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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Elwood C O'Dell

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Everything posted by Elwood C O'Dell

  1. Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? We are a child of God because he has sent His Spirit into our heart to bring us to new life. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? The Holy Spirit testifies to us that we are God
  2. Q4. (1 John 2:24-28) What does it mean to abide/remain/continue in Jesus? To remain true to that which you know about Him to be the truth. Not to wander from the truth of His teachings. To rest in HIM, knowing He is working all things together for the good of them who love the Lord. Give an example of what a Christian might be doing who is "abiding" in Jesus. He might stand true on an issue while others are accepting the teaching of those which is contrary to the Word of God. One who is abiding is at rest and peace knowing God is in control in all situations. What are symptoms in a Christian who is not "abiding" in Jesus? They tend to drift from the truth of the faith. Some may try and incorporate other forms of doctrine and teaching into Christianity. They are not totally resting or trusting in HIM during life
  3. Paul really needed Timothy to come before winter in order that his travel (Timothy
  4. When trusted friends desert it is like sapping the wind out of the sails of a ship. It
  5. Paul was engaged in the grand race of life and now knows that he is coming to the end of it. His departure is at hand and he has been faithful in the race and now if going to hand it over to others to carry it on.
  6. Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5) Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"? He wants Timothy to be sure to do all the ministry that God has called or set out for him to do. To give himself afresh and anew to that which the Master expects of him. What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do? I like what Dr. Wilson said regarding this.
  7. Q3. (2 Timothy 4:1-2) Why do you think Paul has to resort to the command in verses 1-2? I feel that Paul might have felt a deep urgency in his breast regarding Christ
  8. Q2. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) In what ways does Scripture equip a Christian for ministry? It equips them to be fully prepared for any demands that they will face. In what different ways can the Scriptures function, according to verse 16? Teaching, rebuking, instructions and training in righteousness.
  9. Q1. (2 Timothy 3:16) What does inspiration of Scripture mean? It
  10. Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? If one intends to follow Christ as a Christian, the truth of the matter is that somewhere, sometime, in some way you will face persecution. If we are unwilling to deal with this, realize and accept the truth of the situation, and take our stand for Him during it, then our witness to others will falter. Our witness is the greatest when we remain true to him during the adverse times of life and persecution. Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? To take up his cross is to simply walk as Christ would walk in every situation which we encounter on a daily basis. Walking as He would walk, doing as He would do, speaking as He would speak even during the adversities of life, which very well could contain persecution. Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? He could very well be talking about persecution when referring to the cross. If you are a Christian it will happen.
  11. Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite? It seems to be easy to become a hypocrite, a play actor, when we lose the keen edge off our relationship with the Master. When we become lovers of other things more than of Him and we have to put on a face to cover up for the truth. How can we prevent our faith from degenerating into "a form of religion" without the power? By keeping our experience with Him up to date through our fellowship with Him in prayer and study of His word. By carefully guarding our heart to be sure that He alone occupies the center of our love. By disciplining ourselves to stay away from those things which we know would call for compromise on our part and lead us away from Him.
  12. Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. One who corrects another must be kind / gentle, using skill and finesse, not resentful but patient and tolerant, setting aside their own ego, not trying to verbally beat the other person into agreeing with them but allowing God to do the convicting and convincing, trusting that the Holy Spirit is working through the word one teaches to bring about the change which is necessary. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? The lack of any of these takes the focus off of God and puts it back on self. Self centeredness can never accomplish the teaching which is needed.
  13. Q1. (2 Timothy 2:20-22). When do you put your good plates and silverware on the table? When do you use your everyday tableware? Good plates when special company comes or I want to make some kind of impression on the guests I am serving. What point is Paul making with this example? That we all have things that we cherish more than others. In practical terms, how do we "cleanse ourselves" so that we might be useful and ready for the Lord's use? We discipline ourselves to turn away from that which we know is not pleasing to God and we choose to go after that which we know if pleasing to Him.
  14. In preparing to preach / teach the Word, Timothy is to prepare himself just as thoroughly and adequately as a skilled craftsmen would in order to do his trade correctly. The same idea applies to we today who would share the Word of God with others. We must spend time in His Word, studying, applying the Word to our own lives in order that we might show ourselves approved unto Him as those who would desire to correctly share the Word with others.
  15. If they want to succeed in reaching the goal or prize they have set before them, then they must be willing to make the necessary sacrifices and endure the hardships or discomforts that line the journey. Having run races of various distances up to and including a marathon, I find that the illustration of the athlete really speaks to me at this point.
  16. Q2. Why do you think our churches tend not to declare the call to endurance and suffering? Humanly speaking people just plain don
  17. Q1. (2 Timothy 2:2) Why is it important for pastors and church leaders to execute a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in a congregation? If you intend to pass on to future generations
  18. Paul knows in whom he has put his trust
  19. Paul is reminding Timothy all he is, all he hopes to be, all he has is tied up in the Good News of God
  20. There is no doubt in my mind that over the some 40+ years that I have walked with the Lord there have been times when situations in life over whelmed me and I was not the witness for the Master I could have or should have been. Oh how we wanted to
  21. Spend time in the presence of God seeking as to whether or not He wants to rekindle the gift in and through you. Was this to be a permanent gift or one that He allowed you to have for a certain period of time and situation? If God so desires to rekindle the gift one must be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through them. It requires a full release of oneself to Him so that He might restore that which has lapsed.
  22. We need to remember that change comes.
  23. I really appreciate what Dr. Wilson had to say in this area. The best things we can do are to
  24. Perhaps the love for money grows when we fall in the thinking trap of Rockefeller
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