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Everything posted by godsanointed523
In verses 4 and 5,which words describe God's motivation and character?Which verb describes what has happened to us in Christ? He is loving and full of mercy is what is the basis of His character,The verb that may best describe what has happened to me in Christ is attainment of my salvation like reaching for the prize of my calling and inheritance.
How can people unwittingly follow Satan?In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God,in all fairness,blame us? It is very easy to be sucked into the world by satan,he makes everything seem like you can do whatever you want and still have that salvation.When we are christians who are following after God and we really want to seek GOd,the devil makes everything in the world so tempting that we want to fall.Sometimes, we can cause another to have rebellion against God by our actions or by our gossiping or complaining.I mean there are many factors that can cause our own person or others to go against GOd and Jesus.God could blame us by yelling at us through the Word of God or even in the Holy Spirit.We should pray when we do have problems or when we do something wrong to someone else that we are suppose to be helping
In what sense are our non-believing friends,neighbors,and relatives dead?What's the difference between us and them?If we really believed that they were dead and subject to God's wrath,what would we do? They are dead in the spirtual sense but not physically because of the fact that they live in the world.The difference between us and them is that we have a deep relationship with God and have accepted the Lord as savior of our lives.If i really believed that they were dead and that they were going to go through the wrath of God then i would try to help them see that God is the only one in their lives that can come and rescue them,to dwell in their lives.Convince them and even pray for their spirts and hearts to be touched by God for salvation.
If i knew that i was going to inherit 10 million dollars,i would plan what i can do with it.I would be blessed and happy,also trying not to be selfish.Our present day concerns should reflect on wanting to do good and lots of prayer for the things that are going on in the world.When we are in the presence of the Lord,we know that He is the one that gave us that salvation and is the giver of that inheritance that we are going to have when we are together in the heavens with the Lord.This inheritance that we are to recieve with our christian family,should help us grow in love towards them and motivate them if they are going to go down.It should affect us to want to do good and not evil.
What do we christians have to look forward to?How should this hope be a major motivation in our present day lives?How should this hope effect our decisions and our life style?How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We are looking to a future full of hope and of promises by God,when we have a calling it helps us to move foward to the future where God is in full control.This hope should help us to keep seeking God through everything that we are going through as christians cause we know that we have an inhertiance full of power and of love.This hopw should have us want to do good in front of God and to submit to what he leads in our hearts and souls.
Q8. Seal and Downpayment
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
These verses contain two analogies 1)seal and (2)downpayment,with the balance to be paid in a lump sum at the end of the term.When does the end of the term occur? The end of term occurs when the Lord comes to the earth to save us from ourselves and restore peace to the world.We are sealed with the power of the Holy Spirit and He pais our downpayment on the cross at calvary,when He became human to save us from sin. How would the Holy Spirit play a part in all of this,it is i think to prepare us and also to bring things to pass so like that it is possible for Him to come before the world kills itself. -
Q6. One Head
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
What is the significance that all things will ne brought under one head-Christ himself?How does this relate to the Creator?What does it say about unity? We are all part of Christ and we cannot be without Him in our lives.Christ was the one that came to the earth to die for us with his blood,he made everything possible including salvation.God was the one that created us to be in His will and in his purpose.The reason for all the unity and the redemption is to be able to attain that goal of eternal life in Heaven.Like it says in the Bible,we are all part of the body of Christ and we are all in Him,we cannot act alone or be independent cause then we can not function as His children. God will always be in control and we have a seal of Jesus,which is the Holy Spirit. -
Q4. Adoption
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Adoption is something that is precious and it shows the very essence of who God and Jesus are to others in the world.We were born into a world of darkness and sin but when we decided to accept the precious gift of salvation,we become the child of God.Jesus died so we can be able to have the opportunity to do the great things that he wants for us.The illustration of when we adopted a child because we cannot have babies or just because we have compassion for what is happening in the world shows God's love through us and that when we do come to love and have that beautiful salvation is us being adopted into eternity with God. -
Q2. Predestination
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Predestination is something that i believe God has all control over and i have nothing really to be scared of,cause God will let us know through his word and when we pray to Him.THe most comforting is that we are here for a reason and we all have a purpose and was chosen for a reason. Paul needed to give us encouragement and assurance about predestination and that we are all meant to be God's children. -
Q1. In Christ
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
What does it mean to me to be in Christ?What are the implications of it on my life? It means to have that oneness with God and to live in obedience to Him.I know that He was the one who gave his life for me on Calvary and i know that i belong to Him.The implications are that i want to live for Him and not try to disappoint Him cause of that great sacrifice that He made for me.I owe him so much and i want to be chosen and stay on His path always -
well when we self examine ourself,we should reflect on what God wants for us cause He died so that we can have the life that God wants for us.God loves us unconditionally and no matter what we do he is ready to forgive us.When we conduct a self examination and a self-judgement then in reality we are reflecting God and where we are that we should be at some point in our llives.Us looking for God and obeying Him is what God has always wanted,when Jesus was living he had always told his disciples to love God above all things and to love others the way that we love Him.Christ died,lives,and resurrected for us and that we can be Chist like in all that we do so when we do something wrong then we should be disciplined(self) in a healthy way by prayer and seeking the Word of God.
Q2. Judgment and Discipline
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
Why has God brought judgement to the offending parties of Corinth?Isnt sickness and death rather harsh? How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12(5-7)? The reason for his judgement upon them was because they were doing all kinds of immoralites in the house of God.God wanted them to sanctify themselves and to keep their bodies holy but instead they were doing the opposites.Sickness and death are harsh but God wanted to teach them that it is about following in His ways and to have obedience when he says something.God says things so like that we can have obedience to the way that they have chosen.He wants us to be able to live a holy life before him and when we do not follow his calling and do the things that are said in the Bible then it is when we will suffer the punishment. Sickness and death i feel are something but in times past it has been worse cause we can not disobey and not be expected to answer to God. God disciplines us cause he loves us.He is not doing it on purpose but because he wants what is best for us and our way of life.What would happen if our parents here do not discipline us when we do something wrong then we feel like we can keep doing it well it is the same thing with God,when we do not obey Him then there is some kind of punishment that has to be done so like that we learn fro our mistakes. -
Q1. Discerning the Body
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
Why does not discerning the Body at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin?Arent there worse things that a church could have done? To discern our bodies means that we have to be able to be prepared in all matters.We need or should have pur minds set on what we have done wrong and repent before we partake of the Lord's Supper.We need to be right in our thinking and to be the inmitaters of Christ and having the faith necessary to approach the Supper of the lord.When we do not discren what it is that we have done and we do not prepare ourselves then it can be a sin to take of the Lord's Supper when we eat and do not forgive or repent. There are worse things that the church can do but not be discerned in our spirits before we eat of the Lord's Supper then we are like the hypocrites. -
Past, Present, and Future
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Lord's Supper and the Great Banquet
In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past?How does it point to the present?How does it point to the future? The Lord's Supper points to the past because we remeber that he died for us on the Cross at Calvary.He had made the ultimate sacrifice so like that we can be able to attain forgiveness but most importantly to the future.It points to the present by us showing our love and our daily sacrifice to the world and enjoying the blessings that God has given to us.For the future it means that we are going to the Great Banquet of the Lord in the heavens to show the love and the appreciation. -
In what sense does the Lord's Supper find it's fullfillment in the Great Banquet at the end of age?What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table? The Lord's Supper is something that Jesus wanted us to partake in always to remeber what he has done for us in the Cross.With the Lord's Supper it leads into the Great Banquet that we are so anxiously awaiting because we are going to be in the awesome presence of God the Father and with the Savior himself who had said to do and to do it in remebrance of Him.When we do eat of the Lord's Supper then we have to remeber that we are going to be doing that and more when we reach the glorious presence of the Lord.
Why are so many of Jesus teachings oriented towards the future? What kind of associations come to mind as you think of the Great Banquet? He wants us to be aware that he is coming to fullfill the purposes of God for our life. It is to have the faith and the obedience necessary so we can be sober and vigilant at all times.We cannot be like the evil servant who had doubted and had not had the patience so he started to do everything evil in the sight of the Lord and others.The parables arekind of warnings to us to always remeber that one day we are either going to inherit the promises of the Lord or go and perish forever in hell. The Great Banquet to me is a reminder that one day we are going to be sitting in this big table with the Lord and the Father who has created us into His image.The Lord's Supper is a reminder of a bigger of what the Great Banquet will symbolize in the new heavens.
How does eatng the bread of life nourish our faith?Hoe does partaking of the Lord's Supper nourish and build our faith?What does the main point of the bread of life discourse have in common with "Do this in remebrance of me",in Jesus words of Institution? THe bread of life is a reminder that Jesus had died for our sins and he wanted the disciples to be united with Him in faith.THe Word of God is filled with passages that can give us the courage to move foward and to live like Christ.When we do eat of the Lord's Supper it is because we want to share God's love and feel Him within us as His children.When we do have of the Supper it is because we are remebering what Jesus had done with His disciples before he was going to die
Q2. Repairing Offences
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Cup of Blessing and the One Loaf
Reading in Mark 11:25 and in Matthew 5:23-24,how do these relate to Paul's teaching on the one loaf?What must we personally do to achieve unity to prepare ourselves to partake of the Lord's Supper righteously? It talks of forgiveness and of praying for one another so we can be able to be united together.And whenever you stand praying if you have anything against anyine and remeber that you have something then you need to go to that person and ask for forgiveness. We must settle it before we can be able to worship in the church or go to the altar.The one loaf represents the Body of Christ and how we should be able to stand as the body of Christ.In the Bible it does say that as the body we have many different parts that each have a function,if one is not working then we all cannot function,well i think Paul meant this illustration of the bread or loaf as the body of Christ remaining together. What must i personally do in order to have unity in partaking of the Lord's supper?It takes alot of prayer and seeking the Wrod of God so like that we could be good in the eyes of the Lord. We need to have faith and to try to live in obedience to the Word of God and in the ways that he talked of to the patriachs and to the prophets.We can show support and try to encourage others to do the same thing that we try to do.Doing different things to keep the people coming and maintaing that unity. -
Q1. The Cup of Blessing
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Cup of Blessing and the One Loaf
What does the cup of blessing teach us about our focus at the Lord's Supper?Who is to be blessed when the cup of blessing is lifted upwards? The Lord's Supper is us remebering the awesome thing that he had done with his disciples before dying.The Cup of blessing has to do with us giving thanks to God and praising Him for what he has done and will continue to do for us in the near future.The focus is on God and the great Messiah that he sent to die for us on the cross.In no way does it acknowlege us cause then that would be selfish cause it is not about us but what Jesus symbillically shared with the other disciples shotrly before his crucifixtion. When we lift the cup of blessing upwards is to focus on God in the heavens where he is awaiting for the day that we come home Him,the Holy Spirit is always guiding us and it is a time of reflection and of praise to the everlasting Father. -
Why is the Lord's table such a time of intimate fellowship? The reason that i think it is because it is a time of reflecting what is important for us.We recognize what God had done for us by sending Jesus to die for us on the cross.It is our opening up to him and the love that we each share with him.When we do take part in the Lord's supper we show that we want Him to be symbollically with us in our daily walk.Jesus had the 12 apostles who he had considered to be family and brothers in all parts of life.We get to know each other daily through the blood and the spirit of Christ. In your experience with having meals with friends,what makes the difference between a casual meal filled with memories? Well with having a regular meal your just hanging out and laughing.I think and believe that when you have a close friendship with a few people then you share heartaches,pain,grief,joy,hapiness and victories through Christ that have a more profound memory in the years down the road.It is is about having that imtimacy to be the person that Jesus wants and testifying to that to others that you can trust.The memories is what keeps us close but the love that we have toward other christians is what keep our experiences alive for all time. How can this insight make your experience more meaningful at the Lord's table? Well it can be a reminder of the love and experinces we share with the Lord daily.When we do go to the supper table we know what Christ has done in our lives and what he will keep doing in our lives.It can be anything from blessing to prayers that need to be answered if it is in God's will.It can makes us value what we have today and what we can have in eternity through Christ Jesus.
What is the significance of the 12 apostles drinking the Cup of the Convenant? It meant that they were fellowshiping with Christ.The cup of the convenant meant that they were united under one spirit. Christ had taught his disciples how to be humble and the ways that they can do it with others. The many times that they would do the Lord's supper they would remeber that it was a time to remeber the crucifixtion of Jesus and the appearance of His Second Coming. The apostle Paul would do the same thing in the book of Corinthian but they took it as a time to be crazy and merry instead of reflecting what was important to them which was the Savior death and suffering. To whom would they correspond under the ratification of the Old Convenant? In the book of exodus,the elders had seen the Lord of all Lords,the Israelites at the time made a blood convenant with God himself on the mountain.The book of the convenant was a serious of laws,instructions,and judgements that were recorded by Moses and it was the done with the sprinkiling of the blood of the God.Moses had taken the blood and sprinkled it on the people so it was done completely different then in the book of the Gospels.The Israelites were now under the blood convenant of the Lord and it represents our own relationship today with Christ and GOd.In verses 9-11,it was a prophetic glimpse into what the Lord's Supper would represent to the 12 apostels of Jesus time. What is the significance of us drinking the Cup of the Convenant? It means that we are washed in the blood of the convenant with Jesus.Every now and then we do partake of the Lord's Supper to remind ourselves to remain humble and holy. We are the disciples of Christ and we show our faithfulness and He reminds us that we were created through his blood and spirit.
What is the differences between the Old and the New Testamen? It has to do with in the Old was the promises that God had made to the patriachs of Abraham,Issac,and Jacob. When Moses came to be in the book of Exodus,is where we see that God is bringing laws to them and in the book of Deuteronomy,is where God shows what will happen to the people when they are obedient.The other part is of the consequences if they do disobey.Yahweh wanted them to trust in Him but He saw that they didnt when they did not have enough faith they would complain. The convenant of the Old testament has to do with the Israelites and God the Father. In the New Testament,is had to do with the convenant of the New Believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus wants us to have that salvation and that freedom in Him. It had to with the parables and teachings on the coming Kingdom of Christ. The promise of restoration to the Jews and to the Gentiles.
Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the full extent of Christ's love for them? He prays that the love of Christ can minster to their lives and that they may not doubt it as believers in Christ. The world can be able to see that love shine bright through a believer and want to know this God but prayer is the main key for each of us even then and now. How does comprehending this love change a person's spirtual life? Us as christians cannot realize how much God loves them but to understand is to really understand that God loves us. When we realize that God is love then we can share it with others and be an example to others. If we were living in God's love then we could really change and convert those around us. Is there any end to CHrist's love for a person? No cause He loves us no matter what we do
Why does Paul pray for strength for the inner man? He prays cause i feel that in a way he understands what christians go through daily. The prayer if for strength of heart and of mind. It is our spirtual lives on the inside that can help us when we need it the most. He knew that the Ephesian believers where going to need it cause so much persecution was going on as a result of Paul's empowering of chritianity. He wants and prays that each newly converted believer let's the Holy Spirit guide them in a special way. How would we pray this prayer today? We pray it by looking at the Word and also to have the deep power of the Holy Spirit Why does he pray that Christ dwell in the believers heart?Isnt this already an established fact? He prays that it stays and that they can carry this each day.That the power of the Holy SPirit does not ccease in their hearts and in their minds.
Why is a revelation of his incomparble great power for us who believe essential to the christian faith? Paul's prayers have to involve a God who is all powerful and knows what we need. If we know that God is this kind of a role model in the Bible then it gives us the strength to move foward in our prayers. Paul knew this and prayed for the people to understand that this is what GOd wants,for us to pray in faith in power. How do you develop this faith in yourself? I believe that by reading the Word daily,praying in quiet places of meditation,talking daily with the Lord is how we develop that kind of faith. It is only through the Word does God give us what we need in times of trouble,hapiness,struggles,etc. Others interceding on our behalf gives us that boost of faith like the apostle paul did for the Ephesians believers. How do you pray it for others? Just trust in the Word and have a deep relationship with the Lord at all times cause He knows everything