Your kingdom come," we are asking God to manifest the power and glory of his kingdom in us, and throughout our world. What a prayer! We are praying that Christ might reign over all. We are also asking the Father to hasten the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. Amen!
When we pray "Your kingdom come" we are asking Him to manifest Jesus through us - by doing the things that Jesus did - in His name - that Christ might reign over all. It is not us, but Christ in us. We are asking Him to hasten the return of Jesus to this earth so that His kingdom will come fully and completely, no more pain, no more tears, no more suffering, no more sorrow.
So many times I want to step in and have "my will be done" instead of seeking God's will. His timing is not my timing and His ways are not my ways. If I seek His will through prayer and through understanding His Word, then I can pray according to His will.
This prayer should affect our living by helping us to rely fully on Him and learning to trust Him in the most difficult of circumstances.