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  1. Q4 Why should we continually ask forgiveness? Because God instructs us to do so because we are HUMAN. All have sin and all have fallen short of the glory of God. Giving our sin over to God allows our spiritual side to grow and grow and grow. God knows and understands our stages of growth and spiritual development. When we obey God we flourish in the light of His love. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessings. Unforgiveness keeps one in the dark, stumbling around in their sin. Blessings are given when one opens the bible and follows God's instructions. Let it go, give it to God and see the light. I am reminded of Mark 11:24. When we ask in prayer believe and if we are holding anything against any one give it to God. God's word works everytime. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness. If we do not forgive then we will have to bear the burden of our daily sins and this my friend can get very heavy. Jesus paid the price for our sin and when we give it to Him daily we can breathe better and walk in the light of His love which is amazing. Forgiveness is for the person willing to forgive not the one who holds on to it. When we take God at His word, trust and obey.....life on earth is a little bit of heaven. I know I can't even imagine what God has in store for His children. I'm smiling.....theirs joy in my heart and dance in my feet. Have a blessed day.
  2. Q3 Human fears and insecurities I imagine is why people don't ask for help. We as humans live within ourselves and when we trust God we gradually learn to "die to self". As for me I can't even imagine anyone wanting to be independent from God. We are totally dependent upon Him as we wake up everyday and put on our spiritual clothing first. We are all human and therefore will be faced with human fears and insecurities until we gain knowledge by reading and studying His word that we are blessed when we take His hand and face our fears and insecurities with God at our side we can defeat any GIANT. Simplicity and truthfullness answers this question. Everything belongs to God My every breath is in his hands and so is the breath of every living thing. Everything belongs to God and in His loving mercy I am so thank-ful He shares with me and my family.
  3. Q2 In what sense are we asking the fathers kingdom should come. When we become children of God we should grow in one accord with our Heavely Father. It's like going home where you know you are loved, due to the fact God knows best for each one of His children and when we pray your Kingdom come we are showing we believe and have the God-given knowledge that God's will blesses us more than our wants. Why ask the father's will to be done. Because Jesus, our brother, friend, Lord and Saviour reminds us to do so and when we trust God with all our heart, we listen to what He says and we obey by practicing what he instructs us to do through His word. God's kingdom is the solid rock and the only one that can help us withstand the storm of life.God's way/will is the only way. I learned to embrace it a long time ago. I'm learning daily, my two legged temple is continually under the construction of God's hand. How should this enhance our lives? Like I told my grandchild once "bland food needs salt. Not too much." God's intention I believe for me is to be like life-enhancing salt adding flavor to those I meet along the way and preserving what is good. One must have sodium to live. I know has a human I may add to much salt to a situation or not enough, but when I let God salt my life it is just right. And when we submit to the will of God in our life is when we begin to reflect His image and give off a most enhancing ray of light that other children of God can recognize.We are suppose to have deep respect for all people and even love our enemies.When I see this in others I give praise to God. So then we are blessed when we are concerned about the Kingdom of God and with what God requires of us.
  4. 1.We should come before the Lord with honour and praise and always guard our thoughts, because with our thoughts become words, then deeds and so forth and so on. We should talk to God daily and walk with Him as well. I always repeat Philippians 4:8 to get me back on track when my thoughts and deeds get off of what is true and good and right. I believe that sin in our life descrates and besmirchs God's name. We are made in God's image. And I imagine when we sin by word or deeds everyday this sin stains our relationship with God. But, then when we confess from a true heart daily God is just to cleanse us of our stains. This of course takes the blood of Jesus Christ and God's only begotton son (John 3:16)As for me, being human I know I get stained everyday. My heart is in proximity with John Newton who said. "I am a great sinner, but I know a great saviour." This is why I must ask over and over and over again for God to cleanse me, even of the stains I maybe unaware that have crept in on me. I'm believing the precious blood of Jesus covers us. God's Amazing Grace saves us all. When we begin to pray we should praise God and adore Him for who He is in a most respectful way, I then believe we should confess our sins and give THANKS to God for all our blessings and spiritual gifts that God chose to give to us, that we might use them for His glory.
  5. hell-o, my name is Frieda. I am from Leeds AL. and I am so thankful my feet stumbled upon your pathway.I am so excited about this adventure with people who have opened the presents of God's love within their hearts.I am all about communicating with God and I know I am going to learn so many things about prayer in this study. My heart is overflowing with JOY. Thanks to you all & God bless.

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