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I feel that it is one type of his blessings....Abrahma was honored and blessed in so many ways....I don't believe that wealth always reflects Gods blessings....come on now, how many people do we know that are wealthy and don't have God in there life....I also believe that God will take wealth away also when he sees fit.....many times i have witnessed people wealth but don't do God's will and have watched there money be taken from them.....through all kinds of avenues and ways....Physical poverty to me doesn't represent a curse by God.....i know all kinds of people who are poor financially and wealth beyond all measure in other areas... I don't have a lot of money and have been that way all my life.. my family has money...but money has never been my things....since i have allowed God into my heart and my life i am richer today than i have ever been.....I wouldn't ever put validation on money to say were i am at with God.....God giveth and God taketh away.....
Q2. Praying Boldly
mjl4given2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
For me I need to pray with the boldness and trust that Moses did. He put forth his appeal to God and he wasn't afraid. I have recently been afraid to ask God to change a situation. I have been afraid to ask him to have the same result but in a different avenue. This lesson was huge for me. I really needed to hear, read, and place it upon the tablets of my heart. Moses present a alternative answer to what God wants to acomplish. And it is definatly a ligitamete and a awesome solution to what God wants for the people of Egypt. When I pray the promises of God I put the the word of God into action. I state that I know what God has said to me and that i hold it to be true and that i trust that it will be and that it will surely come to pass. Knowing the Bible helps me in my prayers because it allows this communion between Him and I. He reminds me of His words and i respond accordingly. The Bible IS Gods conversation with me. He speaks, I listen, I tell Him what I am thinking and we go back and forth. And when I am in a place of misunderstanding or confusion, He tells me were to go in the Bible, to seek refudge, to find peace, and to find the answer he wants me to hear. ..PRAISE BE TO GOD... -
God tells Abraham what he is going to do for him in the verses Geneesis 12:2-3, and they show that God keep his promises when Sarah was abducted. He made Abrahams name great, i am sure everyone knew who Abraham was when he and Sarah left the region. He blessed those that blessed Abraham, he removed the curse of being baron on the kings women, and, He cursed the ones who cursed Abraham, he made Pharaoh sick, he place to curse of barrne on the women. So truely God did what he said he was going to do. Even when Abraham couldn't or didn't see it or remember it. How awesome is that ..
I feel Abraham and Sarah's behavior is alot like everyone elses, when faced with fear of violence, and bodily harm. How can we say what we would have done? I know for me when i have been faced with violence and harm that i to have lied and said things that were not true. I knew God was there the whole time but i did what i had to do to survive. God had his hand upon the situation. I don't believe they were ethically and morally wrong. I feel they did what they had to do in the face of adversity. They were humans to. the lesson for me in this story is that no matter what we do God will keep his promise, and he will stick to it even when we are being in the grips of a human experience and forget to place the supernatural powers of Christ. God will always come through, even when we twist and turn things in the fear of a human emotion like violence, rape and abduction. What a horriable experience for Abraham and Sarah.
Q3. God's View of Adultery
mjl4given2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
God don't play when it comes to adultry. and I find it sad that socielty as a whole kind of turns there head on the subject. Socity finds it grounds for divorce but doesn't see the true sickness and full nature of adultry. God can forgive anyone for anything, if there is true repentance and I am pretty sure there will be some consequences to pay. God is a loving God, and he wants all to repent for there sins and to be forgiven -
Q2. Judgment upon Pharaoh
mjl4given2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
It reminds me of when I do something unpleasing to God. Even when I don't know it, I become sick, sick spritually, sick mentally, and sick physically. God let Pharah know that there was something wrong. Almost like his conscience. God was trying to show Pharaoh that what he was doing was wrong. Pharah didn't know, so God had to show him some how. Abraham surely wasn't gona say anything. I truely believe God will do for us what we can not do for our selves. And sure it had the desire effect. Pharaoh return Sarah to Abraham. Gods will was fufilled. No if we all would listened when God is trying to tell us something. -
The dangers that Abraham and his family faced were from the king and the civilians. Attacks on him and his family, rape, gang violence. He might have been opressed by Kings, warlords, politcal groups. Sojourners who live in my community. I live in Colorado so we have a lot of Hispanic culture, and alot of homosexuals. Homosexuals have a huge community that they share together here. Hispanics came here for employment and the climate. You usually can find work year around here. The winters are fairly do able. Homosexuals rally together here do to the overwhelming support they recieve from political memebers, community leaders, and an out poor of rescources available to them. Just an added note. Colorado has a homeless rate that has reached epademic. and i see them also as sojourns in this state. They are oppressed and discriminated greatly. The state of Colorado refuses to provided more houseing shelters, there are few services and agencies to help. And the ones that are in place are so overwhelmed that they can't keep up with the demand. So we see homeless people everywhere in downtown Denver. And ironiclly they sleep on the lawn of the Capital building. They gather in front of the court house. People walk right past them like they don't even exsit. It is so sad. I have been trying to get involved in our Red Cross Rescue mission, to lend a hand. And many of times i have gone to Capital hill and i will talk with some of the homeless. just to lend a ear. Just to share a smile. To share the loving work of our every so saving powers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Q4. Changing God's Mind
mjl4given2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
I feel that God is broad and wide, that he can take any situation and turn it toward the furthering of his kingdom. And when we pray for something to change, we set an appeal with him he looks at it and sees if it also can be usefull for his purpose for us.I don't think he can or would answer a prayer outside of the scope of His will. It's not even fathable. When we step out of Gods will then the results are not His but the enemys. So He can't and won't change something to fit outside his will. I think this is a strange question -
Q3. Prayer and Determinism
mjl4given2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
I feel that if we feel everything is determinism and predestination we won't pray with boldness. We won't set an appeal to God, we just go with things. I don't think God wants me to just go with the flow. He wants me to be bold, strong, and tell him what i want and how i would like things to come to pass. If i am right with God he will give me all my hearts desires. I surely hope that my prayers make a difference to God, other wise why do I pray or then how come we interced for others? Doesn't that make a difference. I know that i am here because of the prayers from family, friends, and my pastor inteceding for me when i was in the darkness. -
Q1. Rebellion
mjl4given2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
The people of Isreal didin't wait on the Lord for one thing, and they also turned and saught validation and put there ttust in a false god. They turned there back on the Lord out of selfish needs. God did love them, very much, but God has a purpose for everyone and if you don't want to be apart of it and to further the kingdom of God we WILL find someone else. Was it justified? I believe that what ever God does has purpose and a reason. for the fufillment of the kingdom. -
Q2. Kingdom and Will
mjl4given2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Thy kingdom come....I want Gods kingdom to come upon me and pour it's self on me...I want his kingdom to be present in all things that i do and in every aspect of my life..And i want to always to his will. And when i ask for this i am asking for his will to be revealed to me. That i will see it clearly. That i won't bawk or be confused as to what he wants me to do.. This prayer effects my life in the way that i surrender my life and my will to him, allowing God to work in my life, to better further his kingdom. -
We should always ask for forgiveness because we all know that we are sinners, and we need God to cleanse us and wash us clean daily. When we have unforgiveness on our part it will block us, God says that we can not be forgiven if we can't forgive. God wants us to forgive each other. We need to love each other as he loves us.
We seek to be independent about asking for help because we like to think we are running our own lives, that we know better and that no one can tell us anything that we don't already know. And when we are like that we are in fear. Fear that we might have to show some humility. We seek to be independent of God because we think that he may ask to much of us, or that his terms are to hard for us. But what it really is , is that we don't want to be obedient, we don't want to give up our fleshly desires. God wants us to not be of this world, and sometimes that is hard for us. We try to hold on to old ideas and mind sets. God wants us to have daily bread so that we can prosper and be abundant, so we may further his kingdom.
The significance of Abraham calling on Yahweh for me is that it shows me that the ONLY way to find strength and perserverance is through God. That any burden that seems to much for me, God alone will make light for me. I must call upon him. for all my needs. It means for me total dependance, total surrendar, total trust, total faith that God will always hear me and be there for me
It takes and incrediable faith to step out into the unknown. We get caught up in fear, in doubt and self will. These things block us and also allow the enemy to put lies, confustion and false ideas in our head. We begin to doubt Gods intensions and we question the purpose or reason for the situation God is placing at our feet. So when we step out in faith, the kind of faith were we don't become doubting Thomas's God begins to move in our lives in a supernatural way. We must allow God to be God, in and through all our situations. Trusting in his way. We all know the outcome will be of true blessings, if and only if we allow God to take control and walk forward. IT ISN'T EASY BUT IT SURE IS DOABLE !!!! I am currently in this situation were i am getting ready to leave my home, my family, my support group in order to do what God has set in front of me to do. I am terrified in one sense, but in an other i am so excited to be apart of Gods army. I have had to surrender to the idea that my life is none of my business. That i belong to God and i need to allow him to work in and through me. My life belongs to him and with that i must take up my bed and walk. PRAISE GOD