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Everything posted by godsanointed523
What is the result of prayer and faith if God is poverty-striken? Then we know that something wonderful is awaiting us cause we will one day really get to know who God is. He is a God who is full of abundance and blessings if we cannot see that then we can be poverty striken How does knowledge of a glorious inheritance help our prayers? To be filled with the hope that as christians we will inherit the kingdom of heaven one day
My christian hope is that i have complete trust and obedience towards God all the days of my life. It is knowing that i have the light in my life and that i can able better to express that light in others.To know that im not lost but iam found in christ who substains me. It changed me from the inside out and i have this greater belief
Paul's prayer for the believers is very deep,emotional,spirtual cause he wants them to know that God is their for them. He gives all his being in praying for them in both parts of Ephesians. He intercedes that they may know that in spite of verything God is for them. I feel that if christians stopped praying for a revelation that they would be lost if others were not interceding for their spirtual lives. What Paul did was intercede so may times even while in prison cause he wanted them to be saved.After the person has been introduced to God then it is possible for them to seek God on their own through the Word and prayer which are powerful tools. This kind of prayers really help our spirtual lives and our daily lives as christians
Did Jesus recieve special treatment because He was the Son of God to have angels help and give Him strengthen Him in his spirtual struggle? I dont call it special treatment cause God would send angels to help prophets and the apostles that were in need.yes he was the Son but God send angels at the moment of weakness and suffering. Do we get help with that too? Yes i believe so when we need him in times of distress or anguish or even for protection
When Jesus prayed not my will but yours be done,was the Father pleased? Yes i think that he was confessing and submitting to the cup of wrath that Jesus had to drink from. Jesus was in pain and agnony over the fate that he had to face once on Calvary. Why is the Father not pleased when we are passive and uncaring in our prayers that the will of God be done in our lives? Cause we want to do our own things and not follow what Godhas for us.We at times do not want to submit to the Savior but hwen we do something out of His will then we start to grow anxious and not follow God's love. What is required for us to pray the prayer of submissionwith authenticity? i feel that as servants and apostles we need to give all of our hearts and suls when we pray also submitting.Submission may not sit well but if we want to be blessed and inherit heaven then we do pray with sincertity.
I do not believe that God was resisting the will of God cause he walked on the earth knowing what will happen. I believe he prayed those three times cause he needed to really know that this was God's way of reaffriming his purpose. He knew that the cup was of wrath and also of comfort from the Father.I feel that Jesus was at a moment of despair and suffering cause he knew that he was going to die.
He asked his disciples to pray not to fall into temptation and to pray for what was to come. He knew that they would be facing denying Him when he was betrayed and at his judgement. What was the content of their prayers is to stand strong and to face their destiny. They started to pray but then fell asleep. Why did Jesus want to be alone?It was cause he knew what was to happen and he wanted to talk to His Father
Q4. Arrow Prayers
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
What danger is Nehemiah in? He is in danger of losing everything including his life in a dungeon. Why does he pray silently and quickly before answering the king? He is alone so he asks God for help cause he can not do it alone How does this quick arrow prayer relate to the four months of prayer he has just finished? This quick prayer was kind of reassurance for Nehemiah and for the nation of the Israelites to have complete faith and trust in God. -
Q2. Basis of Appeal
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
What is the basis of Nehemiah's appeal? He is calling to God to keep the promises that was made to Moses. He wanted the king at the present time to change the ruling that he made in regards to the Israelites. How does he argue the case before God? He goes to Him and faith and with boldness that even though they have sinned and fall shorrt. But Nehemiah also has the faith that God will see the heart of all the Israelites and forgive them and restore the walls. What do we learn about this in intercession? Intercession is showing to God that we care about others and their spirtual well being. When Nehemiah had intercessed it showed that He was not willing to give up until He recieved a response from God. Day and night he searched and intercessed on behalf of Jersulaem and the Israelites. It shows that by faith obedience that God will answer and forgive. -
Why does Nehemiah pray day and night for four months? It is because he is in anguish and will not stop unitl he gets an answer to his petiton before God. He wanted to return to Jerusalem and reunite the Jewish people and rebuilt the wall so it can bring glory to God. He was doing what Daniel did and prayed and fasted and took the burden of the isrealites. Why does he weep and fast? It shows that he is grieving for the Israelites so that they can stand in favor again in front of God. It is notexcessive cause Daniel did the same
Q1. Fleeing from God
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Why do people want to flee from God? they flee because they know that htey have sinned and do not want god to see them. When we sin and we try to flee God isgoing to find us no matter what and let us know what we are doing wrong. As it says in verse 8 we can go to heaven or go to hell He will find us for we cannot flee from His spirit. Why do people imagine that God doesnt know what they do? It is a possiblity that since they have gone to the darkness or followed after the enemy that God soe not know there actions or what they are doing. God formed us and has crated us into what he wants for us so there is nothing that God knows. -
Why is a person's attitude with giving related to the attitude towards praise? Well when we give and w esee the glory of God in our lives then we praise God for the good and the bad. It is a way to give thanks to God for all that He is doing and will continue to do. Being possesive is showing that we are selfish and want to be greedy and it gets in the way of our worship and God blessing us all the time. All that we have and are belongs to God and our attitude should be of humbleness to God for He has given us all that we have and attain.
In what way does praise exalt God? Praise is to lift up our hands to the creator of our life,it is a way of showing that God is worthy of our love and respect as His children. We show that we recognize God and Jesus for what they mean in our lives and souls. When King David had asked for the officals to give they gave it cause they wanted to praise God for all the things that htye had done for God. Why should we exalt god?> Cause He is the father of our livs and we show that we love Him by praising and standing in awe of what he could bless us with when we followHis will. Exalting God is showing that we acknowledge of what he is doing in our lives and will hopefully keep on doing. What does this exaltation do for us?> It gives us a sense of hope and deep love and appreciation for the One who created each of us. When we exalt we show that God has given us the victory and that each day we should love God and each other. Together with our other brothers and sisters inChrist we can exalt and lift up our hands to Him and praise Him in all the ways, God bless
Im what ways do our prayers of praise bless God? Well it shows God that we have a deep respect and awe of God. Our prayers of praise gets deep down into our hearts and souls so that we recieve the Holy Spirit,which pleases Our Father who is heaven. He is filled with excitement as we give worship and hallelujiah to His name. What do we mere humans have that God desires in a blessings>Our ablity to i think shout out loud that He is the infinite One of our livves and of our hearts. We have the amazing ablilty to read His Word and especially the Psalms of David and worship in Spirit and in truth. We encourage and lift each other up in order to be blessed and we give generously and that is something that i thin k that God desires. What are prayers like,that don't include blessing God?> I think that prayers that do not give praise and glory to God is empty and useless cause then God sees that we are not putting any heart or effort to give Him the glory and our petitions, when we do not bless God is like a person who cannot catch their breaths. We need to give more and open ourselves more
what does it mean to have a broken and contrie spirit is to admit that we are wrong and ask God to forgive us. Why was this important it was to show that we put our pride aside and really seek god's forgiveness then we have a broken and contrite spirit. Why is it that we tend to resist the broken heart and spirit? It can be that we are hardheaded and stubborn to accept God's offer and our own inner being.
is it possible to have a pure heart,well it is kind of hard. We can let things of the world influence our heart and mind. Can God give us a pure heart i think it is possible cause if we truly seek Him then it can be possible. As long as our foucus is on God and not the flesh or powers of this world then it is possible for he will never leave us nor forsake us. Our part is to pray and to keep seeking the Lord with all our heart and prepare to put on the spirtual gear.
In his prayers does david seek to minmize his isns? To maximize them? No he wants God to recognize that without him we would be nothing. He wants God to give him a clean heart worthy of God. All the sins that he committed will in a way be in His mind but David wants a broken spirit worthy to god who created Him.
In what way does a prayer of pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? how does a person gain the faith toray this prayer of confidence? Well it is putting out uttermost faith and love for god and going to Him in faith. The faith that we have is the relationship that we have with God at the time of our salvation. Well where i get the faith is through the Word and through faith in prayer each and everyday.
Q4. Persistence
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Well personally i have never experrienced praying through to God. i have been preserving in my prayers toward God. Like Abraham i keep praying for various peitions and i think it is imporatant to do that as christians God bless -
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
When Abraham kept asking the questions about the righteous people,it showed God that Abarahm was willing to be direct with God. It showed tremendous courage from Abaraham but it showed God that ABraham was willing to be honest and firm in what he was asking. What might cause God to delight in His prayers when i pray? Is that he wants me to tell him everything that is my heart and be complete;y honest in all my peitions. To love and be bold but also humble and recognizing HE IS ALL -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Well Abraham knew that he was created from the dust and ashes, that without God He would be nothing. He felt ashamed ashamed asking God over and over again for Lot to be saved from the destruction. He was very bold but humbled himself before God cause God could have gotten upset but God in all mercy allowed and loved that Abraham was so foward and brave to keep asking. He wanted this cause it showed the reverence that Abraham and faithfulness that he had toward God. -
Well what i think it means is that Abraham wanted for his family that included Lot to be savede. Abraham was afarid that God would kill righteous people in the city of Sodom and gammorah. What does letting Lot escape with his family meant is that God still had mercy and loved Abraham for being so bold and not afarid to ask God anything. As it says in the book of Hebrews that God will never leave us nor forsake us
Q4. Changing God's Mind
godsanointed523 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
If their is a prayer that is in God's will then we will know by His Word that it will come to pass. If we pray for something that is not in God's will or plan for the path that he has for us then it is out of the scope of God's mind. if let's say we pray for money or material blessings and we recieve then we turn from Him then God gets upset. It depends on what kind and type of prayer that it is it can change JEsus mind without hurting His father's work. Ask and it shall be given to you,seek and you will find but at the same time if we pray and it does not come to pass or is not confirmed with the Word then it is out of the scope of God's will. God Bless All -
Well what i feel is that with predestiantion people feel that they cannt decide for themselves,when things will come to pass. I feel that determinism is when the brothers and sisters want to go and decide when the Lord is coming etc. Moses knew from God what certain things were going to happen to them. There was the natioon who wanted to do free will and determism instead of thinking that God had predestined them to go 40 years in the wilderness. God bless