Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? My response in each trial has varied to some degree but each trial has left me with a testimony of victory through Christ. I've learnt more than ever the faithfulness of God. I've also learnt more about myself and the distance I'm yet to traverse for perfection. Though I hate trials I love the testimony they produce which empowers me.
Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Altogether, No! I have not let the enemy destroy me through my trials BUT I have not always responded right. There were times when I succumbed or spoke or reacted in a way that did not glorify Our Father or dignify me.
Or allowed God to refine you? I'm not sure to the extent I have allowed this. In retrospect of a trial I have my faith reinforced in the faithfulness of God. There are some trials where it's not difficult for me to trust My Father. There are others that are more difficult, yet I hold on in faithfulness to Him. Since a message I heard early this year or last year, I'm now newly poised: Jesus must find faith in me when He comes.
How have you changed? As I said above, I have greater faith in certain trials than others. For those where I have more faith I continue in full expectation of deliverance. In others, I pray for God's mercy and faithfulness to deliver, though the resonance of faith may not be strongly pressent in my heart. I've learnt in either case to confess the word of Faith and expect results accordingly. I'm still long way off but I am growing in the right direction.