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Everything posted by Dolly
Q3. A Pure Heart
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51)
With God all things are possible. the closer we stay to Jesus, the more we lean on him, the more intune with his will we will become. we will be able to hear the Spirit's voice correcting us and will be able to instantly repent without question. we have to stay close to Jesus, we have to be still to hear his voice, we have to be willing to obey in all things. -
Q2. Confession of Sin
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51)
David confesses his sins 'just as they are', plain and out in the open. he lays them all before the Lord. God wants to know, that we know, just how bad our sin is. He wants us to acknowledge to him and to ourselves just how ugly and disgusting sin really is. he wants us to hate sin as much as he does. To know and realize this, makes us truly humble before God, truly sorry for what we have done and willing to make it right before God and mankind. -
Q1. Prayer for Pardon
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51)
We have to believe that what we are asking for is going to be answered, as in all prayers to our Father. If there is any doubt, there is no answer. Faith, again as in all things, is based on what we know and understand. If we have quality time with God through his word and in prayer, then we know his promises, we know he keeps his promises. We understand his nature and values. The more we rely on God, the more we see the results of relying on God, our faith keeps building and growing stronger, we then have the confidence to pray such a prayer because we know, we are a living testimony to God's mercy and power. The closer we are to God, the closer God is to us. -
Q4. Persistence
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
He keeps pleading with God, until he feels his prayer has been answered without affending his God, and within God's will. I think persistence is our way of showing God how serious we are about what we are asking for. Sometimes I think we ask for things, and since we really don't want them, we loose interest in them after awhile. or sometimes maybe we have doubts that God will answer such a prayer, so we just 'leave it in his hands' and hope he will answer the way we want. We have to show faith in what we believe, and what we want. We have to show compassion and love for the ones we are praying for. We have to show God we truly care and don't plan on giving up. You can know God answered prayer, when the burden you've been carrying has lifted, and you feel a piece like nothing else you have ever felt It's like God is wrapping his arms around you and saying, "fear not, I am with you, and I heard you. It will be alright." -
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Yes, I think his boldness pleased God. I think it's like a best friend, you know so well, you feel comfortable (even if sometimes a little afraid) talking to each other about difficult subjects. you let each other know when you think the other is doing something out of their character, you have faith they will understand your intentions are good. that you have faith and trust in God to hear your most secret prayers and thoughts and know that he will be just, fair and merciful in his answer to you. to consider him your best friend. -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Abraham demonstrated his humility by acknowledging his place before God. If boldness is not tempered with humility, then it would totaly get out of hand on our part. it would be considered more to be a demand upon God instead of a request or petition. -
Q1. Contending for Righteousness
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Other than thinking of his relatives, he was imploring God to consider that there might also be others who believe in him and trust him to take care of them. God was telling Abraham to be righteous and just with his family, Abraham was asking God to do the same with 'HIS' family. God's character is righteous and just and he does care for his family. To inflict the same punishment on them as he did the unrighteous would not be according to his will and great mercy. -
Q4. Changing God's Mind
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
As long as the prayer is in God's will it will not cause conflict. God cannot answer a prayer outside of his will. -
Q3. Prayer and Determinism
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
If we think that God is going to do it his way anyway... then we will merely do a dutiful prayer and believe God will do what is right no matter. God said to pray with no doubts, he said to come boldly to the throne and make your requests. He said what ever you ask in his name will be done. He said he wants us to intercess for people, otherwise they will be lost forever. If our prayers make no difference to God's response, why would he tell us to pray, why would he want us to intercede for others. Why would he give us model prayers. Why would he say prayer is a two way conversation with God? -
Q2. Praying Boldly
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Moses knew God intimitly. We need to know God this way also, by prayer, and by reading his words to us we grow close to God and begin to know him on a much deeper level than we ever thought was possible. A perfect stranger can not come up to you and make demands on you to change your mind. that is why we must know God, know his will for us, his people, and his kingdom. then we can come boldly to the throne and ask our Father for his love, compassion and mercy to answer our petitions. We should use all aspects of Mose's prayer to come to the Father, including respect, honoring his decision in the end. Moses knew the scriptures and God's promises, and asked according to what God had said, and promised. Praying the promises of God increases our faith that God will answer based on his words and shows the Father we have faith in him to do the right thing. If you don't know the Bible, then you won't know God's promises and can't back up your requests. Knowing the scriptures is knowing God's will. -
Q1. Rebellion
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
They turned from God and rebelled against him. I think they might have been scared, they hadn't seen Moses for 40 days, they had no way of hearing from God personally at that time. they thought they had been abandoned. they might of reached out in fear - for something they could see and touch, something they knew. I'm not saying they were right, they wasn't. but if you've ever been in a seriously lonely, scarey place, you too might begin to doubt if you made the right choice. Even in today's world, we still see miracles and God working in peoples lives, but then, when things are still, and we don't or can't hear or see our Lord working, we fear he is not listening to us anymore, maybe we've done something terrible wrong, maybe he's abandoned us. We tend to panic and sometimes turn to the wrong people for advice, instead of going to the source, Jesus Christ. Aren't we still acting the same way they did, have we not learned anything? God's anger is not the same as our anger. His is a righteous anger, ours is often self centered and for the wrong reason. He is only trying to protect his children from harm and teach them the right way to go. We as parents are the same way with our children for the same reasons. Yes, God was justified in wanting to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation, like most things, there are usually two ways to do things, Moses brought up the second way the same will of God could be done. I think God was just waiting for Moses to intercede for the people. -
We are not perfect, and never will be on this earth. We are human, and fall often. We can't even walk without holding his hand! When we humble ourselves before God and admit our weaknesses and ask for forgiveness. He will forgive and strengthen us. We are weak, but he is strong. You have to be in a humble state of mind to admit you are weak, coming before the Lord humbly, admitting he is the one true God, the only one who can forgive and cleanse us of impurities. God cannot and will not bless or give good things to the proud and unforgiving spirit of man. This type of man does not think he needs help OR forgiveness. you reap what you sow... sow forgiveness, reap forgiveness, etc. etc..... I think if you truly forgive someone, you (in a way) actually bless them, thus, you sow blessings, you reap blessings. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think this is a spendid golden rule to live by in all things.
I think the world has a HUGE Influence on our thinking and our attitudes. As the world sees it, I deserve this, I should take care of number one first, I'm worth it. Of course this stems from the beginning of the world when Adam and Eve believed the snake (devil) and thought they could actually take control of their own lives and not have to depend on God. (I, is right in the middle of "sIn") From there, it was all down hill. People got greedy for MORE power, MORE wealth, MORE, MORE. MORE. I think it's just an inbred 'sin' nature in us that makes us want to be independant of Anyone, including, and espesically God. We still tend to listen to satin's lies far to much. That's why we need to stay tuned in to what God's will is for our lives and Depend on HIM for everything. Thats why the bible says we have to die to sin. We have to turn our backs on it and turn to God. The bible refers to God as 'the bread of life'. I think it might mean that we are to feed on God's word daily to sustain us and prepare us for our daily needs.
We should want his kingdom to first come to our hearts and lives, and then to let him shine his light through us so others will see his kingdom in us, and will want it in their own lives. This is how the kingdom of heaven will come to earth ( not in it's fullness of when Jesus comes, but to prepare for his coming) He has made us his kingdom and his priests who serve fefore God his Father. Give to him everlasting glory! He rules forever and ever! Amen! Rev.1:6 NLT Asking the Father's will to be done on earth, I think is agreeing with, and acknowledging that we believe his will WILL be done on earth and that we know his will is far better and greater that our will could ever be. We are bowing to his authority and respecting his wishes. For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life John 7:38A NLT We should always be willing and ready for God to work through us at any given time to do his will in and through us, for his glory and praise and honor.
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
Dolly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Our lives and words should reflect Jesus. We are to be 'in his image'. People should be able to see Jesus IN us. I think this is how God wants us to honor and respect him, in all things. If we tell the world we belong to God, but act like we belong to the world (or satin) we dishonor God, we are then in the image of the world and sin, and discredit the Father's name. If we pray with doubt or confussion as to what God can or will do in our lives, then we are not honoring the Greatness of our Lord. We should fully trust and believe our prayers will be answered (in God's time, which is ALWAYS on time) I believe, God is always in control of everything, he's been there, done that, has prepared the way for me, and then he walks with me to make sure I get through it the way he has prepared for me to go. -
Hi, My name is Peggy and I live in ILLinois. I am a part-time church secretary and an assistant adult sunday school teacher. I am just getting over lung cancer and trying to get back to doing what I love to do- study God's word. I'm hoping to impove my prayer life because I think It is the most powerful weapon we have. God has truly blessed me and my family during the past months of cancer. He has never left me nor forsaken me for a moment. this is my first online study and I am looking forward to it.