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Roberta's Achievements

Advanced Member (3/3)
Q4 Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for others? We have the same power and hope and riches as Christ did if we have Christ living in the through us. We can use this power as we chose. Sometimes fear gets in the way and we don't develop faith like we should. But, when Christ rules our lives we can have faith to believe such power. We develop this faith by reading his word, obeying his wod, and allowing the eyes of our heart to be fill with his love, to share it with others we come in contact with. We can pray for others each day that the eyes of their heart will be open and listen to what we are saying to them.
Q3, What is the result in prayer and faith if believers think that God is poverity-stricken? How does knowledge of a "glorious inheritance" motivate our lives? Our prayers? How can you pray for others to glimpse this inheritance? God is not poverity-stricken, He is glorious and full of abundance in ones life. We are motivated by our inner awearness. The "Hope" We are motivated by the hope that is in us. In the Message I like it best. "But I do more that thak. I ask--ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of Glory--to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing hom personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what is is he is calling you to do. grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for Christians, oh the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him--endless, energy, boundless strength. "
Q2 How has your Christian "hope" changed your way of living? What is the result of Christians with only a meager or minute hope? How would you pray for hope to be bore in others? It turned my life from ashes to beauty! They live a life of depair, and no hope. I would pray that the Lord will open the eyes of one's heart to see the world we live in turn from ashes to beauty. We need to be praying for a broken and fallen world all around us, in the lives of those around us no matter where they are from.
Q3. When Jesus prayed "not my will, but yours be done," was the father pleased. Yes He was seeking He was seeking obediance to do the Father's will. Why is the Father not pleased when we are passive and uncaring and dispassionate in our prayers that his will be done? What is required for us to pay the prayer of submission with authenticity? We need to have total surrender to the Lord, and be obedient to what he wants for our lives, not what we want.
Q2. Intensity
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Jesus' Prayer of Submission at Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46)
Q2 Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Mathew, Jesus repeat this prayer three time. What was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he? The cup was the suffering and seperation. The cup he spoke of means the terrible agony he knew he would endure- not only the horror of the circufixion but, enve worse, the total seperation from God he would have to experiece in order to dir for the world's sins. While praying, Jesus was aware of what doing the Falther's will cost him. He understood the suffering he was about to encounter and he did not want to have to endure the horrible experience. But Christ prayed "I want you will, not mine." He was showing his humanity in the garden. Anything worth having cost something. Be wuilling to pay the praice to have something worthwhile in the end. -
Q1 Why did he ask his disciples to pray? That they would not be overcome by temptation. What temptation did Jesus know they would be facing? Because he knew he would soon be leaving the. He also knew they would need extra strength to face the temtations ahead -temtations to run away, or to deny their relationship with him. Also, they were about to see him die- would they still think he was the Messiah? Their strongest temtation would be to think they had been decieved. What was the content of their prayer to be? To follow Jesus Did they actually pray this prayer diligently? Not hardly. How does the Lord's prayer word this kid of prayer? Lead us not into temtation but deliver us from evil. Why do you think Jesus wanted to be alone during his own prayer? To talk to his Father and have solitude .
Q3. Strategic Placement
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
Q3 Nehemiahwas in a unique position to speak to the king. He was the trusted cupbearer who ensured the saftey and quality of the the king's food and drink. Nehemiah was concerned, prayerful, and prepared as he looked for the righ opportunity to tell the king about God's peopl;e. Each of us is unique and capable of serving no matter what our position. Just as Nehemiah used his place as the king;s truted servant to intercede for his people, we can use our present positions to serve God. I live in an area where there are not too many Christians that I come in contact with. Yet, I know that God has placed me here to serve others who are not Christians and this way I can share the true meaning of Jesus Christ and the gospel to them when the door opens for me. fer -
Q2. Basis of Appeal
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
Q2 1: (7-11) What is the basis of Nehemiah's appeal? How does he argue his case before God? What do we learn from this about intercession? Nehemiah prayed and expressed his sorrow for Isreal's sin and his desire that Jeruselum would again return and to woship the one true God. He recognized God's holiness. Asked for specific help in approaching the King. We learn from intercession, Prepared Nehemiah's heart and gave God room to rook. He put the expected results in God's hands. -
Q1. Prayer and Mourning
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
Q1 Why does Nehemiah pray day and night for four months? Why doe he fast and weep? Isn't that excessive? He wanted to return to Jerusalem to reunite the Jews and to remove the shame of Jerusalem's broken-down walls. This would bring glory to God and restore the reality and power of God's preesence among his people. Nehemiah prayed and fasted for several days, expressing his sorrow for Israel's sin and his desire that Jerusalem again come alive with worship of the one true God. Nehemiah demostrates the elements of effective prayer. (1) praise (2)thanksgiving (3) repentance (4) specific request and (5) commitment. No it isn't excessive? Heartfelt praers like Nehemiash's can help clarify any proble you may be facing, though God's great power. By the end of his prayer time Nehmiah knew what action he had to take. -
Q2. Preparation
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Daniel's Confession on Behalf of His People (Daniel 9:1-19)
He prayed, he fasted, confessed his sins, and pleased that God would revel his will. He prayed with complete surrender to God and with complete openness tp wjat God was saying to him. When we pray we must examine our attitude. We must talk to God with openess, vulnerability and honesty. -
Q1 What ecourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveneness and restoration of Isreal to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass? Daniel pleaded with God to bring about the promished return of his people to thier land. The prophet Jeremiah had written that God would not allow the captivds to return to their land for 70 years (Jermiah 25:11, 12, 29:10)a Daniel had read this prophecy and kew that this 70 year period was coming to an end. Daniel knew just how to prayHe had read God's words and believed them. As he prayed he fasted, confessed his sins, and pleaded that God would revel his will. He prayed with complete surrender to God and with complete openness to what God was saying to him.
Q4. The Prayer of Surrender
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Q4 139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer? Because sometimes we want to have one foot on the shore and one foot in the boat. As we push off we are hesitate to let go and let God control our lives in complete surrender. It is a control issue at least it was for me. I wanted to have the control. But once I let go and let God take over control and kept my hands off the control my life become so much more fullfilling. If fact it wasn't too long after this that God called us to the Philippines to start a discipleship ministry. A person cannot be a genuine disciple unless he is willing to let go and surrender to God. -
Q3. Intricate Prenatal Weaving
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Q3 139:13-16 How does an awareness of God's involvement in you prental development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? That we are fearfully and wonderfully made and knit together in my mother's womb. Even before we were born God chose us. It is so amazing to think about it. God's character goes into the creation of every person. Sometimse it is so over whleming when you think about it. But God makes no mistakes and we just have to have the faith to believe that God makes us in his likeness. He knows the beginning and the end. We just have to believe. -
Q2. Touched by the Hand of God
Roberta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Q2 139:5,10 In verses 5 and 10 how does God's hand touch the ppsalmist? Have you ever felt God's hand on you in a special way? Was it for your good? What was it like God's hand is guiding and protecting the psalmist. I like what it says in The Message. If I climb to the sky, your're there! If I flew on mornings wings to the far western horizon, You'd find me in a minute your're already waiting! Yes, I have felt God's hand on me when my husband was diganose with Cancer and he was given 6 months to live. Through this he said in his word, way back in 1994 He spoke to me and my husband through and through the scriptures. Especially Psalm 139:13-16 in the Living Bible You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body, and knit them together in my mother's womb. Thank-you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous-and how well I know it. I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breath. Every day was recorded in your Book. Hallelujah! He never abandon's us or fail to help us through it all.