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  1. In the world, we are taught to be self-reliant, independent, self-made; successful. We believe it a weakness to need help or ask for help. This goes against what God wants, for He wants us to obey Him and be dependent on Him and His means; therefore, His light shines, and we run. God has already given provision to all of us before He created us; with His help we will find daily provision. God is the bread that gives life to the soul, and Christ is the bread that comes down from Heaven. We want God to be a daily part of our lives to nourish and feed our souls, fill our spirits, and establish His Kingdom. Without Him, we are nothing.
  2. We want God's ways and thoughts and eyes to be ours; to establish these on earth. His will, not ours, will bring about this process; we all need to surrender our wills to the will of our Father. God is love; we surrender to God's love; receiving it, giving it, living it; establishing His Kingdom by love.
  3. To hallow, is to make holy, to sanctify - His ways and means are different than ours; He is the Creator. We should know, recognize, and use God's name with the highest of reverence, and we should honor Him thusly with our behaviors. To hallow, is also sacrifice, which is to make holy. Jesus sacrificed His life for us, and God sacrificed His Son for us so that we could know God and have a relationship with Him - God's gift to us before time began. God through us, will make holy ... spread The Good News ... prepare for Christ's return and The Most Holy of All.
  4. Hi Ya'll! I live in Irving, Texas, USA. I am the Mother of 5 children (only 1 girl), with the 2 youngest in high school. I work at home. I am ready to feast on The Word and marvel at what we will learn together! In Him, Stephanie
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