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Everything posted by photobug
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
The bible tells me Jesus was picersed for our tranegression he was crushed for our iniquites punishment brought us peaceby his wounds we are healed. -
Q2. Sense of Destiny
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
In John 10;14 he said i am the good shepherd that will lay down my life. That was good enough for me. -
Q3. Substitutionary Atonement
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Jesus became our substitute for our sins . Jesus is the lamb of god who takes away our sins Only the blood of Jesus can wash us clean from sin. -
Q1. Universal Atonement
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Isaiah52:12 tells us that he bore the sins of many. God almighty would give his only son for a scrifice lamb for a sin sick world -
It all points to the death of christ on the cross. Sin separaed us from god. Yet he loved us so much and desired closesnes with us that he allowed a animals blood to atone us from sins
Q4. Elements of Sacrifice
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
Bring a perfect animal for scerfice laying on of hands confession putting blood on the horns of the alter and the slayimg of animals jesus became the lamb for us today. -
Well killing a animal is note the best site to see but what about the death of christ that was a trrable thimg to look upon.He was no animal he was human he was god in the flesh.That was a affull site to behold of him dieing on that cross that day but he did it because he loved you and me/ Praise his holy name
Q2. Anger, Caprice, and Justice
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
Anger is a respones to sin Because sin offends God and his people.Jesus got angery at the money changers in the temple .And had a good cause to . -
Well in the old testament a lamb was used for sacerfice. Jesus was that lamb who payed the price for our sins.I believe the Holy spirit told John that Jesus was that lamb.
Q5. Gideon's Positive Infulence
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
Gidden leadership leeps Isreal strong enough spiritallt and militarity for 40 years. And god blessed him with peace the rest of his lifetime. -
Q3. Spiritual Adultery
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
We are the bride of christ and if we are unfaithfull to him it the sams as adultry. Isreal shifted to faithfulness from god to a piece of cloth with gold on it. My big proble is time i can find time for every thing else it seems. So i have to realy watch it. -
Q4. Gideon's Sin
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
A snare is a type of trap. We humans fall into many types of snares in our life time if we arent carfull. The entrop lured the people away from worshipping the true god. this was israels probblem they woeshiped the ephord more than god -
Gideon's Ephod
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
An ephod is a linen garment worn by the priest of that day and weight about 43 pounds layed with gold and gold was ised in idol worship -
Q2. Gideon's Share of the Plunder
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
I think the earring was a type of reward . But when he made the golden ephord was the sin because that was a idel. -
Q1. Refusing the Kingship
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
Gidden knew there was only one king and that was God god was with them in battle and they won ,They ignored the law of god .the one he gave to mosses.We are like that some times to we can and do get other gods in our lives and that aint good. -
Q5. Taking Vengeance
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Zebah and zalmunna killed Giddens brothers so he took revenge on them and beat them and killed them. We today have to be carfull of our anger and turn it iver to god. -
Q4. The Sin of Succoth and Peniel
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Gidden punished these people because they refused to help his men. also the people lacked dedication to god. jesus said if you love me feed my sheep. i some times wonder if the church isnt fallen short of that today. -
Q3. Vanquishing the Midianite Army
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Giddendisolated the midiainites army so they could not attack them again. thats the way we are today we dont finish the job the first time. -
Q2. Dealing with Ephraimite Arrogance
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Gidden needed the Ephiainite to stop the Midianates from crossing thr Jorden River Ephiainites seemed to be mad bscause were not part of the main froup that attacted . Gidden assured them god was still in controll of every thing. -
Q1. Battle Strategy
photobug replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Gidden confused them took them by surprise and at night they could just see the torches and it looked like a lot more men than 300 braking of the jars made just that much more noice and the torches made it look like a lot of men attacking them in the night.