The apostles were disciples, but they disappointed Christ many times. It was only after the death and resurrection of our Lord that they developed the kind of character that Jesus was training them to have when He walked with them daily. Often times, we are not the obedient disciples that Christ wants because we don't have the courage to do what He asks of us. Sometimes, we are so caught up in what we want to do that we even think we are being obedient, but we are only doing what we have decided is the will of God, when sub-consciously, we know it isn't. Yes, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but fortunately, we have a promise in I John that says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
God does not force us to do anything. So, yes, Gideon had a choice. and he chose to obey God. Many times, we human Christians do not choose to obey, but we have a choice. If we choose to follow our Lord totally and completely, we will ultimately feel good about what we have done for we know we have been obedient disciples. But, if we choose to disobey, we may be guilt ridden for the rest of our lives; we may have to suffer unfortunate consequences, but we can rejoice in know that God continues to give us opportunities to make wise and godly choices.