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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Carla Ann

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Everything posted by Carla Ann

  1. Hi all, My name is Carla and I live in Tucson Arizona. I am very excited about this Bible study. I have never done one online and the forum part of it is intimidating to me, but I have faith that I will figure it out. I am seeking to know Him better, to be more disciplined in spending time in the word and I have been floundering for a while. Something woke me up in the middle of the night a few days ago and I got on the computer and found this study. Prior to that moment, it had not even occured to me to search on-line for a Bible study. I definetly feel led to be here and am so grateful for the opportunity. I look forward to sharing with others who love the Lord! Thank you pastor Ralph for being there when this wayward child went looking!
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