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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

John Gilbert

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Everything posted by John Gilbert

  1. Being the humans we are. we sin daily. We fail to honour Him. We fail to seek first His kingdom and right ways. We fail to do His will, preferring to do our own will. We fail to love those around us in the ways in which we love ourselves. A commandment of God is to love our neighbor. In order to receive His wonderful mercy and forgiveness, we must reflect the same in our daily dealing with those around us. If we are unable to forgive others, our hardness will prevent us from accepting God's forgiveness.
  2. We are asking that God's plan for the universe will be established and that all things will work toward the advancement of his kingdom. When we begin to ask for our own needs, we must remember to defer all specifics and outcomes to God's will, for he along can see around corners. Our focus should be on God's and not our own
  3. We are taught to honour the name of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the king of the universe, the great 'I Am' who is and always will be Lord and redeemer. If we do not have a high regard for people, we simply take no notice of them. We are not interested in their opinion or advice. In practice, many of us behave just like this towards God. We ignore him, we fail to honour the God in whose hand is our very breath. In all of our decisions, we should seek his advise. We should have a longing to please him in all that we do and say. We should honour Him with our entire way of life.
  4. Hello everyone. My name is John. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and this is also my first online Bible Study. I'm 60 years old but never too old to learn more about prayer. Am looking forward to the study and learning along with you.
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