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It says to me, that He's the fresh water that satisfies the soul, as opposed to stagnant, limpid pools. He's alive and moving. In Ezekial it talks about waters that proceed from under the throne "ankle, knee, waist deep, then rivers to swim in. That's how I see God, how much or how far do I want to get involved with Him? God says that we can have as much of His refreshing waters as we can. Since it doesn't cost and because we are dry ground without Him, we should really be thirsty for the true and living water, even as Christ on the cross said "I thirst" (for His presence). If my thirst was quenched so easily with neither hot nor cold water (before I received Christ as Savior) I should be lying down on my back underneath this flow of living water to the point of bursting. God said it would be in us as an well of water springing up into everlasting life (the water is alive). My future is bright and according to God, He knows the thoughts that He thinks towards me, thoughts of peace and not evil to give me an expected end. I've just embarked on this wonderful journey and I don't have to pack or take provisions because He is my provision (daily bread & water to drink from the well of God).
Mankind has come to believe that he's self sustained, self made, able to pull himself up by his own boot straps as it were. Self deception is cruel, humanity has come to believe its own press reports. And especially when it comes to asking God for anything, it requires a belief in a God that most humans resist or denies His exsistance, through ignorance. Man's struggle to become independent of God has created more problems for him than it has solved. And to add to that man winds up in a situation where only "God" can answer or fix the problem and because of human pride, mankind would rather die or do without, than admit they're wrong. God requires obedience and submission to Him in order to become the sheep of His pasture and for Him to be our Shepherd. When we stop struggling and allow God to become "First" and to acknowledge Him in all our ways, then His Shepherding us would become easy.
I now realize just how much God cared for me, when I look at my life before my conversion. I can say with Israel "if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side ..." I know I'd have perished. His care and compassion wasn't known till after I became one of His sheep and understood the nature of sheep. Some become great wanderer's involved in things that could destroy them and are easily misled. Thank God for the Shepherds crook. I know that I'd be dead if the Lord hadn't loved me, between gangs, drugs, alcohol and sex not to mention the turmoil of the 60's (I'm 59) it was very easy to become "dead". I'm facing retirement and going full time into Ministry, overseas trip and daughter going to College, loving wife who I know that I haven't shown as much love to as I should or could. But God has shown Himself as a great Counselor and Instructor, He's showing me how to prepare for all of my future events with confidence and commitment. I now that there will always be various challenges in my life and that if I wait on the Lord or look for Him in it, I'll be okay. This brings me a peace that passes all understanding.
He actually believed that God would provide a sacrifice, or that he'd have to raise his son from the dead, because God promised him a son. Even though Abraham lived amongst idolators, and they were involved with child sacrifice, he'd heard the voice of the true God and he believed Him. Issac was the long awaited son that his two visitors had promised would come even though both Abraham & Sarah laughed, God fullfilled His promise in their old age. Once I was in need of some money and didn't know where I would get it from, the Lord spoke to my spirit and directed me to cash in one of my savings bonds (now I knew that it hadn't reached it maturity date nor the customery 30-60 days before you can even get the face value) but like Peter, according to your word I went to the bank and they cashed it without question. God will supply all our needs according to His perfect plan for our lives. When our needs are in conjunction with His purpose to bless or reveal Himself to us or others expect God to provide. I'm reminded of the Prophet who died and left his widow with an outstanding debt, she being fearfull that they would take her sons cried to the Prophet who instructed her to get all the pots she could and go into her home and shut the door and pour, she ran out of pots then the oil stayed. She then payed her debt and lived off the remainder. Conditions? Yes. Obedience to Him, Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Abraham believed God to the point he had to be called twice to stay his hand from slaying his only child.
God as our keeper, means that God has taken personal responsibility for our care and well being. He has obligated Himself to provide for us the things that life requires, i.e. food, shelter, rainment. God has purposely positioned Himself between us and our needs. He has become our source and resource. We look to Him. As keeper, our dependence becomes apparent when we're taught to ask for our "daily" bread. He preserves our coming and goings watching over us with a "eagles" eye. Every day our enemy seeks to destroy us, in ways we cannot even imagine, as our keeper He see the firey darts of the wicked and either tells us to raise our shields or He Himself deflects them. As keeper, He invovles Himself in our affairs to lead us and guide us in a plain path. As our keeper He never at any time leaves us, His constant watch over us allows us to direct our energies for His work.
God is THE ROCK, the One who protects, saves, keeps, secures, strenghtens and shields. For the one who declares this about God He becomes the Rock that delivers, is always there. In Palestine Rock performs duties of defense, protection, security, confidence in structure (hiding). All of the metaphors used of God can be found in the daily use of rock in the life of His people. Israel is built literally on a rock, God is their Rock spiritually and figuratively.
God shields me from the burning sun by day and is a shield from my many adversaries who would eat me up. He shields me from the unplesantness of lifes tradgadies, as I trust Him in my daily walk and decisions He shields me from error and the fowlers net, when I don't see what the enemy has planned I'm shielded from harm seen and unseen. God has become my rear gaurd, given me goodness and mercy to follow me, that and the angel of the Lord that encamps around about me. He says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, He directs (shields) my goings and comings. You will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk ye in it, shielded from my own ignorance. He is my Glory in that His life not only shines through my obedience to Him, but people see what I do and how I'm blessed and are dwarned to Him thereby He receives the Glory that belongs to Him and He becomes my Glory (my boast, my shout of victory etc.). Lifting up of my head, He encourages, strenghtens, carries and supports me. I find my rest in Him. God is for me. God desires me to succeed on His behalf. If there was ever any doubt that God loves and cares for me its now been removed by Him lifting up my head. When I should be ashamed He looks at me. That its not I but Christ. I've become accepted in the Beloved, and that God really cares about me. And reaaly takes time to be concerned about my welfare and growth in Him.
Q1. Shelter of the Most High
Elder9 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
Since I'm the one that's seeking protection I must trust Him, and stay there. I must not make my presence a visit, but abide, dwell and make His secret place for me, my home. I am responsible to recognize my obligation to stay put. I often watch as squirrels will dart across a busy street trying to get to the other side. I know that its not safe because they could be run over, but it seems like they're oblivious to this fact. I must know that its dangerous outside of His dwelling place. Everything that I need is in Him, so I'll stay put. Shadow, refuge, fortress, cover'd with feathers, under His wings, shield, buckler, refuge, dwelling place. Good stuff. And to think it's all about my protection, the means by which a gracious God would go to preserve me. -
It is a proclaimation that Jesus is God, the person making that statement understands the significance of what they're saying. When I made confession of my sins and asked for forgiveness, I bowed to God and His Messiah and asked them to be my LORD. Jesus in stating "I and the Father are one", declares the unity that exists between them, so to see Him is to see the Father. It connects God and Jesus in the same content and context. Unifying the Godhead because even this work of reconciliation is done by the Spirit of God who draws.
Q3. Lord of Lords and Governments
Elder9 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
Though governments exists they do so by the Sovereign will of God, there are some who feel as though their word is law, but according to God's Word, His Word is Law forever. They have a saying, power corrupts, some have become power mad or mad with power. And they sometimes forget that they also have a Judge to whom they must give an answer one day. God said, I will turn all nations into hell that forgets me, (I'd like to add, reverently who remove Him from His rightfull place). Society has begun a downward spiral since removing prayer from our schools, and now to intertain the idea of removing "In God we trust" from our currency would only see it plummet too. When will society learn. Reading in the book of Revelations, even after plagues are unleased man still refuses to repent of their wickedness, how very sad indeed. God finds Himself outside of society's perimiter, they feel as though there is no need for God. Becoming secularized or depending on human development or evolving into gods themselves they take on their own sovereignty. They begin to believe the lie, you shall be as god(s). Our own Nation is beginning to feel the pull of the black hole of an amoral society, arts and entertainment along with what passes for music is sickening. Because they refuse to retain God in their knowledge. -
The implications are that I Bow to the King of all the Earth, Bow to His Son of righteousness. I recognise The Eternal God of Heaven as Sovreign King, and wholeheartedly submit to His will, His way and His Word. Simarily I submit to His Son as Lord of my life. He has been sent by the Father. As I would receive the Father I also receive the Son. Knowing that He is my King, all of my battles are won. There is nothing within His Sovreign will for me that I cannot have. I.e. health, prosperity (to give to those in need), etc. He is my strong tower, shield and buckler. When my enemies are in the gate He comes to my rescue. It means that my submitting is a relinquishing of my will, desire, direction to follow His path and the life outlined for me. It means I have to learn to trust Him in all things, though I cannot see Him as He guides me I know He's there and for is me. It means my peace and joy and soundness of mind, confidence and assurance to face every day and what ever life has for me. By purposing to do their own will. It starts with the letter "I", satan said I will 5 times, Nebachadnezzar said what I have built, Herod refused to give God Glory when his speech was said to be as one of the gods. When people want to do it their own way, which seems right to a man but the end leads to death. People reject God because they've been told that they're gods. I pulled myself up by my own boot straps, self made men.
Accordingly, when one tithed they aligned themselves with the King, meaning that they submitted themselves to their authority. By giving a tithe it was in reconizing that King as their Sovereign. It placed them under their protection and because of their tithing to this King could ask for justice in cases of wrong. All the benifites due the King's subject was permissible to the one tihthing. Those of us living under the "New Covenant" tithe out of obedience to God's word. That we might have someone to call on in our time of trouble, We submit ourselves and our finances to our King Supreme, knowing that its from Him that we receive our blessings. Those who refuse to tithe are called by God a " thief & robber" and He goes on to say that they are cursed with a curse. Tithing is an act of submission and subjection to our reigning Lord. It was required in the Old Testament from Kings and was given by those who reverenced their King. We acknowledge God as our Sovreign Lord and find its a blessing to give to the King of Glory even that which rightfully belongs to Him already.
Q4. Justice, Vengeance, and Mercy
Elder9 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Justice means that whatever the crime may be, justice is served if the punishment "fits" the crime. A pound of flesh for a pound of flesh, no more, no less. Justice means that after it is executed both parties (the offeding and the offended) should be satisfied with the verdict. Many times the family members or the Defence Attorney as well as the Prosecutor will all agree with the results when the verdict is handed down. Its then stated that "justice" has been served. Vengence means, that I was not exacting more than was called for nor am I calling for to be exacted more that the offense incured. Because my emotions are not to play a part in the retribution. vengence is right when properly carried out by an impartial (executioner). God's vengence is impartial and exacts the right amount of "justice". He dosen't get emtionally involved (though He stores His wrath against the day of wrath) He's "just" in its execution. Immediately after a murder or rape or a child that is found to have been molested, tempers flare, and in some cases mob rule goes into affect, that vegence would extract immediate false "justice" because of the tempers, so whether guilty or innocent because someone is in custody they often pay a terrible price. Mercy, has forgiven. There has to be judgment and justice but its not vengeful (or motivated by emotions). Mercy demonstrates compassion and favor, often unmerited, but favor nonetheless. (Whew and thank God). It is at the "cross" that mercy is demonstrated. What we should receive and deserve to receive another has taken our place of judgment. When we arrive at the cross we find our charges stamped "paid in full". It has been charged to anothers account. That which was rightfully ours was given to someone else on our behalf. Christ has become our "Goel" our near kinsmen redeemer. -
Q3. Helper of the Fatherless
Elder9 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
It was penned "as He is, so are we in this world" we should reflect the mind, emotion and sympathy of a caring compassionate God. Whereever we travel in/on this great planet of God's people should know that God was there. God has (present tense) a special concern for the widows and orphans, in our societies there is a faux sense of concern that is motivated by greed. Most people (not all) are adopting to suppliment their income, taking the money and caring for their own needs. The children wind up at the mercy of DHS a corrupt system of dedicated individuals trying to make a difference in the lives of sometimes unwanted and emotionally scared children. God insist that we look out for them, this reflected in the gleenings to be left behind when Israel's crops are harvested, so likewise our gleenings are the various faith based Institutions within our Church's that feed the homeless or the less fortunate, provide the soup kitchens and outreach Ministries that reach the down trodden or those that seem to fall through the system (either ours or theirs). When we use our Pulpits to actually lift someone (pulling them out of the pit of dispair) we're doing the will of God Who see's and hears their crys as well as ours for daily substance too. The actions that emanate from this knowledge should be that of genuine love, and compassion, it's written when I was hungry and in prision you neither fed or visited me, who are to know who are the chosen of God and where we will find them and from where they come. As Christian we should look for opportunities to do good. We can minister on two levels, the natural that draws them so we can reach the spirit man. Could the term "protect and serve" have its origins in Biblical logic ? -
Q2. Relativity and Righteousness
Elder9 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
We can know and understand God through the various methods that He has chosen to reveal Himself to His creation. There is His Word, and His Spirit and the things that He has revealed of Himself through nature itself, the wonders of life in its various teeming specticals. But the one way that really staggers the imagination is through the revealation of His names. It defines Him by characterizing Him by His name, its the definition of those names that reveals more about this hidden essence of life than we had ever previously known. He becomes more alive and real through the revealation of His wonderful names. We declare to a relativistic world the humanity, humility and encomprehensible love of God through His Son's atoning sacrifice for a self seeking, prideful arrogant creation. We explain how a Awesome creator can be so moved by love for His creation that He would and has done everything to show His love and provision for them. Regardless of the price. He would and has given all/everything at His disposal to show mankind this great love for them. What is relative is that the greatest need in humankind has been met by the greatest love in existence. An effective approach is, that which has always worked from the beginning, greater love has no man than this that a man would lay down his life for a friend. And Christ has called us friends. There is no law against love, or said another way, there is nothing that can be done against love or deter it. Love, loves at all times, by this shall the world know that you are my disciples when you have /show love one to the other, in spite of past offenses. The effective approach, when all else failed, love lifted me. God's love outlasts even the energizer bunny. It just keeps on giving regardless of how we abuse it. Love will eventually win. I believe it was R.A. Torrey (or Dwight L. Moody) that wrote the book "love them in".