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Everything posted by HeatherJean

  1. By living in His Word and praising Him.
  2. Christ is the head of all things.
  3. I was redemmed from unforgivness and bitterness. well if i didn't have redemption my life would be downhill, i'd be in a mental ward due to anger, bitterness, etc. I thank God everyday for His healinhg power.
  4. God's adoption is an illistration to us because it shows how He loves and accepts all of us. It is encouraging to me because I don't have a relationship with my earthly family, this may sound a little off but another scripture that comes into mind regarding adoption is psalm 27:10 and it gives me comfort everyday know that even though my earthly mother and father forsaked me, God didn't.
  5. To be holy is trying to be more like Christ and not live in a life of sin. I can be blameless in god knowing that my sins are forgiven and moved as far as the east and west.
  6. Nothing scary. Comforting because it gives me comfort knowing that God has a plan for each of us and He knows best . Somertimes we may think we know what best for us but we don't.
  7. To be in Christ and what it means in my life is that it's who we are in Christ and not ourself. Who we are in Christ is NOT who we are in ourself.
  8. We should continue to ask for foregivness because we sin everyday and there not one day that goes by that I deon't need to ask foregivness. Unforegivness can block God's blessings because it's a sin to not forgive and we must be quick to forgive. Anytime we sin unless we repent we miss out on God's blessings. He still blesses us but blesses us the more we obey Him. Unforgivness can block God's forgivness because if we don't forgive others for their sins and what they do to us, God won't forgive us for our sins either.
  9. I think people get independant from people and God because they forget that we need God for everything . People like to think they can do it all themself but they can't. Then when things go wrong they ask why did God do this to me? I think it's important to ask God for our daily bread because everything we have is from God and is on loan from God. As fast as God gives us something He can very easily take it away. It's not our job or money that our main provision, it's God. Without God we wouldn't have anything. I need God for everything. Apart from Him I'm nothing.
  10. Asking God's will to be done instead of our own will.
  11. Giving thanks and not just asking for everything we want.
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