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Everything posted by amazin1

  1. We should come boldly before the Throne of Grace with prayers of supplication: asking God to hear our prayers and to answer; pleading our case before Him. Moses acknowledges God's mighty power He used to bring these people out of Egypt. Moses asks that God not destroy them because the Egyptians will have a bad report about that. He asks God to remember the solemn promises He made to their forefathers. These are the people that God has chosen as His own, they are called by His name, and He is a merciful and forgiving God Who has promised as an inheritance to them the land of their fathers. As we study the Bible we will find so many, many of God's precious promises, we must remember that God wants to bless us with every spiritual blessing that He has for us. When we pray, knowing what God has promised us we can pray according to these promises. We will be praying God's will for our lives.
  2. While Moses is on Mt. Sinai for forty days and nights receiving God's laws for the people they became anxious and asked Aaron to make a statue of a god that they could worship. Aaron collected the gold jewelry that the people had taken from the Egyptians, melted it down, and made an idol in the shape of a bull. The people worshiped this idol with dancing and sacrifices. Because of their blatant disobedience against Him, God's anger burned against them and He, in His anger threatened to destroy the whole lot of them. God loves the sinner but hates the sin. The people had just been set free, saw the parting of the Red Sea and walked across to the other side on dry land and their enemies drowned and they were still grumbling and complaining. Moses realized that God was serious because He'd destroyed mankind once and it looked like He was going to do it again.
  3. We are asking for God's rule to be established right now and in the Age to Come. We're asking God to bless us abundantly right now!! God's plan from the beginning was for us to be enriched and have a prosperous life, all through our lives here on earth. V. 33 says "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be granted unto you". We are not to live in uncertainty, we have hope for a blessed life right now in Christ Jesus. I thank God for each day and then I submit it back to Him so that His good and perfect will can be done. If I try to operate in my will I mess up, big time. We are asking for international evangelism and for God's reign now and forevermore. Let me add, in praying "thy will be done" we aren't expecting Him to bless our mess, every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord.
  4. Because of pride; ego; self-confidence instead of having confidence in God that He will supply all of our needs "according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We can never do for ourselves what God can do for us, it is futile to think that we can. After all our Father is the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps. 50:10), we can't beat God giving no matter how hard we try. We should ask God to supply our daily needs because He knows what we need for the day. We may not have anything to eat but a bologna sandwich but we should thank God for it just as if it were a steak dinner with dessert. When He sees that He can trust us to thank Him for a little, He knows that He can trust us to thank Him for a lot. I'm learning that in studying the Lord's Prayer that I'm searching the Scriptures for spiritual revelation and I believe that is why Jesus gave it to us, for us to dig deep into it, to get the meat out of it. In other words it's short and sweet but it's designed for us to seek and mature in the Word of God. This is awesome, I love it!!
  5. Hi! I'm loving this Bible Study already, this is my first one. The word "hallowed" simply means holy. Our Father..creator of all things; Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Holy is His name and we are made in His image. We should live our lives as a testament to God, forsaking the sins of the world and build our hopes on things eternal. To take God's name in vain is sin, we disrespect the holiness of His name when we do this. We should begin each prayer in reverence to God by praise and worship just because of who He is: Lord over all; King of kings and Lord of lords; Almighty God, the author and finisher of our faith. Because of who He is we give Him glory, honor and praise.
  6. My name is Grace. I'm retired and I've just completed training to teach Christian small group Bible Studies and Sunday School. I'm also a member of the Evangelism Ministry/Nursing Home Ministry and New Members Ministry at my church. There's nothing like having the joy and the peace that only God can give, I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now.
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