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  1. All these examples of prayer is but to show us the varied ways the Holy Spirit leads us to pray. We need to avoid following any prayer as a "pattern". Instead, we should pray as we are led after listening to the Holy Spirit for guidance. Sometimes he will tell us to just say "Thy will be done"...other times He will place within us a burning desire to be bold and "reason" with God as Moses did here. We are Spirit led...not pattern led if we are true Christians. J.
  2. We need to constantly be reminded of the sinful nature we have to keep us tolerant of others' faults. I don't spend every day asking to be forgiven...just when the Holy Spirit convicts me of something that needs to be addressed to God. If you worry too much about asking for forgiveness for every little thing, you become pretty self-centered. I just enjoy the mercies of God most of the time. And always try to act mercifully to others. After all, if God forgives me past, present and future, who am I to withhold it from others. J.
  3. We seek to be independent of asking help from anyone for then we would "owe" them something. And above all, we don't want to feel we have something we owe God in return for his blessings. But I have seen that most of all so many people feel not worthy enough to ask God for things. They think that because of something they thought or did they don't feel good enough to ask God. But it is all about Grace...Grace...and Grace. Noone can ask with confidence until they understand the wonder of Grace.
  4. Along with the final Kingdom's arrival, I think we are asking for His Will (which is part of his kingdom) to be shown us each day so that we can discern where He IS working and join Him. Did not Jesus say that he did the works he saw the Father doing? In simple words, we need to be found in the path where He is walking, and where His Spirit is moving. J.
  5. Since I feel we can hallow God's name in so many ways, here I thought about hallowing His name as Father....paying him honor as our provider, nurturer, etc. by showing complete dependence on His will and work in our lives. It is first of all acknowledging Him as the one who can give us what we need. By our words "Our father", we are running into his arms for the things we next pray about. In the same way we desecrate the name and position of God as Father by being confident that we can provide our needs by ourselves. That we are in control.
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