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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

tess lopido

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  1. It is very enlightening to gather from this lesson that we can come before the throne of God with fervent prayers and petitions, though at first seems to be impossible to attain, can be easily received because our God
  2. What I learned from this lesson is that God is a merciful God and through fervent prayers He will always answer His children. I also believe that our God wants only good things for His children and each time He answers prayers, it is for us, children to recognize how great and good our God is and that we may be able to give glory to Him by witnessing to others His great love for us.
  3. The Israelites became impatient, as what was so often happens to me. I can see myself clearly in their position so many times when my heart is full of doubt because of my lack of faith in my God. I understand now that the Holiness of God can not stand my sins, and the same was true with what happened during that times when they ascribed their deliverance and worship to a golden calf. It is but proper for Him to get angry. Of course God
  4. For my part, I came to realize that my hesitancy to ask someone for help comes from my pride. And now, I know that it was very wrong. I want to world the see me as a strong person and that was one of my biggest sin. I am also quite guilty of building up my own
  5. What struck me most in today
  6. While reading today's lesson and reflection, especially about God's holiness, there is that thought in my mind how lowly I am and most unworthy of His Holiness. I know this is wrong for the blood of our Lord Jesus has washed me already of my sinfulness. Still, as I reflect on today's lesson I can not help but feel grateful of God's mercy on me. I have been lacking not only on my prayer time and most especially I have not given Him enough time and attention lately. This kind of life I am having today, ("idle" Christian) is a glaring example of my disregard to the Holiness of my Creator. This lesson today helps envigorate my prayer time as once again I came to realize how awesome and Holy our God is. On the question of how do we "hollow" the name of God. I think, one step at a time. I now begin to meditate as I pray the beauty of His Holiness.
  7. Shalom everyone! I'm Tess, age 54, wife and mother of three grown up wonderful kids. I am one month late in this Bible study and this is my first time to join this kind of study. I find all the topics in your bible study series all interesting and I really want to be involved in everything, but I want to focus first on "prayers" as I know my prayer life needs a lot of improvement. Please include me in your prayers that the Holy Spirit will enkindle the fire in me to lead a prayerful life. By the way I live here in Bulacan (one of the provinces in Luzon), Philippines. Thank you, and God bless you all.
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