are not perfect and we are going to make mistakes, but as long as we truly repent and turn away from our sins God will forgive us, for Gods ways are not our ways and nor his His thoughts ours, but we become more like Him as we surrender to his will for our lives. We can not by our way into the Kingdom of God, with money or good deads, it is our relationship with our Heavenly Father first then our relationship with other people. If God reigns in our heart then everything else will full into place. Thank-you Jesus your love is so amazing. AMEN -
Q5. Life in the Word
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Hearing and Practicing the Word (James 1:18-27)
We are given spiritual birth by the word of God, also by ( circumcision of our hearts ) When we become a believer in Christ Jesus we must be born again, old things have passed. It starts by the renewing of our minds and that happens as we read and study the word of God. We can hear and study the word of God, but it must go to our hearts, that is called circumcision of the heart, the yuk is taken out and replaced by the word of God, for the heart is wicked, and it is only God that can see the true state of our heart. The word of God is our spiritual food, just as we need food to be able to live in the natural, we also need food for our spirit, ( what happens in the natural also happens in the spirit. ) Praise you Jesus, I thank you with all my heart. AMEN. -
Q4. Wisdom
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
If we lack wisdom we are to ask God for it. He will give to us liberally and without reproach. We are to ask in faith and not doubt, for when we doubt we are like a wave on the sea driven and tossed by the wind When we go through trials we become stronger and learn to trust the Lord more. Thank you Jesus AMEN -
Q3. Doublemindedness
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
If you are filled with the Holy spirit you shouldn't be double minded. When The Lord has bought you though a trial you know with out a shadow of doubt that that he will never leave us or forsake us. We go through trials so that we will be stronger in our walk with the Lord, once we go through a trial and come out the other side we will then be able to help some one else. Jesus loves us so much that He want's us to mature: and trials should help us to mature. Thank you Jesus, -
Q2. Blaming God
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
God is a Holy God a loving Father, and can not look upon evil, He does not tempt us with evil. People blame God for evil because they are quite weak, they give in to the flesh. God has given each of his children a free will, he will not make us do anything against our will. I believe so we will grow in our walk with Him, if He took evil out of the world it would make it very easy for us, He wants us to choose between good and evil. God has set guide lines for us, hence the ( Ten Commandments ) PRAISE YOU JESUS, AMEN . -
Q1. Value of Trials
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
Trials have had a great part in my life, as they have help me to rely on the Lord, Trials have helped me grow in my walk with the Lord. Trials have also made me stronger spiritually. PRAISE YOU JESUS. -
Q4. Divine Lamb
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
The Father Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit are one.( Three In One ) He is worthy to be worshipped. Thankyou God for sending your precious Son Jesus, He died for each of us so that we might live. Oh such love. AMEN. -
Reigning priests
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
We are a chosen people a royal priesthood ( Christians ) I believe we do reign here on earth, as we are here representing our Lord Jesus, as He lives within each Christian, It says in His word that we are the light and Salt of the earth. It is Jesus that shines from within us, ( Or should Shine from every Christian, If we are living a righteous life.) ( THANK YOU JESUS.) -
Q3. Triumphing
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
The Lamb has proved himself worthy: By completeing God's plan for salvation, He ( Jesus ) was slain and shed blood to purchase our salvation, He was obedient to death. ( PRAISE YOU JESUS ) -
Q2. Decoding Symbols
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
( The Lamb itself represents........... The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Standing after being slain indicates................Life His resurrection. Horns represent........The power given in heaven & on earth. Eyes represent........Sees all and knows all ( sees what is hidden in the heart.) The number seven carries the idea of........Completeness. The Lamb has the qualities of being of.......Perfection..Pure and Holy. ( PRAISE YOU JESUS ) -
Q1. Lion and Root
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
Jacob prophised that the Messiah would one day come from the tribe of Judah. Sign of the coming Massiah ( root of Jesse ) -
Matthew 26;28 For this is my blood - This represents my blood, as the bread does my body. Which is shed for many for the remission of sins - In order that sins may be remitted, or forgiven. That is, this is the appointed way by which God will pardon transgressions. That blood is efficacious for pardon of sin: Because it is " the life " of Jesus the " Blood " PRAISE YOU GOD YOU LOVE US SO MUCH THAT YOU GAVE US YOUR SON JESUS SO THAT WE MAY HAVE LIFE & LIFE TO THE FULL. AMEN
To apply the blood to the door post of their home. We Christians have a paschal lamb; and that lamb is the Massiah. And as the Jews, when their paschal lamb was slain, were required to put away all leaven from their dwellings, so we, when our paschal lamb is slain, should put away all sin from our hearts and from our churches."
We have been set free from sin by the precious blood of the Lamb. Jesus died on the cross to take away the sins of the world. ( we owe him so very much. ) There for we are no longer slaves to sin, but bondservants of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit leads us in Gods ways, He is our comforter and helper, He leads us into all truth and helps us with the word of God. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME JESUS; AMEN
Q5. Isaiah 53 in the NT
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
This prophecy was fulfilled in Christ,( Matthew 12:17 ) ( Isaiah 42:1-4 ) Let our soles rely on him, and rejoice in him; then for his sake, the Father will be-pleased with us. The Holy Spirit not only came and rested upon Him, and without measure. He patiently bore the contradictions of sinners. His Kingdom is spiritual; he not to appear with earthly honours. He is tender to those oppressed with doubts and fears, as a bruised reed;those who are as smoking flax, as the wick of a lamp newly lighted, which is ready to go out again. He will not dispise them, nor lay upon them more work or suffering than they can bear. ( PRAISE YOU JESUS OH SUCH LOVE.) -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
( Romans 6;23 ) For the wages of sin is dealth, but the gift of God is eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ( Romans 6;21-23 )The pleasure and profit of sin do not deserve to be called fruit,Sinners are but ploughing iniquity , sowing vanity, and reaping the same. Shame came into the world with sin, and is still the certain effect of it. The end of sin is dealth. Though the way may seem pleasant and inviting, yet it will be bitterness in the latter end. AMEN -
Q3. Substitutionary Atonement
Carolynne Speck replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
( Isaiah 53 ) Come, and see how Christ stead, but He put Himself. Thus he took away the sin of the world by taking it on Himself. He made himself subject to death, which to us is the wages of sin. The servant is a substitute who bears our sin. Took up. Carried. Laid on. Bear - Bore. Intercession. HE( JESUS ) LOVES US SO MUCH THAT HE WOULD LAY DOWN HIS LIVE FOR US.