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Everything posted by Dolly
Q4. Justice, Vengeance, and Mercy
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Justice - giving someone what is deserved Vengeance - punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense. Mercy - not giving someone what they deserve, forgiving them. If you turn from your sins and give your life to God, then He will forgive. You may have to still pay the consequences of your sins, such as bad health, etc. But your sins' have already been paid for in full. The cross was God's way of getting your debt paid in a way that would satisfy justice. When he sent his only Son, who was sinless, to take our sins and nail them to the cross. He paid the debt he didn't owe so we could be free. -
We are to become like our Father, His light is to shine through us. If the world is to see Jesus in us, then that means we should be modeling the likeness of him in every thing we do, in word and deed. God puts the people in our paths that we are suppose to help and serve, as Jesus did when he was here. We are all missionaries, strangers and aliens on this planet, we are to leave a lasting impression of Jesus on all we come in contact with. We are to help any way we can, if we can not go - then we send our money instead to help. We give of all the Lord has given to us. We should always be asking God to help and guide us to where HE wants us to be, to the people who HE wants us to help and the ways in which we can accomplish His will, for our lives, and theirs.
Q2. Relativity and Righteousness
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
There is no way to know God if we don't believe as he believes. What the world believes is wrong, the bible says it is, we've seen ourselves fall on our face time and time again, because we believe as the world believes. Until we turn from the world and start looking to the only true source of truth and morality, we cannot know the Righteous and Upright God. The only way to declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world is to live the life God intended for us to live. If we put our faith and trust in God and truly turn to him for our needs, the world will see Jesus in us, and then maybe they will believe in the Holy One. You can talk all you want, but unless you walk the walk, people will never listen because they have to 'see' to believe. -
Isaiah realized he was not yet as holy as he should be. It's like putting two different colors of white up against each other, only to find one is whiter than the other one. Isaiah saw his sin in the 'light' of the Holy one. Isaiah was afraid because in his time, it was believed you would die if you saw' God. Also he thought God would not accept him in his present state of unclean lips and would cast him aside, instead, God purified him for his(God's) service. God makes him Holy by purifying him with hot coals. The coals symbolise burning away impurities. Isaiah responds to God whole heartedly now, he is confindent that he has been redeemed by God himself and is ready to present himself in service to God.
Q4. The Prayer of Surrender
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
To pray a prayer like this is scary, because you know it might be painful, it might be a rough road to travel. You have to know if you pray a prayer like this, and you know that God hears your prayer, that he WILL do what you ask of him. He won't hold back, and that could mean alot of discomfort for you. Pain, embarassment, digging things of the past up that you would rather stay buried, heartache, frustration, alot of different feelings and emotions stirring within you. And then you have to be willing to hear what God has to say on his findings and be willing to correct them according to His will for your life. That's not always easy to do. Seems like I'm always praying this prayer because I don't want to be left out, I want to be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for eternity. That's probably why it seems like God is always giving me new things to learn, testing me, it's not easy but if that's what it takes, and I need it to fulfill his will for my life, then that's the way it has to be. I think that a true disciple would want to pray this kind of prayer. We should want what is best for us, and God knows what that is. -
Q3. Intricate Prenatal Weaving
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
God loves us so much, he chose us, he planned for us, he created us, for his purposes, He put alot of time and thought into us. How much more important do we need to feel than this. He wanted' us for HIS purpose, for fellowship with' him, it's not about us, it's about him. It's not that he needs' us, but he wants us, he cares for us and he loves us so much that he sent his only Son to die for us. We are his children, He is our Father, Our Father is a King, a Priest, the creator of ALL creation and US. Young parents should feel very special to be carrying a child that the God of heaven created, and chose them to care for, and teach them about their heavenly Father. Our thoughts are not His thoughts, His are so much higher than ours, we are indeed children, who cannot think the thoughts of our parents yet because we haven't the ability or knowledge to know what's ahead. -
Q2. Touched by the Hand of God
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
I think David felt completely blessed by God's touch. It is so good to feel God's arms wrapped around you and to feel his presence with you, knowing he is in control of everything and has my best interest in mind, brought me through alot of mistakes in my life and alot of dangerous places, it also brought and is bringing through lung cancer. I could have never of made it without my God by my side. He took care of everything so well, there was nothing left for me to worry about. It is so wonderful to put it ALL in God's hands and let him do what HE wants to do the way HE wants to do it. It's so perfect! It is so sad that we don't let God have his way more often. -
Q1. Fleeing from God
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
I think sinners are the most likely to flee from God, because they feel the weight of conviction on them and they can't bear it. They are not ready to give in to God and give up their lifestyle just yet. I think 'maybe' the 'believers' get side tracked, get so confident that they forget to watch where they are going and before they know what has happened, they slip. Sometimes, I think we might flee because we get impatient for God to work in our lives, we feel that maybe he's not paying enough attention to us or maybe don't understand the importance of our situation. We try to do it ourselves because we are in a hurry. We get ahead of God. I think it's comforting to know that IF I would 'flee' from God, that he would still be with me, he would still come after the 'lost' sheep and bring me back. It's kind of like if you would have a temper tantrum and get mad at your parents, you might 'flee' from them but they would still come after you and try to talk some sense into you. I think that deep down, we all know that God is watching and listening to us, and that he KNOWS what we do. But, it's like they say, out of sight, out of mind. If I can't see him, then maybe' he won't see me. Either that or you just don't care if he sees you or not - kind of like, I don't care what you said, I'm going to do it my way anyway. I have' fled' from God, but it wasn't on purpose, I was a teenager- but because of the way I was raised, I don't think I ever WANTED TO flee from God, I was always hoping he would not leave me alone and that he would bring be back, I really did miss him, but at the time I thought maybe I had crossed the line with him and he would not take me back. I always knew from the way I was taught that he heard, saw, and knew my every move. and I was (down deep) glad that he did. It's kind of hard to explain, but I always loved God and wanted to be his. -
As a supreme Creator, he never grows tired or weak as we do. but he DOES have what WE need to help us when WE grow tired or weak. God always has what we need, all we have to do is ask, and believe. God is always faithful and just, he will never leave us. he does not sleep, so he is always available when we need him the most.
The Lord, Rock of our salvation, Great God, Great King, Our Maker, our God. Sing for joy, shout aloud, come before him with thanksgiving, extol him with music and song, bow down in worship, kneel before the Lord. For he is worthy of ALL praise, worship, fellowship, honor, respect, glory, thanksgiving and so much more. We can never repay him for all he has done for us.
If you make or create something, you own it, it is yours. God has the right to say what is good for me, or not good for me, He has the right to say what I should do or not do, He has the right to be respected and honored and praised. We as his children, have no right to question him. We should live our lives to honor, respect and praise our creator, He gave us the right to have a choice in the decisions that affect how we live our lives here and for eternity. Our self-image should be very good. Our Creator, is our Father, our Lord, our Savior. He wants and gives us only the things that are good for us, not that will harm us. He showers us with blessings and provisions. He loves us and cares for us and wants to be with us forever. How much more do we need to have great self-images. With such a loving and caring Creator and Father doing so much for us, we should have a sense of purpose to serve him only, do what ever he asks of us, go where he wants us to go. There should be no limitations on our part to please him. He gave so much for us through his Son Jesus. Our purpose for our lives should be his purpose for our lives.
'The pot' is usually only interested in 'self'. I want things MY way, NO pain, No uncomfortable places, No going out of My way, this is the only thing the 'pot' knows. It doesn't know that all the above 'NO's - are the only way to make the pot into something sturdy, useable and beautiful in the potters eyes. It is ridiculous for the pot to second guess the Potter because it has no idea what is possible for it to become. Left to the pot, it would not be useful for much of anything, and would probably break in no time. We always say we want God's will for our lives, but, we don't want to go through the process it takes to get us there. We want the easy way out. but there is no easy way from the cross. If we trust God completely and let him have his way with our lives, it would be so much better than we could ever do by or for ourselves. It's so-o-o-o worth it to give him everything, he can make so much more of what we have than we can. and it will count for so much more if he does it.
David's understanding of 'The Living God' created a faith in his God that could not be shaken. God said it, I believe it, and that's good enough for me! David took God at his word, and lived by faith. Which is how we all should be living. Just as God inspires faithfulness, he also inspires fear, all for the same reason - He Keeps His Promises.
First and Last... I was always here, and I will always be here. I am eternity. I AM THAT I AM" - I think He's saying, I am who I say I am, I am everything to everyone everywhere, there is no other like me, never has been, never will be. I am the one and only.
I think 'Pickledilly' said it best, or at least I like the way he said it and completely agree. I don't think I could really say it any better. But I'll try... to inhabit eternity would be like a dream come true, to see things as they were intended to be, pure and clean and their true beauty. It's like we are living in a fog now, but then, the fog will lift and we will be able to see the real colors, and the way things really are. being there with God & Christ Jesus, will bring peace and security as we have never known before. it will inspire praise, worship, joy. contentment. To hear all of heaven singing the same songs of praise at the same time - AWESOME.
Yehweh - God of you fathers, I was here then for them, and I am here now for you, and will always be here. I think the name means 'eternal' The wooden gods(idols) would rot and decay. In contrast to the 'eternal' God.
He asks for healing based on his personal history of righteousness and obedience to God. Your track record' says alot about and for you. This man had a history or 'track record' of doing what is right in the sight of God. (or aleast making his best attempt at doing right) So it wasn't like he was asking God for healing so he could do what he wanted to do, but continue doing God's will for him and his people. Unrighteousness, is a displeasure to God, most of the time these prayers are for selfish reasons and God will not hear nor answer.
The prayers both start by acknowledging who God is and giving God praises and thanksgivings. You have to realize and know who God truly is, how great he is and powerful in order to put your faith in him and trust him without a single doubt. You must put God first in everything you do, If you cannot humble yourself enough to come before God and reconize him for who he is, then God will be slow to reconize you, and your prayer will probably not get answered.
Spreading out the message before the Lord was like saying, I'm giving this problem and battle to you Lord. Hezekiah had faith and trust to put everything in God's hands. That's the way we should be also, if we would only go to God first, we could avoid or make things easier on ourselves. When we don't seek God's guidence first, we end up getting ourselves in alot more trouble and needless problems than we should have. "Seek first the kingdom of God"
If you have a selfish attitude with your 'things', thing you will be selfish in all you do and you cannot give away 'praise' to someone else, if you think you are the one who is deserving of the praise instead. Worshipping is giving of yourself. If you are selfish with your money and property, then you will be selfish with giving any' part of yourself away also. God made everything, before we got here, he made us, It is God who gives us the strength and wisdom and ability to achieve and acquire the things we get and have. We are only passsing through, we are on a mission here as aliens and strangers in a foriegn land. Everything is on loan. We brought nothing into this world with us, and we will take nothing home with us when we leave. You should not get possesive of your possessions, be ready to let go of them at any given moment. If you have something someone else needs for survival, let it go. It was a gift to you, pass it along. I hope these truths will engerize my giving and my praise abundantly. We can never give, or praise God enough for what he has done for us, and given for us. But we can sure try!
We exalt God when we praise him because we are lifting him up firstmost in our thoughts, our hearts, our minds, our very being is focused on him. We are putting him in first place where he belongs. We praise him for the same reason. When we do this, we show our faith and love for him. It shows we are totally dependant on him for our needs.
True praise from the heart to God blesses him because he knows we truly mean it. It is a treasure, a prized gift. It is letting him know we truly love him. Our honesty, devotion, really giving of ourselves, opening ourselves up to be vulnerable, giving back to God the only way we as humans can. Prayers that are self-centered, asking only for ourselves, our families, our needs, only thinking of what we need God to do for us, with out saying thank you or even please, are not really prayers, only request.
A broken heart and spirit - being humble, knowing the shame you caused God. coming to the end of your 'rope'. knowing there is no place else to go. laying yourself completely open before God. You have to be truly repentant and sorry for your sin. you have to totally ready to turn from your sin. You have to be brought low, - so God can raise you up. this is like dying to self (as mentioned before, above) you have to dye to self daily we resist because we are of flesh, the flesh wars against the spirit.