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Glenn Bohlander

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About Glenn Bohlander

  • Birthday 04/10/1965

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  • Location
    Scranton, PA, USA
  • Interests
    reading, writing, football, good movies.

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  1. God knew who would be the kneelers and who would be the lappers. He knew there would be more kneelers than lappers. So God said the lappers could stay. Also I think the kneelers were less cautious men than lappers and too confident. Glenn
  2. We're human. We have a small faith. We trust ourselves more than God. The spiritual danger here is being disobedient and spiritual death. I have trouble understanding God's will and how to follow God and listen to the confirmation of other Christians. I guess I have never done or have needed to do this. Can someone give me an example of this? I have always just accepted the will of God after it has happened to me. Glenn
  3. 1 God says the army is too large. He wants the army so small that only He will get the glory for the victory. Otherwise the army and Israel will be able to say they delivered themselves. 2 Only by a miraculous deliverance would the faith of the people be renewed. 3 Gideon would feel the pressure of looking foolish, being embarrassed in front of everyone. He would feel the pressure of being a wise leader. 4 Gideon had heard God and seen God prove Himself. So he trusted and obeyed God. Glenn
  4. Joash has not been a leader for God. He owned the land on which these idols were set up. Although maybe he had just compromised with those around him, he was not a leader for God. What Gideon did put his father and family in danger. Gideon probably did consider this but he obeyed God anyway. Joash was now a follower of God because he defended his son and and told his neighbors the truth about Baal. Glenn
  5. I think it is possible to be a disobedient disciple for a time. None of us is perfect. But this should not be used as an excuse for disobedience. Let he who stands beware lest he fall. Gideon had choices. We all have choices. God gave us a free will and it stays with us after conversion. Glenn
  6. In a situation like this one where your mother or father are supporting something contrary to God or sinning a son or daughter should show them no disrespect but obey God instead. Gideon's justification for his actions is that God told him what to do. We should obey God rather than men. Glenn
  7. God tells Gideon to tear down the symbols of idol worship to establish his allegiance to the Almighty God of Israel. In their place he burns a sacrifice on a new altar in honor and worship to God. He uses the wood from the pole and Baal altar to burn this sacrifice to God. The risks are getting caught and getting killed. I think Gideon did this at night because he knew he would be seen and stopped. At first sight this night mission seems to be a sign of weakness instead of faith. But I consider doing it at all an act of faith, a mustard seed of faith that will grow. Glenn
  8. The Lord God promises Gideon that He will be with him. Jesus promised that He would send another Comforter, the Holy Spirit. God is in us. Lord, help me examine myself when I have trouble. Help me see where I am in relation to You. Help me see myself as you see me. Glenn
  9. God saw Gideon as a "mighty warrior." Gideon saw himself as the weakest member of the weakest family in the weakest tribe of Israel.. In human terms Gideon was right but by faith God was right. Our perceptions of ourselves can make us hopeless. That nothing, that we will never change. Glenn
  10. The reason for the oppression of Israel was that they worshipped the gods of the people of the land they had been given by God. They broke the commandment; "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." They had been worshipping the gods of the Amorites. We as Christians today should put the Lord first in our hearts. Glenn
  11. Gideon says the Lord has abandoned his people. This is not an accurate assessment because they abandoned the Lord. We blame God so we don't have to blame ourselves. The danger of blaming God is that we won't see our own condition and we will center suffer the consequences of it. We can stop short of it by examining ourselves when we experience trouble. Glenn
  12. Hello my name is Glenn Bohlander. I live in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I am involved with a Calvary Chapel Fellowship church, Grace Fellowship in Tunkhannock, PA. This is my first online Bible study. I'm fascinated by having so many people from different countries in this study.
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