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Everything posted by JustJeff
The revelation that we do not declare ourselves righteous. God does, by our faith in Him. What is amazing is that Abram demontrated his great faith in the promise of Yah doing the impossible and God immediately responded to that faith because He knew that it was genuine. Our faith will allow the Lord to justify us, freeing us from the guilt of sin. I would imagine that the feeling of a new life in us is similar to that of Abram with the promise of an heir.
Q1. Your Shield and Suzerain
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
God has chosen me and has taken upon Himself the duties of my protecter. As such He is my sword, my shield and my buckler. He covers me front and back from the wicked, as long as I am faithful to my calling. His great reward is His unfeigned love for me and all that heaven can offer is open to me. He gives me life and freedom for which there can be no greater blessing. As my Suzerain He provides for me as I need and I belong to Him, and give Him my undieing allegiance. -
Having no fellowship with the unfuitful works of darkness Abraham refused to be connected to the wicked king rather, he kept his trust in Adonai as a faithful provider. In so doing Abraham displays that he is Yahweh's, exclusively. Abraham is a man of integrity and as we can plainly see after all of these thousands of years, a man richly rewarded by God for being so. Not a bad act to follow.
I believe that you have answered the first question with the second. Abraham was indeed worshipping El Elyon by paying tithes. Tithes honor God and His church by giving the church the ability to survive. This goes back all the way to the commission to Aaron and the Levites that tithes would be brought to the temple or tabernacle in order to sustain all, the priests, the Levites and the temple. God always demands our firstfruits. The gross of our income is the firstfruit and should be given accordingly. Believe this. You will be blessed as to your faith in giving.
Q2. Abraham's Rescue Mission
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Abraham Rescues His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13-14)
Abraham would be a man who values his family after the Hebrew tradition of protecting their lineage. He would also be a skilled warrior and commander, traits necessary to carry out a successful attack such as was done to rescue Lot. To recruit the assitance of his neighbors he would have had to bread much good will toward them. All of these are qualities that a real man should emulate. -
Q1. Wealth and God's Blessing
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Abraham Rescues His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13-14)
God supplies us with our needs. When we are inline with Him, and His plan for us, which is part of the piece of the puzzle for His plan for mankind, He provides what is needed to accomplish our calling. In Abraham's case it would seem that in order for him to do what El Elyon had promised him he would have to be well entrenched with the power and authority that material wealth brings. So, in Abraham's case, wealth would have been part of his blessing. Neither wealth or poverty should always be attributed to God. What we are is by our choice. We are either the children of God or the children of the Adversary. God intiates, Satan duplicates. When we choose to follow the Almighty, He always will turn what seems to be the worst of situations into a blessing. That includes poverty. As for Satan, look toward those who we idolize, Hollywood, athletes, the rich and famous, and determine for yourself as to whether they are blessed or cursed for all of their wealth. Look at the addict or drunk. Who chose to take the first hit on the crack pipe or bring on the first binge? Was it God or did we allow the enemy to gain a stronghold in our soul? -
Not having living during Abraham's time where relationships and their values were very different I can't honestly say whether there was a wrong done here nor would I questions Abraham's faith as he did receive the promise. What I do get out of all of this as I compare it to other bible figures is that they were all real people, not superheros as some would refer to them. They were placed in God called situations to be molded for His divine purpose. They obeyed and their stories recorded for our edification. The only real hero in the bible is Jesus Christ.
I don't see any relationship at all between God's promise to Abraham and Sarah's abduction other than God not allowing anything to interfere with the implementation of the promise. It seems to me that Abraham was simply a man of faith, nevertheless, a man. He did what he could to survive which he needed to do for the promise to be fulfilled. Whether he knew this or not we don't know. What we do know is that Abraham believed God and God counted that to him for righteousness.
Q3. God's View of Adultery
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
Adultery is a sin though this scripture doesn't seem to lay blame on Sarah or Abraham who gave her over in order to save himself. It does, however, show that God does hold a dim view of those who are involved in such an act. God is faithful and just to forgive all manner of sin, except blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. He does though, have His limitations (Heb 10:26) when we are able to walk away from our sin and do not. -
Q2. Judgment upon Pharaoh
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
God had a plan in place for Abraham and Pharaoh was in the way. When God moves obstacles He does so by effecting the lives of those in the way, in this case, making Pharaoh's household sick. The result was that Pharaoh put two and two together and Sarah was restored to Abraham, Abraham was set free and, materially increased as well. Our God is an awesome God. -
People perceived as "different" from those who inhabit a given place or those who are strangers are generally treated with skepticism, indifference and disdain by those who have lived there all of their lives. As a result they do not receive the benefits of the citizens of the land and must survive in the most difficult of circumstances. In my community in Florida we have a continual flow of transients and migrants, coming here for the weather and opportunity for a better life. Often denied regular jobs because of unstable backgrounds or lack of valid ID, they end up in day labor or the fields. We are a mission. We accept and provide for anyone in need and most of all the need we fill is giving them the bread of life, the words of Jesus Christ.
Q4. Calling on the Name of the Lord
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Calling on Yahweh is what it's all about. Acknowledging that He and He alone is able to take us through and that we have put our trust in Him, that's it. It is called prayer and we should do that constantly, without ceasing. When I have the line open, I know that God will listen, and answer, as long as I call upon Him according to His will. In that, I have great comfort. -
Q33. Glory in the Church
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.3. Paul's Prayer and Doxology (3:14-21)
We try very hard to make certain that God gets all the glory in our church. Our congregation is minute, being transient, addicted, mentally ill and all the ills of society. There is always the tendency for vain glory in our fleshly state, but putting the Lord first in all that we do has made this ministry to be very blessed. No, not financially, as He simply provides what we need to minister. We are blessed spiritually and are able to give Yahweh and Him alone the glory, for He alone is worthy. To be able to step out of this earthly vessel and completely shun the world and it's offerings. To conquer the flesh and it's sinful lusts. To keep the devil under my heel. All of that would clear the way for me to live a life of glory to God. I believe that I do not have the knowledge of how awesome that will be. Someday, I will realize the moment. -
Q32. Filled with the Spirit
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.3. Paul's Prayer and Doxology (3:14-21)
Ah, filled with the Spirit! A time when every thought is brought into captivity, and every emotion is under control of the Holy Spirit. When we are no longer a fleshly, lustful, human being, but a Spiritual being, totally and utterly at the service of our Blessed Redeemer, giving Him all the praise, all the glory, all the honor for only He is worthy. Alas, now it is for a moment. We return to our human state, having tasted of that which is to come. We continue forward, knowing more clearly of that which awaits and as we grow in the Lord, by continuing is His Word and allowing the fullness of God to gain dominion over our being, we become more Spiritual and preparing for the time when we will be Spirit filled for evermore. Amen. -
I believe that when we start to do a thing there is always a question as to whether it is God or "me". In my mind there is a shadow of doubt, knowing that if I fail, I wasn't doing God's will but, my own. It seems that no matter how often the Lord sees me through there is always some hesitation on my part. I live by faith. My very exisitance is dependent upon God and His provision for me. I am living a life very similar to that of Paul, albeit I am stationary. Never the less, it is Yahweh Yireh that I count on to give me my daily provision. Since I have begun this life I have never needed anything, He gives me His all, and yet, my flesh is always present to cause me to be hestitant about all of this. Quite an adventure indeed.
Q31. Far Reaches of Love
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.3. Paul's Prayer and Doxology (3:14-21)
When we wish to truly reap the entire scope of Christ's love we MUST lose our lives. Every thought, every desire must be surrendered to the Lord and replaced by His mind. When we fail to do this, evening clinging to the simplest of lusts, we restrict our growth and inhibit our ability to love in the same unfeigned way as He. To live and love as our Lord is to be able to reach out and embrace anyone, no matter how destestable they seem to be or how much enmity they may feel toward us. To be one who has compassion for the unsaved, the hurting, the addicted, the street people, the poor and needy. To do this, not only as a holiday volunteer, or an hour a week soup kitchen helper or a poor box clanger but, as the Lord did, we must give of ourselves in some way, everyday in everyway, including prayer without ceasing. My life is dung. What matters is serving to please the One who gave His all for me. When we grow to understand His love, love without price, we realize that it is an extoverted, giving love which is what we become, lights that light the whole world. That is what is happening to me. My light is becoming brighter. I am learning to give my all to help others as Christ gave His everything to save me. Acts 11:26 refers to Holy Spirit filled believers as Christians. Jewish tradition believes that Moses received the Ten Commandments on the day of Penetcost. This would be a clear statement by God as only He can make.I pray for those who feel a need to put labels on those who may have a different inderstanding of the Word. We are all supposed to be one body, with many members, Christians one and all. -
Q1. Beginning Again
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
I'm certain that anything that I have done in my life that is any good has been done so by the prompting of the Lord. And since, before being born again, I crashed and burned often, I'm equally certain that it was because I didn't complete what God had intended for me to do. I cannot see God wanting me to stop any work that He had begun in me. I have a free will and by that will I am ultimately reponsible for my actions. I begin again every day since I am a sinful creature. I must die daily and allow Yahweh to renew me. Every day is a new day, better than yesterday, not as good as tomorrow. -
Q30. Strengthening
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.3. Paul's Prayer and Doxology (3:14-21)
Three scriptures in answer to the questions: (1) And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever,... But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:16,26. (2) ..."If a man love me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." John 14:23. It is the Holy Spirit in us that gives us strength by the recollection of the Word in application to our daily living. It is Jesus Christ who is the Word. Two separate and distinct parts of the three parts of the Holy Trinity, all of whom dwell in us. -
Q5. Course Evaluation
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
I am a big fan of these bible studies which is why I take two at a time. I am always rewarded with a better understanding of the character and nature of God when I am through. This brings me closer to Him and makes me much more adept in my ministry. The study of James has given me a greater sense of my responsibilty in the faith as a deacon and for that I thank you. Please don't change a thing. Let the Holy Spirit continue it's work in you as is. -
Q32. Wandering Sheep
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
With nothing of more importance than one's salvation, what could be a better display of works by faith than to war for the soul of a lost brother or sister? To let a loved one wander away to certain death without doing a thing would be to be as spiritually dead as they. -
When we speak to our heavenly Father we should do so as we would a friend. Jesus taught us that we are His friends if we obey His commandments. At the same time, we are also the children of the Father. With the faith that this is true, we should approach God as we would a loving father of the flesh, knowing that he will listen and help us with a willing heart and will not turn a deaf ear to our pleas. Yahweh is such and expects us to come to Him with the boldness and confidence that displays love and trust. To not have such a relationship with the Creator is a lack of faith. Our prayers will be ineffective.
Q31. Anointing and Confession
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Oil represents the annointing of the Holy Spirit and is a tangible asset that strengthens the faith of believers. I have always thought that the best demonstration of faith is prayer. Without faith, there is no prayer. By utilizing faith the prayers are able to accept the result of the prayer as God's will for the person prayed for, giving Him all glory and honor. Confession is healing to the soul which is not coincidental to this set of scriptures. -
Paul acknowledged that he was a blasphemer, a persecutor, and injurious (1 Tim 1:13) to the Lord and to Christians prior to his conversion. He realized that by God's great mercy he was forgiven and saved, by His amazing grace. Paul never forgot this, nor did he forget the power that Jesus demonstrated to him on the road to Damascus, making him blind so that he could see. By always keeping God's great demonstration of His love toward us by saving us from our sin, and never forgetting where He has brought us from, we will remain humble, as was Paul.
Q30. Faith-filled Elders
JustJeff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Elders are to be the strength of prayer, to take the lead in discerning the affliction and praying according to Yahweh's will. And elder must be steadfast in the faith, full of the Holy Ghost, walking as Jesus walked. An elder must be sober minded, that is focused continually on the Lord. The elder must be a mature Christian, fully equipt in knowledge of the Word.