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Elwood C O'Dell

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About Elwood C O'Dell

  • Birthday 12/09/1940

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  1. Years ago someone said to me that faith was "Forsaking All I Take Him" - absolute trust in him at all times in every circumstance. It's trusting in the Lord with all my heart, leaning not to my own understanding, but in all ways acknowledging Him and letting Him direct my paths. It's coming to the point where I know that apart from Him I can do nothing, but with Him I can do all things, because He is the source of my strength and life.
  2. Paul's words are a great reminder to me that this old world is not my final home, I'm just a passing through, as the old song says, "my treasurers are laid up somewhere beyond the blue." When I die I will be in the presence of Jesus, and that just excites my imagination as to what in the world that will be like. It will sure beat anything this old world offers now. Then on that great day when he returns and the dead in Christ shall rise I'll find out for sure how it all worked out as far as the final body thing and the thought of dwelling with Him forever just adds to the thrill and excitement..
  3. Our bodies are but for a moment, temporary, places to dwell while we are here in this old world. We look forward to that day when we shall be changed and receive that which will be our permanent dwelling, body and be with HIM forever. Knowing this we should live each day as one, a citizen, representative, of the Heavenly Kingdom, as one who has this great promise and hope.
  4. Having served many years in the pastoral ministry I have seen the hurt, anguish, and division that unforgiveness can bring. The sad part of this is that it hurts not just one person but usually involves many and what could have been a loving, caring fellowship ends up anything but. The good news however is that when brought to the Lord, confessed seeking true forgiveness, God's grace is still more than sufficient to bring healing to those involved if they will allow Him to work through them and reach out to one another in His love.
  5. If the leader is truly a Christ centered servant leader, obedience will help foster a unity among the body. Here I remind myself I am speaking of unity in the body not uniformity where all are clones of the leader. Following a leader who is self centered, self-serving promotes factions, friction, and disunity in the body.
  6. To lord it over another would be to feel and project yourself as better than the other person. Making them feel inferior. As to a balance it would be good to remind ourselves as to what it is like to walk in the other person's shoes, to remember from whence we came, and to work at keeping the best for all involved in mind.
  7. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives signifies we belong to God, that we are set apart for His service, and He is our guarantee of what is to come. It is through Him that we know we belong to the Father and have the promise of our future inheritance.
  8. Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repent of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart? As far as people "adopting the Christian faith" it has nothing to do with becoming a Christian. Several verses of scripture come to my mind at this point but the following one really hits home. Act 2:38 And Peter said unto them, Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Having a sincere and Godly sorrow for ones sins, repenting of them, turning away from them, is necessary if we intend to walk with Christ. While walking in sin we walk in darkness and darkness and light have nothing in common. 2Co 6:14 Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness? Why do people avoid repentance? Because with sin in their heart they love the darkness. If they truly repent it calls for a radical, dynamic change inwardly that will result in changes in their life styles. Several verses again come to mind but listen to 1Jn 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in the darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
  9. Perhaps Paul singled out Archippus just to remind us that the church is made up of common ordinary people who need to be willing to step up and do what needs to be done for the sake of the kingdom. They must be willing to obediently do what God wants them to do even if it involves facing adversities.
  10. We are to be gracious and loving as we share our faith with non-believers. We sometimes let opportunities slip by simply because we allow the devil to make us believe that we are not capable to handle the situation or we simply have not learned how to be gracious and loving.
  11. Paul asks the Colossian believers will pray that God will open up opportunities for them to share the Word and help them to do it with clarity. To pray for an open door is to ask God for the opportunities to share the Word with others. I feel Paul asked for prayer in communicating the gospel so others would fully understand what He is sharing. Paul realizes he can
  12. Paul urges us to be persistent or really devoted to prayer, to be alert, and to be thankful when we come before God. I believe if one were to really work on these they would cause one to really be honest and sincere in their prayer life. They would help to correct sloppiness in our approach to God, they would help us to keep our mind from wandering, and help us not to take things for granted.
  13. Employers are to provide for their employees what is fair and right in God
  14. As an employee we owe our employer the best work we are capable of even if we have to work under one whom we would consider a poor boss. All our work is to be done in such a way as to bring honor, glory and praise to the Lord. I honestly believe if those who claim to really be Christian would approach their job as an area of ministry in which the Lord has them, and gave it their best it could very well transform many a working situation.
  15. If a child learns to obey those over them at home, it will help them to submit or obey to those who have authority over them in their everyday walk of life. (ex: at school, work, military, etc.) This same obedience applies in areas of one
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