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Everything posted by Pocopat

  1. In the midst of persecution, normal human nature could emerge, causing one to lose sight of what is valuable. As you see people being tortured and killed around you, fear can set in. Further, I dare say, that by 95 AD many followers had never actually set eyes on Jesus Himself, operating under the witnesses of the Apostles and Paul, particularly - Apostle to the Gentiles. Therefore, one whom they trusted, the Apostle John, providing visual testimony of what was, and is, and is to come, would restore, revitalize and encourage a person's faith, knowing that none of this was in vain. Jesus, a faithful witness: We know of Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf, His resurrection, and His present existence. His message is encouraging because of our faith in Him and what He has done. We know what He went through and His promises. We know the change in our lives because of Him. We know that He is still at work in our lives and in the world. His Word is true, which we can see through the Word and the course of human events. Frankly, I don't know why we should be afraid to witness, especially when we are not under severe persecution. In our present age, we have sadly become complacent, treating our relationship with other believers as a social club. We have an "us - them" mentality. We don't fully appreciate the fact that without the Grace of God and someone who was not afraid to witness, we would be "them." We would be separated from a relationship with God. We don't value 2 Peter 3:9, that God does not desire that any should perish but come to repentance. We, likewise, forget Paul's admonishment in Romans 12:2, to "be not conformed to this world." We live lives not unlike those in society - thus compromising our testimony. Knowing what is to come should stimulate us to share the Gospel and disciple as many as God gives us.
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