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Everything posted by othatdavid

  1. #1- I think it would create an atmosphere of apathy/indifference. Why pray if all is settled? #2 Meaningless, lacking purpose Thank you to those that reminded me that God asks us to pray throughout the Scriptures. An obvious fact that escaped me but when I dwell on this.....it really impacts the way I think about prayer. Of course He wouldn't have commanded us to do it if there were no purpose in it. I really appreciate the thoughts/insights of all who post here. It really enriches the study to "hear" others minds on these important matters. My prayer life has been an area of deep concern to me. This study is helping me to be more committed to prayer.
  2. Continually asking forgiveness helps us to develop the attitude of understanding that God is in control and only He can grant us the forgiveness we need. Asking forgiveness also helps us develop humility - an attribute God desires us to have. We continually sin and others continually sin against us therefore, we must petition the Lord daily. When we cling to sin we can't accept God's greater gifts for us. C.S. Lewis said, "God gives His gifts where He finds the vessel empty enough to receive them."
  3. Why do we seek to be indepedent of asking anyone for help? Pride. Control issues. Selfishness. I think mostly it's just plain old sinful pride. Why do we seek to be independent of God? I believe this is really a faith issue. I think we lack faith in God to really take care of our problems. Not only do we think we know what's best for us, we don't have the faith required to trust Him to know better. Why should we ask God to give us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? For me, it has to be to help me develop a "helpless" attitude. It will instill in me an mindset that God is sovereign and without Him....nothing. It helps me focus that He is in control and that apart from Him, I can do nothing.
  4. Hello, My name is David and I live in southern Illinois. I am in a church leadership position and like to learn more about my faith so I can nurture my relationship with God and be an example for others both in and out of the church. I reviewed the James study and loved it. I am really looking forward to this one. This will be the first time trying to post replies. I have been enjoying reading the insightful and intelligent posts so far.
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