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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by jesusislordprayerministries

  1. Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Wow I will try to Release this answer short but in the right way that everyone shall receive feeding from the Word at the same time. Folks did you know that Paul prayed that the Ephesians would know CHrist better, Christ Jesus is our model, and the more we know of Him, the More we will be like Him, Once when you start to study Jesus's life what He was like here on earth over 2000 years ago,and get to know Him In prayer right now,Personal Knowledge will start to change right in your life. The Focus question here was on Ephesians 1:18 I pray also that your eyes of your heart, may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called You, the riches of His glorious inheritance of the saints (Niv) Folks the Hope that we have is not a vague feeling that the future will be positive,but its compleate assurance of certain victory through God. This compleate certainty comes to us through the Holy Spirit who is Working in us. Folks Romans 8:28-29 says28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. You see God works in all things--Not just Isolated Incidents-for our Good. This does not mean that all that happens to us is good. Evil is Prevailient in our Fallen World,but God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long range good. Note this that God is not working to make us happy,but to Fullfill His pourpose,Note also that this Pourpose is not for everyone. It can be claimed only by those whom loves God and are called according to His pourpose,THose who are called are those the Holy Spirit Convinces and enables to recieve Christ Jesus.Such People have a New Perspective,a New Mind set on life,They trust in God,not lifes treasures;they look for their security in Heaven,not on earth;they learn to except,not resent,pain and persecution because God is with them.Gods ultimate Goal is to make us like Christ Jesus 1 John3:2 says2Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears,[a]we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.) folks as we become more and more like Him,we discover our true selves,the persons we were created to be.How can we be conformed to Christ's likeness?By reading and heeding the Word,by Studying His life on earth through the Gospels,by being filled with His Spirit,and by doing His work in the World. Do you know something folks some people believe that these verses of scripture means that before the beginning of the World,God chose certain people to receive His gift of Salvation. they point to the verses like Ephesians 1:11 that says we are Predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the pourpose of His will. Others believe that God fornew those who would respond to him and upon those he set his mark(Predestined). Whats clear is that Gods purpose for people was not an afterthought,it was seattled before the foundation of the World. People are to serve and to Honor God. If you have believed in CHrist Jesus, You can rejoice in the fact that God has always known you. God's love is eternal,His Wisdom and power are supreme, He will guide and protect you until you one day stand in His presence.I know I have been shareing with you a great deal here but when It comes to our Lord Jesus Pastor Diana Brevan will just Continue to share His Goodness to You, about His love, My name is Pastora Diana Brevan Where Jesus is Lord I have a Fellowship on Line World Wide called www.jesusislordprayerministries.bravehost.com you are welcome to go and sign the guest book and guest map as well as breeze through and get feeding daily if you would like also jesusislordprayerministries@yahoogroups.com ,jesusislordprayergroup@groups.msn.com www.CitrusCountyMosesPlanBibleStudies@yahoogroups.com is in its preperation The Jesus is Lord Fellowship is a World Wide Fellowship I am having prepared the class-room on line for the World wide as well as in the flesh, I am currently seeking Leader Coordinators for the fellowship on line to be a Leader Coordinator of Studies to post the weekly chapters of the studies so those can come on line and go into deep Bible Studies discussion as well as getting fed the Word of the Lord for their nutrtion that they have lacked of the Word of God. I am seeking dedicated Leaders for the Fellowship we are a loving and caring BIble Filled Believing Fellowship soon when I meet with people in CitrusCounty Florida whom would like to gather for the meeting we will have Prayer Meeting;Fellowship;BibleStudies Discussion;Those whom comes in person I pray will know how to use instuments besides having a great voice for fellowship amen. I am so happy to be a great part of this board I have been invited before but the battle has been the Lords in my health for this compleate whole Year. I am looking forward for those to come and join in and sign the guest book and guest map in the fellowship of Jesus is Lord I do pray I receive people here from Citrus County Florida as well so we can get this fellowship in the move for 2007 amen! I Praise God for each and every one of you and again I praise God for this Joyful heart Board GBU Pastora Diana Brevan Where Jesus is Lord! www.jesusislordprayerministries.bravehost.com
  2. Good Day Pastor Ralf and everyone who has breath who visits this site You send Email Studies to Pastora Diana. I am writing for her she still has her both arms shatterd in casts she resently had surgury in July from a bad fall and osteoporosis and as well Nerve damge.... (truncated).
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