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Everything posted by godsanointed523
In psalm 95 we are commanded to worship the Lord. What are the reasons why we should worship contained in this psalm? Why do you think the warning in verses 8-11 is included in this psalm? How does this fit with the earlier elements of the psalm? we worship and we bow down because the people recognize God's ownership over our lives.In verses 8-11 we see that there is a warning because the way we live our lives can compromise our worship to him,not only with our mouths can we worship but also with our full hearts in the obedience to God. The earlier elements of the psalm had contained shouting and giving thanksgiving to the Lord and all the people gathered together.
What does this psalm teach us about the praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it aloud? That praise is nonstop it has an beginning adn it continues throughout,the praise should occur in the holy place or even in our homes when we pray. Praise should be conducted through our minds out of our mouths but also through instrunments such as the tamborine,harp,the trumphet,etc. Everyone that has breath should be able to praise the Lord when they accept the salvation of the Lord plus through the Word of God. With the praising of the Lord it is an act of power,surpassing in greatness.When i have read this psalm it has made me feel like i want to always praise the Lord for the goodness that he stands for.
Q2. Psalm 15
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us.How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children?What topics of right living does it cover? first thing that it does teach us is how to walk blameless before the Lord,being righteous and walking always in the truth before the Lord.The second thing we can learn from the Psalm is to not gossip about others or bring slander to our family and friends in the world or in the Church.The third thing we should teach to our children is honor the Lord and to also love and pray for those who want to hurt you or see you down.To love our enemies as ourselves is what Jesus taught to his disciples in the Gospel accounts.Keeping one's word when we are going to do something like an event or other special things.The last but very important thing that we should teach our children is to not have love for money cause it can cause all kinds of evil in our lives and those around us.The right living that we are taught is that we are always to walk before the Lord in an upright and rightoeus living,walking and living the truth of God wherever we go. -
Q1. Psalm 1
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know:the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish.Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint,what lines in this psalm stand out to you.Why do you think you like them? We need to be reminded that God is always protecting us and He does watch over us,the wicked will perish eventually even though it seems like they are in victory right now.The first and the second lines are very powerful and are moving in the heart because we are blessed when we follow the Lord plus follow his laws day and night.WE should not want to go back to the way we were before we accepted salvation from the Lord,to me it shows that i want to keep following the Lord cause then i will be blessed by my father. -
What is the psalmist feeling during this spirtual struggle?How does he combat his spirtual depression?HAve you ever felt this way?How did you reach out to God at this time? He is feeling depressed and in great anguish in his soul cause in the verses he uses thirst and many phrases that are what he is struggling with spirtually.He is self talking to himself to remeber the hope that is in Christ Jesus also he is singing and praying out to the Lord hoping that He will come and rescue the Psalmist.There are times where i have felt despair,confused and full of anguish over the things that are happening in my life but i tend to seek the Lord and plead with Him where in return he shows me that He does hear me adn loves me.At the times that i do feel negative and at times like all by myself i go to the Lord and pray or even mediate on Him,seeking him in the Word adn i know that He answers me even in church with other member He can use them to give me the courage to keep walking in His ways
What does it mean that David desires to dwell in the house of the Lord?What does it mean to seek his face?How does David provide hope at the end of this Psalm? He means that He wants to be closer to the Lord because in the church he wants to seek and pray to the Lord. To seek the face of the Lord is to really want to be face to face like in prayer and in the Word of the Lord because David was confident in the Lord.David provides the hope to us at the end of the Psalm by saying to Wait on the Lord and to be of Good courage cause he will give us the desires of the heart that we have.
Q2. Psalm 19
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Psalms: Marveling at God's Creation
the first part has to do with the written word of God and in the second part has to do with the laws that God has and had given to each of us.The psalmist seem to bask in God's Word by meditating in what his sins were and how He sees the glory of God,yes in ways i have felt that way cause I want to be closer to the Lord in so many different ways.The wonder of creation is that it is pleasing and acceptable to the Psalmist that God has done this,it is a marvelous and wonderful experience,it is a humbling experience and we can pray with a pure heart.In verse 14,what David is asking for is that may his Words adn the mediation of his heart be acceptable to Christ in His sight.He prays that may his words each day on on the inside of his heart which God only sees be corrected and right so God may see -
Q1. Psalm 8
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Psalms: Marveling at God's Creation
What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? WHat does it teach about our responsiblities? this psalm teaches us about God that He created the creation of all the heavens and even all the earth,he created everything that we have.He wants to include us in all this glory and in all of His plans.What this psalm teaches us as human beings is that we are weak and we can become enemies of Christ if we are not in His plan and have that relationship with Him.We are like infants and children that are frail and then we can be taken care of by the Father and Christ the Son.What the psalm teaches about Christ is that He took on the sacrifice by becoming human and paying the price at the Cross on Calvary.What it teaches us about our responsiblites is that we are to have perspective and passion in the things that God has put into our lives and in our hands too -
The first element of faith is belief in God's existence.Why is the second element just as essential to true faith?What does it mean to seek God?What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? The second element was that we are to be real with God,approach Him with an open heart to believe that He does exist.It matters very much that we do believe in the faith that we have in God cause when there are non believers,they are only thinking of themselves and not about God at all so when we do really seek Him out then we are awarded.WE are awarded cause we are looking for Him in Spirit and in Truth,praying and searchin the Word for his answers then when we seek for Him and knock on the Door He will open it.Anyone who asks in faith will recieve the promises of God
Q1. The Nature of Faith
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Let Us Believe: Nature of Faith (11:1-6, 11)
How would you put in your own words what faith is and does? Faith is something that i cannot see but i know it is there like His glory fills me each day,his Holy Spirit guides me in all that i do.When i pray to Him i know that He is listening to me cause He can have me feel that he is comforting me or a petition that im making is like a no feeling but He reveals his answers through others or through the Word of God.Faith has us believe that the spirtual is possible when we feel it is not possible to do so or we can think somethin and it comes to be because God heard us. -
What should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? the reason for us coming together is that we motivate each other in love and in good deeds,we encourage one another in the Word and to pray for one another.We are to love our neighbor as we love ourself cause that is what god says in the bible.We are not to give up on fellowship with others because it keeps us on the path of righteousness.Christians we tend to leave or we go because it meets our own needs or we say what can God do for me but we are to go because it helps our relationship with God grow daily
How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in the Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus crucifixtion? Why is our access to God called a New and Living way? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? In the Old testament the veil had been located in the tabernacle to seprate the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place because the ark of the convenant was located there plus it represented god's throne.The veil that was ripped in two represented that Jesus had died so that there could be a sepration between God and Man.It symbolized that the Lord's life was presented in two forms the righteous for the unrighteuos.It is called a new and living way because that did not exist in human form and Jesus had opened that path through his sacrificing for our sins and living because he was resurrected and he is the living Savior of our lives,He can make intercession for us
In what sense does Jesus serve as the Mediator?In what sense is Jesus a random for sin? He serves as the Mediator because He took us as humans and His Father bringing us together in unity.He made it possible for us and the Father to have that relationship through faith and the ransom that the Son made on the cross.Jesus is a ransom for our sins because He died on the cross so He can buy us from the sins of the world so we can be free to have that marvelous relationship with Him.Jesus became the mediator also so that we can recieve the eternal promise of reaching the glorious kingdom of heaven
WHy did the Old Convenant fail?What are the primary promises of the New Convenant as prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-34? The Old Convenant had failed cause the people let their own desires and their weaknesses got the best of them.The sinful nature had caught up to the people of Israel in the Wilderness but know the promises of the New Convenant is that God's laws are now in the heart of each believer.The second promise is that God will be with them and they can be with Him as well,and the other promise is that we can know the Lord personally through the power of His Holy Spirit and the Word of God.The last promise is that we will be forgiven for our sins when we are truly repentant of it
In what sense is Jesus the mediator of a new convenant? What did he do to mediate this? Jesus came to die on the cross for our sins that was why God sent His only son so like that we can understand and love one another,the convenant is that we are to follow and obey the Word which Jesus and the Holy Spirit wrote in the apostles and disciples.He taught us that the only way to Him is that we are to give up our sinful life and take up our crosses and follow after Him.He lets us know everyday with signs,by the Holy Spirit,and him talking to us in the Holy Word.
What is apostasy? Why is it impossible from a practical standpoint to restore apostates to Christian faith and practice? What point was Jesus making in his Parable of the Sower? What is Jesus point of the Parable of the Tares and Weeds? Apostasy means to fall away from the Lord,to arrive at a state of the heart and life where we can longer repent. From a practical standpoint it means that we have put Jesus at a public disgrace over Him dying on the cross.People are placed in the same line as those who had said to crucify Him,from a person who has no Savior think that there is no salvation for those who have turned away from the Lord.The point Jesus was making in the Parable of the Sower was there was seeds going in the stony places,by the wayside,and among thorns while others fell on the good ground.What it means is that there are those who seeds fell on the wayside is the ones that hear the Word but dont understand it the wicked one comes and takes it away. The ones that recieve the Word on the stony places hear the Word and had recieved it with joy but they had no root so they went back to the world.The thorns are those who endure in the Word for only a little bit but when persecution comes they let it get to them.The parable of the Weeds and the Tares has to do with the Son of God and the Sons of the kingdom and the devil with his minions,The Son of Man will burn the Tares and all things that are lawlessness away from the sons of the Kingdom. THe point is that those who practice lawlessness at the Coming will be put to death and cast out from the Lord.Such as those who left the Lord and have made him a public disgrace
What difference,if any,would you find between the description in verses 4-5 and a spirit-filled Christian today? What is the writer's point in forming this description? There is no difference between then and now cause it is possible to fall away from the Lord once we have known the truth about God.Not everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved but we were enlightened,tasted the heavenly gifts,shared in the Holy Spirit,tasted the goodness of the goodness of the Word,and have experienced the powers and the miracles of the Coming age so once we have had the light shine in our lives and we live then it is hard because God is going to come soon and the enemy is roaring against us,we agree to disagree in this area
Q1. Growing in Maturity
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Warnings Against Apostasy (Hebrews 5:11-6:12)
How does a person become mature in God's Word according to verse 14? What can you do to grow in maturity? the person that becomes mature in the Word is the one that wants to discern in the teachings of righteousness.The person who becomes mature is the one that wants to nourish their hearts,souls and spirits.What we can do to grow in maturity is to be trained,constant use,and to distinguish the Word of God in all the right ways through prayer and fasting also through the church as well. -
He shared in our weakness by become human and He was tempted in many ways but without sin,while we do sin and at times fall short of the Glory of God.Jesus was tempted in the fourty days and fourty nights that He was in the desert after He was baptized and when He was the in the Garden of Gethsamane before he was to be betrayed by Judas.I think his temptations were harder cause He was without sin and He had to be a certain way or else i dont think we would be here right now,He had to be a role model and our only Savior and that was a blessing and i think a curse at the same time.I dont think he or we have had any differences in the temptations it is all the same.IT comforts us that He is there cause He understands what kinds of temptations that we go through but He is not going to give us something that we cannot bear.
What is so important about holding fast to our confession.What is our confession or proffesion of faith?Why is maintaining this confession so vital? We need to hold fast because of the fact that we have Jesus and there were many prophets who held on to the witness of Jesus.When we keep in our faith is when He will give us the Strength.Our profession of faith is that we hold on and have renewed strength in the Lord to do things for His Glory.It is important to have this confession cause it makes us stand out for the Lord in the fallen world.
Q2. Hardened by Sin
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
What is the importance of faith in our relationship with Christ?How does sin trick us?How does it harden us? What is the value of Christian fellowship to keep our faith strong? Faith in our relationship with the Lord helps us to hold on and be strong in the Lord,to have courage to overcome the enemy in various circumstances that we can encounter.Sin tricks us because it has that seduction and it makes us think that God does not see us so we still have a place with the Lord and that is not always the case.The value of Christian fellowship is that it helps us and encourages us in the walk with the Lord daily and we can go to them for spirtual advice in the Lord -
Q1. Holding On to Faith
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
We must hold on to Christ because just as the Son and Moses did they were faithful in their place of God's will.We continue in faith because we have our eyes on Jesus and the glorious heaven that we will enter upon death or when we are raptured.If we dont then we can lose our place in that future with the Lord. -
In what ways did "Christ taste death for everyone"? Why is this so dependent upon God's grace? If Christ died for your blackest and most stubborn sins,what are the implications for you? He tasted death by dying on the cross for our sins so we can have the salvation.We are dependent on God's grace because He is superior to all of us and His Holy Spirit so we can have the grace. When He died for the blackest of sins that means that we should be able to go to Him,to be able to go near to Him with everything.We are to not fear those who are around us and to follow after Christ in many ways
In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author,how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenonmon of drift in the Parable of the Sower? The author wanted the people to listen attentively to the words of the Lord and not be carried away to other popular opininons.We as Christians need to stay mature so we can be able to soak up what God is telling us,if we are not praying enough in the Lord then we can lose the gospel.The author wants us to hold on to the words of Christ cause they are the words of God himself.Jesus described drifting in various ways in the Parable of the Sower,we are as seeds and where we fall is how we accept the word in our hearts.When it falls on the wayside then we do not understand it and the enemy comes and takes it away from us,some seed fall on the stony places and it means that we only understand little and we quickly go back to the world,the seed among the thorns lets the cares of this world choke the person spirtual life,so we need to fall on the good ground and recieve the Word so we can be blessed