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Everything posted by ekila
Q4. Adoption
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Man was separated from God because of Sin. Christ has bridged gap so that we may be restored the sonship and eternal life. Christ is the true son, and in him we are adopted as children of God. What a Demonstration of love. Truly God is love, his nature is love. Thank father for your love for me, as demonstrated on the cross. -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Only in Christ cane be blameless in the sight of God. Our God is all knowing and knows our stature our maker knows each of us by design, therefore it only in Christ, that we can achieve our status as being blameless. He is the way, the truth and the life. He has carried our blame on the cross. Thank you Jesus. -
Q2. Predestination
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
We have be predestined to sons of God, in christ. Once we accept Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour, It is the manifestation of our predestination in Christ. We have been created for his purpose, how-ever man fell short of the Glory of God, through sin. Our acceptance of Christ as our Lord and saviour reaffirms our predestination in Christ. This is only prossible by accepting Christ. -
Q1. In Christ
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
That it is no longer me, I achieve all things in christ who is in me. -
Q4. Laying Down Voluntarily
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. My Body Given for You (Luke 22:19b)
Christ layed down his life for us. The least we can do is to do Good to others; regardless of colour; or status. It also inspires me to endure hardships for the benefit of a vast majority people in my community or society. Amen. -
Death had to be physcally realised in Order to signify that sin has been put to death. His ressurrection from the dead realises that the power of death was destroyed and also signifies everlasting life to the children of God. It also show the physical beings that he has power over death.
Q1. Cup of Lord, Cup of Demons
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Being Sharers in the Sacrifice
You cannot have two masters. You are either on Gods, side or the other side. -
Q4. Proclaiming Christ's Death
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Remembering and Proclaiming His Death
Proclaimation of Faith, that Christ has died, christ has risen, Christ will come Again. Amen -
We are Christians because we believe that Jesus Christ is the son Of God, who died and rose from the dead. He died to save us from the power of death, that mankind might have eternal life. This must be remembered at all times, in order that we remain united with God, in Christ Jesus. Amen
Q2. The Passover Feast
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Remembering and Proclaiming His Death
To remember the Lords Passover. When he spared the homes of the Israelites, and struck down the fisrt born of the Egyptians man and beast. What-ever the Lord has commaded must be followed. Otherwise failing to do so would anger God. -
When repeated often, doesn't the Lord's Supper run the risk of becoming mundane and lose its meaning? Why did Jesus command its repetition? This is a holy act and must be guided with the help of the holy spirit. In this way we stick to what the Lord has commanded. It must not loose its value.
Q4. Spiritual Meaning
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
Eating the Bread (Body)and Drinking(the Blood) - Symbolic's of nourishment and sustenance. Being connected to Christ through the act of communion. Clinging on to Christ for his love is enduring. Christ is the rock. In the Cleft of this rock I shall hide; from the perils and toils of the world today. Help me O lord. Hide me in the Cleft of the Rock. Thank you Lord. Amen -
Q3. Teaching the Atonement
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
"Given" He has given up his life as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins "Broken" Broken for my sake. "Poured out" "The blood that which was blood shed for (the benefit of) many. "Forgiveness" Set us free from the captivity of sin. It means, "the act of freeing from an obligation, guilt, or punishment, pardon, cancellation." -
Q3. Teaching the Atonement
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
When we are taking the Holy Communion. The act of " Eating the Bread " the Body of Christ - And Drinking the wine " The Blood Of Christ. -
Q2. Extreme Symbolism
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
Its therefore of utmost and absolute importance to let the Holy Spirit guide us in what we say, in our thoughts and what we confess as to what our thoughts are. Pray that such discussions do not become a means of academic debates but a spirit led forum for us to encourage each other to understand the love of God for mankind. Thank you Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, help us, counsel us and comfort us. Amen -
Q1. Intimacy
ekila replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
My understanding is that the Body and blood are a figurative representations and are things of the spirit which must be seen and revealed to us by his holy Spirit. The blood of the new covenant is the replacement of animal blood offering which has been replaced by Jesus Christs own blood as an offering to God. Eating and drinking of the Body and blood of Jesus, speaks of word of God. Our spirit must feed on the word of God to develop and Grow and thereby be revealed the inner thoughts and secrets of God. The ultimate sacrifice that was offered by way his body and blood makes us one with him. By Accepting his body and blood as the true and ultimate sacrifice for the Forgiveness of our sins so that we might have eternal life, and become one with christ Jesus. -
God must be praised often; and praised beyond the ordinary. Congregations must be encouraged to lift their level of praise and God only knows the amount of Glory he gets from our efforts. God deserves more glory; we must seek his strength and the holy spirit fire be upon to discharge the praises to God. David danced liked mad praising; we should also praise God in the same spirit.
Paul Prays for the believers to exprience the full extent of Christ Love so that they may come to know the love of Christ for them. Comprehending this love can change a persons Spritual life as it increase the Love, trust and faith in ones life. There can be no end to the love of Christ for a person. This was clearly demonstrated by his death. That he had given his life for the love of mankind. That he might have eternal life.
Q3. (1:18) What is the result in prayer and faith if believers think that God is poverty-stricken? No one in his or her right mind would think that God is Poverty stricken. He is a God of abundance. People pray according to their needs and are confined to a need basis. I guess it is a matter of your condition when praying. Gaining strength from the Lord in times of sittuations and storms so that your views of the Father are not blurred and that you pray with a sound mind knowing that he is a God who's love is so enduring. Have Faith and be strong and confident in the Lord. Let his spirit be our Guide and consellor so that we do not pray prayers of limitation to our God. Amen How does knowledge of a "glorious inheritance" motivate our lives? Often times men is so bogged down with the earthly struggles and sometimes the thought of the glorious inheritance does not occur at all. Only when when takes times and prayers in spirit and in truth that truth shall be manifested through revelations of the Holy Spirit. Be still and know that I am the LOrd he, says to us. Peace of the mind and the spirit are to to be pursued so that you are not disillisioned and caused to pray hasty prayers under pressure. Our prayers? How can you pray for others to glimpse this inheritance? Prayer that others can be blessed with peace and trust the Lord for he is good and will always keep his promise. Pray that an abundance of peace be upon others so that they do not digress and pray randomly. Pray that others can be reminded to pray ceasely for strenght and courage to endure.
How has your Christian "hope" changed your way of living? I was living in a world with no sense of direction, hope has led me to find purpose and a sense of direction, responsibility towards family and those around. Appreciate the loved ones. What is the result of Christians with only a meager or minute hope? They panic when sittuations arise. And also arent sure of what to do in times of sittuations. How would you pray for hope to be borne in others? Lord given to them that hope, peace and love within you so that you children may find peace and purpose in life. Thank you Lord. Amen
Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? [I]Paul prays intercessory prayers, for insight, inner strength, and love for the believers, for the purpose that they will comprehend/understand truth, know God better, and be filled to overflowing with God. Paul prayed for the believers to have a breakthrough in their comprehension and understanding of what it's all about. Paul prays that their lives will be filled with God - which is another way to say "know him" and have "Christ dwell in your hearts." If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Not unless it is in the plan of the maker, God the most high. Paul himself is a classic example of such. As a perscutor, I am sure the believers were not praying for Pauls conversion. Would God work in them at all? [/i]That is Gods own perogative. He decides. In his due time and process. Man cannot pre-empt the workings of God. Faith moves God. The volume does not matter as even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. How important is this kind of prayer? Prayers of this nature are important as continued and persistant prayers are like adding constant prompts and reminders that, something must be done or acted upon or needs attention.