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Everything posted by charlesolu
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
God was delighted in Abraham's boldness, because it shows his knowledge of and trust in God. The bible say those who know their God will do exploit. God has not given us the spirit to fear, but of love, power and sound mind. With Abraham's boldness, he only manifested the charcater of God that is in him, and God is pleased with this. God would always take delight in our prayers when we undesrtand His will and tailored our prayers towards His will. God is only moved by His will. It was God's will to save Sodom and the people, if they have repented. -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Abraham demostrated his humility before God, by telling God about his own unworthiness to ask for the request. He apprecaited that he was a mere dust and ashes, only molded and fashioned in God's image, and has no legitimate right to ask God, his maker such a great request. Other times Abraham appealed to God's mercy and grace, before making the requests. Boldness must be tempered with humilty, otherwise, one might be challenging God and questioning His sovereingthyand thereby committing sin. We need to make our requests to God in humilty, with praise and thanskgiving. -
Abraham based his arguement on his understanding that God is not unjust, that He will destroy the righteous with the unrighteous people in Sodom. His ultimate aim was to intercede fro his nephew, Lot and his family, living in Sodom at that time. God is faithful. He will not allow the just to suffer wrong, and so God made provision for Sodom's intercession through Abraham. God is not interested in the death of sinners, but in their repentance. There is always remedy for sin through repentance. Jesus Christ came for the same purpose, to give us salvation.
Q4. Persistence
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Abraham persisted in his plea to God not to destroy the righteous with the sinners. He humbly bargained the number of people God would be willing to save from 50,to 45,then 30, 20, and 10. He understood that God is faithful and not unrighteous to destroy righteous people. Persistence in prayeris necessary as it indicates our seriousness and commitment to the request, whilst it also shows our faith and trust in God. I have experienced breakthrough in prayer several times. Several years ag, I wa having challenges passing my professional exam. I cried to God in pray and with fasting. He wonderfully granted my request. When I needed to get married, I prayed ceaselessly too. God showed His faithfulness again. I can count on and on. Having prayer through is a joyful experience and it reinforces our belief and trust in God. -
Q3. Prayer and Determinism
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Awrong understanding of determinism and predestination will prevent us from praying Moses kind of prayer. When a person does not know his predistination or purpose in life, he becomes less agitative or determined to achieve a particular goal. To such a person any destination is the right destination; any road is the right road. When we know our purpose and plan of God for us, we're able to pray and remind God concerning it, and cry essetially when things are not going the right way. Moses understood what God's promises were concerning His people, he stood on these to plead his case for God's mercy on behalf of the people. I do not subscribe to the belief that our prayers doesn't make any difference with God. God is compasionate and mercififul, even though He may have proposed to punish us for our sin, when we turn from sin and genuinely repent of evil doing, God forgives us and give us a new lease of life. Because God created us, He knows our frailties or weakness and He made provision for our forgivess, when we turn back to Him. -
Q2. Praying Boldly
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Moses was able to approach God with boldness on behalf of thge people. He also reminded God, (just as He requires of us to remind Him of His promises) about what the eneny nations would say. That God was unable to do what He promised His pople, and so decided to destoy them instead. We also as Christians ought to constantly interceed on behalf of sinners and unbelivers, that God would have mercy on them and save their souls. Moses based his appeal on the promises of God to His people. To Abraham, Issaac, and Israel, and reminded God of His faithfulness to His words and promises. It is essential to pray the promises of God, because God's promises are true and eternal. God Himself told us to remind Him of His promises. He is faithful to fufill His promises. It further shows that we know what God's will is concerning us. Knowing the Bible is essential because it is from there that we know and understand the will of God. His purpose,plans and promises are revealed in His words. When we pray according to God's will, He answers us. This is because God is only moved by His will. -
Q1. Rebellion
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
The people's choice to make a god of their own is a great crime aganist God. In spite of all the miracles and wonders that God did to bring them out of Egypt (bondage), the red sea experience, spirit food, and so on, one wonders if the people ever believed in God. The choice of another god is against the commandment of God which Moses was about to bring to them. God is a jealous God. It can be saddening that people can be ungrateful and fail to apprecite all that God did for them. A rejected loving God ought to be angry over this great sin. God is justified in His sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses, because of their unbelief and stubborness of hearts, afterall, He did it with Noah. Nevertheless, God knows the end from the beginning, He knew that the Israelites are going to mess up, he provided a loving leader, acapable of interceeding for them. -
Q4. Changing God's Mind
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Our prayer can change God's mind when we pray according to His will. God is merciful, and never interested in the destruction of His people. So anytime we confess and genuienly repent of our sins, God forgive and pardon us, and change His mind concerning pending punishment againts us. Though God is holy and hates sin, the wages of sin is death. In God's plan, there is also repentace that leads to life. This does notconflict in any way with God's Immutability, as both plans are in accordance to His will. God is only move by His will. He will not answer prayers that are outside the scope of His will. If God grant a petitition or prayer outside His will, it may ultimately not be in our favor, as the case of King Hezekiah revealed. In 2 Kings 20:1,God revealedto him that he will die. He however prayed to God to prolong his life and God answered his by by adding fiteen years to his life. The mistakes that he made during that fifteen years was what destroyed all his has ever worked for. -
We should continually ask for forgiveness, because the Scripture recorded that whole world have sinned and come short of God's glory. Even in our supposedly righteous state, we are like a filty rag in God's presence. We live in a world where sin is evident and vitually all around us, we're suceptible to be influenced by the worldly principles and practices, as oppossed to our Father's Kingdom principles. All these, makes our lives not completely devoid of sin. So we must daily humble ourselves before God, acknowledge our weaknesses and ask for forgiveness. Unforgiveness can block God's blessing, one becuase it is an act of disobedience to God's command; secondly, mercy, forgiveness and love are characters of God. If we say we are children of God, we must exhibit these characters as well. We must be forgive, if we are to be considered sons of the father.Furthermore, you can only attract what you are willing to give. God cannot bless us in our sinful and disobedient state. Unforgiveness can block God's forgiveness becuase our refusal to forgive others, is an act of disobedient to God 's injunction, and this is sin. The Psalmist say, if I hold iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. This is because, God's eye does not behold sin. Just like Jesus Christ said we must be willing to forgive, to be forgiven, by the Father. We cannot remain in sin, and expect the blessings of God to abide with us.
I think pride, overconfidence in oneself, false sense of self-sufficiency and security makes us feel independent of others. Sometimes too, someone may be unwilling to ask for help, if he/she has been previously refused help, dissappointed or frustrated, by past experience. We seek to be independent of God for the pride in our hearts. We take God for granted for example, when everything seems to be going on fine with us, when we have chain of sucsesses, good health, wealth, and all we think we need for living a qualitier life. These false sense of self accomplishemnt reduces the influence of God in one's life. Example is analogy of the rich man as told in the parable of the rich fool, in Luke 12:16-21. We should ask God for our daily bread, because He Himself is the bread of life. He is the provider of all things and He is the one that gives us the abilities to work, to make a living , make profit and wealth. (Deut. 8:17-18). Jesus Christ said, without Him we cannnot do anything. Our aspect of our livesis dependent on God.
Q2. Kingdom and Will
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
By asking Father's Kingdom to come, we are praying to God to manifest His glory and power in us as His children and here on earth or in the world that we live. We want His divine will and purpose to be established in us and through us. The Bible hast it that His thougts towards us are thoughts of good and not of evil, to bring us to and end a predestinated, that is only known to Him. Doing the will of the Father would mean that we are being divinely guided and instructed in accordanace to His will and purpose for our lives. We are asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth, because that is the purpose and intention of God. God is only moved by His will. God created all things, and for His pleasure they and were created.(Revelation 4:11). Furthermore, the scripture recorded that the whole earth is travailing and waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God. When we know our purpose and do the will of our father, His will is ultimately done on earth. This prayer should make ours lives totally dependent on God and guided by the Holy Spirit. Our lives should be transformed, as such that we are able to win souls for the Father'a kingdom through our living, attitude and character. -
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
charlesolu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Our lives and words hallows God's name when we live holy and righteously. When live in accordance with God's law and principles and allow Holy Spirit to be our guide. Our words are positivr and seasoned with salt and able to positively influence others to follow Christ and serve God. Sin is a reproach to God. Profanity, disobedience to God's words and living a sinful life desecrates and besmiches the name of our Father. We hallow the Father when we pray, through our praise, worship and adoration. We express our love and honor for Him and thank Him for being our Father, the Alpha and Omega, the author and finisher of our faith. We also honor Him by acknowledging that we are sinners that can only be forgiven by His Grace and the blood of Jesus. No man is righteous before Him.