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Everything posted by Triciahh
Hello everyone! I've taken a few of these Joyful Heart studies and always learn a lot. I very much enjoy reading other people's insights and thoughts from around the world. I live in Mississippi, USA, just over the Tennessee state line. My town is essentially a suburb of Memphis. I look forward to meeting and learning with you all.
Hello, everyone! My name is Tricia. It is nice to meet you all. I've done several of the Jesus Walk studies with pastor Ralph. I always learn a lot and it's very cool to get the perspective of Christians from different backgrounds and cultures. Learner, and Stacy, what areas of Tennessee are you in? I live in Southaven, Mississippi which is essentially a suburb of Memphis, TN where I lived most of my life. I also lived several years in Jackson, TN. I am 51, been divorced for 10 years and have one adult son who lives about 3 hours away. My cat, Ethel, and I have the house to ourselves now. I have been a Christian most of my life though I didn't always live like it. I am now a member of a Lutheran church but it is not a "typical" Lutheran church. The worship service is casual and contemporary, and our church has a real heart to reach the community with the love of Jesus in tangible ways which I think is great.
Q3. Obedience and Slavery
Triciahh replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Slaves to Righteousness Rather Than Sin (6:12-23)
Slaves have no option other than obedience. Our actions show to whom we are slaves, be it God or sin. Bondage to sin has been broken already by Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we replace our sinful actions of obedience to Satan with Christlike actions of obedience to Him. An area I know God is speaking to me about is to stop wasting time on things like bad television, and spend more time in His word. -
The first thing I think of is my tongue. I can use it to praise God or curse the driver ho cuts me off in traffic. I think we can sin unconsciously in the same way we do any habit. We have to stop and repent as soon as we are aware that committed (or are committing) sin. As we deliberately replace old sinful habits with new Christlike actions and attitudes, our unconscious sins will be less and less.
Our sinful old self is dead and powerless because Christ was more powerful even than death, which was proved by His resurrection. Something dead cannot hurt us unless we willingly allow it to. Upon death, slaves no longer must serve their former masters. Since we are no longer slaves, we are free to choose to follow Jesus and His teachings.
I think Paul could be referring both to figurative death and the historical death of Jesus. He is our representative and His death becomes our own as we identify with Him when we trust Him for our salvation. This has far reaching real-world application to how we live out our daily lives as new creations. But we will also eventually die literally and be raised with Jesus with new sinless bodies.
This passage seems to that that at the time of baptism we move from being buried with Adam to being risen with Christ. As RickJW said so well To bring this about, we have to identify ourselves with Christ by faith. If we are dead to sin we are no longer bound to live slave to sin. We are free to live for Him!
Q4. Reconciliation
Triciahh replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
This question really took hold on me. I turned to the (Apple) dictionary to get a little help, and found the following meanings of the word -
Q3. Christ Died for the Ungodly
Triciahh replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
This removes from us the impossible burden of ever becoming good enough to meet God -
Q2. Rejoicing in Our Sufferings
Triciahh replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Our sufferings and tribulations produce the end good result of God -
Q1. Faith and Justification
Triciahh replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Abraham was justified because he had faith and so are we. To be justified means that our account with God is balanced, and we are reconciled with Him. We have no debt to be paid. As others have pointed out, this debt was paid by Jesus. Praise God! -
Hello everyone! My name is Tricia and I live in Southaven, Mississippi, which is a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee USA. I am a retired (disabled) RN. I'm divorced with an adult son who lives about 4 hours away. The church I was a member of has moved recently to a location too far away for me to attend regularly so I am currently seeking a new church home where I can become involved. I've taught elementary aged Sunday School and really miss that. I've done several other studies with Pastor Ralph. Each one has enriched my life and helped me grow in my walk with Jesus. I look forward to this study with you all.
The heavens reflect the glory of the Lord, and shine brightly. The law also illuminates and allows us to choose the way of the Lord. The psalmist counts on God's law to shield and protect him and keep him from self inflicted harm. Although I know I am completely forgiven due to grace and the blood of Christ, tend to be more afraid of the law than comforted by it. I am, however, comforted by God's glory and majesty. That such a being could be bothered to love me-incredible. Many times I have been sheltered and amazed by His love, it is just difficult for me to understand that His love and the law are in some ways the same. In verse 14, the psalmist asks that all that he says and thinks be pleasing to the Lord.
God is great and majestic-more than even the whole universe, which he created. He is to be praised for his unimaginable majesty. Man, while an insignificant speck on his own, has been made more than that because God Himself has raised man up and made him ruler over the works of God's hands. I'm not sure what this Psalm teaches about Christ, but since He is God, all of the first part of the answer applies to Him. This teaches us a lot about our responsibilities. We have been entrusted with the caretaking of His universe and are to be good stewards of it. We are not to be wasteful or squander precious resources. Even such simple acts as refraining from tossing litter out of a moving car or recycling our trash show our respect for our majestic God and His majestic universe. I really liked jwealing's comments about sharing our resourses. None of the wealth we may have accumulated is truly ours, but belongs to God.
Hello everyone, My name is Tricia and I have participated in several of Pastor Ralph's Bible studies. I always learn a lot and am blessed. It is wonderful to be able to grow and fellowship with other believers all over the world. I am 49 years old, retired disabled and live alone with my cat, Ethel. She enforces my need to elevate my feet by insisting on sleeping between them. We live in Southaven, Mississippi, which is essentially a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. I have one adult son who is married and lives about 4 hours away in rural Alabama. I enjoy reading, spending time with friends and family, and water walking.
Hi Everyone, It is wonderful to meet you all here. I love seeing all the different places we are from both in geography and background, yet all part of the one body of Christ. I live in Southaven, Mississippi which is really a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. I am divorced and have a 25 year old son who is married and lives in Alabama. I help teach 2nd grade Sunday school. I am no longer able to work due to physical disability but I can still tell a Bible story. I've done several of the Bible studies with Pastor Ralph and each has been a great blessing.