Blessed Me
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Q6. One Head
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? When the times has reached its fullness, Christ will be known as King over Israel, and Head over the church. God has predestined that the Christians will share in this mystery, God's revelation of the church founded in Christ Jesus. How does this relate to the Creator? In the beginning God said, "let US make man in OUR image." God had such dreams for us, He gave mankind dominion over the earth. Adam could eat from any tree-but one, Adam failed that test, he lost dominion over the earth to Satan, Satan now has dominion over the earth; But he knows his time is short, so he is about deceiving peoples and nations with his lies. God cursed Satan, there will be emnity (great hatred) between Satan's seed and the seed, (descendants) of the woman, Jesus Christ. Jesus is a jew of all jews, Satan tried to kill the Son, but was defeated. PRAISE GOD! He has tried to wipe out the Hebrew people, the "Apple of God's eye." This is why we see such hatred toward the Hebrew people, and why we see such hatred growing towards the Christian, who have been adopted into Christ. We believers share in the blessings of the covenant of Abraham. PRAISE GOD! Christ gave back to us what was lost when sin came into the heart of man, fellowship with The Almighty God. Thank you Father for you had a plan right from the beginning, for You loved us so much, You sent Your only begotten Son, to die for us, to take back the dominion that was lost, to adopt us into Your Family. PRAISE AND WORSHIP TO YOU ALMIGHTY GOD, TO THE SON, AND TO THE HOLY GHOST. What does it say about unity? Unity is found only IN CHRIST JESUS. One day every knee will bow, everyone will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord!!! Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? After the millennial kingdom has been fulfilled, the wicked will be judged, and Jesus will have destroyed all dominion, authority and power and Satan and his followers wil be consumned. In the New Jerusalem, the city of the living God, both Jew and Gentile will be inhabiting the city along with the saints of all ages, regardless of their dispensational background; And most important of all, there will be God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Unity is found in the Trinity, and unity will be found in the believers who are part of the family, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
Q1. (Ephesians 1:7) In what sense have you been "redeemed" from slavery? I have been redeemed from the slavery of "sin." I believe the report of the Lord, for He has borne my griefs and carried my sorrows, He was wounded because of my sin and my transgressions; and that was not enough, He sealed me with the Holy Spirit guaranteeing my inheritance! (guarantee was also used to indicate an engagement ring); Isn't it like our Lord to seal our covenant with Him "The Bridegroom," by putting a ring on our finger, sealing us with the sweet Holy Spirit? What do you think your life up to now would have been like if you hadn't been redeemed? What would your future be like without redemption, do you think? I would never have know what true Joy, Peace, and Love is! I would never have been able to go to the Father with my petitions, and praise would not have been in my mouth. The Love shown on the Cross brought not only salvation to me, it brought power through the Holy Spirit to live a life pleasing to Him; and He put that Joy, Peace, and Love in my heart. His redeeming Grace, redeemed me from the hold satan had on me, the pleasure of pleasing SELF, THE FLESH, instead of pleasing God. Without His redeeming Grace I would today be "NOTHING!" ---- AS I READ THE TESTIMONIES, I RECALL THE SCRIPTURES SAYING "YET IT PLEASED THE lORD TO BRUISE HIM; HE HAS PUT HIM TO GRIEF." THIS IS WHAT REDEEMPTION IS ABOUT, THE COST PAID ON THE CROSS WAS WORTH IT TO HIM; AS HE SEES OUR LIVES CHANGED, AND WE ARE RECONCILED TO THE FATHER BY THE BLOOD SHED FOR US., AND PRAISE IS IN OUR MOUTH! -
Q4. Adoption
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Adoption is becoming a son of God, our inheritance being found in Christ Jesus. Such love given, how can one not love God back? How do we do that? God tells us, "if you love me, keep my commandments" When I think about it, His commands are for our good. They teach us God's righteous ways. It is too bad the world does not follow or desire to follow God's law. I find they are not a yoke, but a pleasure. I choose to follow Him. Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? It is encouraging to me because, before the Cross I a Gentile was lost, without Christ I was an alien from the commonwealth of Israel and a stranger from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (Epe. 2:12) - - - John 1:12-13 However, to all who received Him, to those believing in His Name, He gave authority to become God's children, who were born, not merely in a physical sense, or from a fleshly impulse, or from man's desire, but of God. THROUGH THE LOVE OF GOD, AND THE BLOOD SHED BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND MY HOPE ESTABLISHED ON THE WORK DONE ON THE CROSS, I AM ADOPTED INTO THE FAMILY OF GOD, AND THE BLESSINGS OF ABRAHAM ARE MINE! ---- encouraging beyond belief. -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? Holy is moral and ethical wholeness or perfection; freedom from moral evil; It is one of the essential elements of God's nature required of His people. That is "set apart" for divine service. Jesus is the perfection of holiness. He reinforced God's demands for holiness by insisting that His disciples must have a higher standard of righteousness than that of the scribes and Pharisees. God has high expectations of His people. Ex. 19:6 "you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." -- Lev.20:7 "sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I am the Lord your God" ---- 1Peter 1:15 "as He who has called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct." In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God? Christ has washed the garments of those who believe, put their trust in Him, white as snow. This is how we can stand "blameless" before God; The only way, not by my good works, or how many prayers I make, or how many times I read the bible, or go to church; But by the cleansing blood of The Redeemer, Jesus Christ. However, 1Thess. 3:12-13 "may the Lord make you increase in love and abound in love...so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints" ---- this goes with Epehsians 1:4 that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. -
Q2. Predestination
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? The scary part of predestination is, what if our God was not a God of mercy and grace? For He predestined us to be holy and without blame before him in love. There is none good, for the heart of man is evil. With predestination comes mans "WILL." Before the foundation of the world God knew he would send His Son to save mankind, for He predestined that NO man be lost, that is why the Son came to make us victorious, victory is found in Christ Jesus. Why does Paul bring up predestination? To make it clear, God never predestined anyone to go to hell, He predestined all to go to heaven, why? because of his good pleasure. God chose the Hebrew people not because of who they were, but in spite of who they were; The same is true for the Gentile people; He chose us in spite of who we are, for He is a God of love, Mercy, and Grace. His desire is to have fellowship with us. It never was God's intent to allow anyone to spend eternity in hell, for hell exists for Satan and his demons. Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians? God chose the Hebrew people and called them "the apple of His eye." We the believers are also a chosen generation, I am with Paul, I send praise and worship up to Him, as praise goes up to the throne - I remember why He predestined me and for what reason, to be holy and without blame before Him in love. Praise, Glory, and Honor are yours, for I being in Christ, can stand clothed in His righteousness in love. -
Q1. In Christ
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" To be in Christ is putting my trust in Him. Being in Christ means my "new life has begun". My being in Christ means - His God and Father is now my God and Father. Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father in heavenly places means - my being in Christ, he is my mediator to the Father who sits on the throne. Praises to my Father for blessing me with His Son, who is my precious Savoir. What are the implications of this for your life? The implications are to stay that saint as mentioned in verse1 and to continue to walk in faith, staying true to Him, staying true to the word, and to let my life be a testmony of the new life begun in me which is in Christ Jesus. I do not want to have a warning as given to the church in Ephesus, Rev 2:1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: Rev 2:3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Rev 2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. I never want religion or works to take priority, for in themselves I would be nothing. I must always stay in Christ, and how do I do that? By never leaving my "first love" -
Q4. Confession and Repentance
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
Q4. How do confession and repentance fit with self-examination? What is the result of self-examination without confession and repentance? How do confession and repentance serve to bring spiritual health and character change? I must say "coming to the knowledge that I am a sinner, and coming to the knowledge that I must confess this to God, and confess that Christ has come and He died that I may be set free from sin, that I am saved." Repentance is Christ in me, I can go get off the broad way, and go through the narrow gate. This is a complete turn around, change of direction. That is what repentance is. If I am always in "repentance" something is very wrong with the direction I am going and with my confession. I do not see confessing and repentance is needed each time I go to the Table, but it is to be done in my daily walk! I will stumble as a walk that narrow road, but He is there with me to help me up, and to stay in the correct direction. He isn't there to tell me because I goofed, tear up His invitation to dine with Him, but He is saying, "come, be nourished, I am here to remind you - You Can Do It, I left the Holy Spirit to guide you, that is why I want you to come and be reminded, do your best, feed on my word, for I am coming for you. This isn't just another ritual for you to do, if you truly believe in Me, come dine at my Table and see what I have for you." Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and I refuse to have him stop me from fellowshipping with my Lord and Savior and with my family in Christ. I will always dine with Him, for I know what He did for me on the Cross, He made me part of the Family, I can go directly to Abba, for my Father sees me covered by the blood of the Lamb. From the confession I made in Christ, now there should be fruits seen in my life, you may see me at various stages of my growth, some days are better than others, but I am growing, I am learning. Are you also growing with me? Somedays not as good as other days? That is why we need to lift each other up. Our prayers for each other is our way of helping that brother up when they stumble, we are walking the same road together. Lets keep on keeping on, for it won't be long and we will dine together at the "Wedding Feast" saying, "Worthy is the Lamb!" I -
Q4. Confession and Repentance
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
Q4. How do confession and repentance fit with self-examination? Confession must first be done before we can even come to the Table the Lord has prepared for us, because it is how we come to be saved. 1 John 1:19 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. You cannot be saved until you admit you are a sinner and are in need of Jesus Christ the savior. Confessed sin takes us to the full knowledge of what Christ did for us, salvation made it possible for us to stand in the presence of God! Confession is good for the soul, it puts a stop to the work of Satan, the enemy. --- Repentance means to "change direction" The full value of salvation is found in "repentance" This is not a emotion, it is an action on our part --- change direction! The first message Jesus said was "Repent, the kingdom of God is among you" What is the result of self-examination without confession and repentance? Confession brings to us "Salvation" --- Paul tells us "Godly sorrow works repentance, but the sorrow of the world leads to death." Repentance means you don't return to your old ways, you turn your back on the areas that bring compormise in your walk with the Lord. How do confession and repentance serve to bring spiritual health and character change? Confession brings us to salvation, repentance brings a character change in us. Christ does the work, but we must be the willing vessel. Christ do your work in me, change me. -
Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:28, 31) Introspection by a neurotic person can foster guilt and self-loathing. A believer should be one who has full understanding of the work Christ did on the cross. He should understand that our coming to eat at the Table has nothing to do with our works, our righteousness; but has everthing to do with "HIM". If we were to look at ourselves, our faults! we would never come to His Table. We must look at ourselves as God sees us, washed by the blood of the Lamb. It is by our "faith" in the Redeemer that we received the invitation to come and dine with Him, it has nothing to do with our merits - only "His." To "examine oneself " why am I eating here at His Table? My "faith" tells me He has cleansed me and made me whole. It is because He has asked me to come and to come often. Why? because it is here I remember what He did for me. I remember who I am in Him. I made a covenant with Him, I want to follow after Him. At His Table I remember "I can do all things in Him." 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; proove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? --- This is sobering, examine! is Christ in me or do I have religion only? He wants a relationship, intimacy. He wants the world to see God's goodness in me. As the Holy Spirit brings to my memory - areas I am falling short in, and they are there! I can ask and receive His help, so I can be an overcomer. Satan is the accuser of the brethren, always remember the One who set us free, Jesus Christ our Redeemer. How can we conduct self-examination and self-judgment so that it has a healthy rather than an unhealthy result in us? By putting our focus on Christ. Remembering He is our source, looking for His blessings to fill our soul, so we can go forth and love our neighbor and our enemies, so we can pray for those who are despiteful.
Q2. Judgment and Discipline
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Because they did not value the Lord's Supper! People were sick and weak because they didn't understand the importance of eating and drinking at the Lord's Table. Paul praised them for remembering him and for keeping the ordinances he gave to them. They had that down pretty good, they had religion down ok, praying with head covered, etc; however, what they did not have down in their hearts was "RELATIONSHIP" ------ We cannot love others until we love God first. It is at His Table we are reminded - we can do all things in Him who strengthens us. His table must never be just another ritual, just another tradition, if we do come to the Table in this manner, we will remain in a state of spiritual weakness. How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? Believers are in various stages of growth, growing in the Lord. In Hebrews, the writer addresses them as children, they should be farther along in their walk with the Lord and in spiritual understanding, but are still called children. Persecution was beginning and for them to stand strong when testings come from the world, God must correct them, chasten them, or their sin will find them out. The growing process will help us to stand strong in the Lord when testings do come, and they will come. There are repercussion to each and every deliberate sin we do. Jeremiah 2:19 When the people of Israel were getting involved with all kinds of sin, God said, "Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and they backslidings shall reprove thee. Because He loves us, He corrects us for our good. It is part of our growing process, it is part of understanding when our Father speaks, we are to listen! When we are invited to eat at the Lord's Table, we are to come with a heart of rejoicing, as we eat and drink from His Table, we should come expecting to receive manna for our souls, strength to live each day to the glory of the Lord. -
Q1. Discerning the Body
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? I do not see the "body" as meaning the church, for me the importance is placed on "The Lord's Supper." The reason we are at the Table, the only reason is because of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, shed for mankind. Paul is strongly admonishing the Corinthian church about how they were coming to the Table, it is not to be a drunken party. Paul again is telling them how they should conduct themselves. Eating at His Table is worship, they were acting in a disgraceful manner, therefore they were not discerning His body. Unworthily means, irreverently, the Lord's Table is where we must come with great respect and gratitude, and where we come to receive nourishment from Chirst. He made us alive, our souls were once dead in sin, but thanks to Calvary we are alive in Christ. Paul had to explain again which he already delivered to the people, "we go to the table to proclaim the Lord's death till He comes." (Not irreverently, unworthily, as they were doing.) What I see in the church is the "flesh" in control and not the "spirit." The table is where we meet with God, thanking Him for the salvation we received from the Son. When you read church history you become aware that the Lord's Supper was the central part of the congretation, it should be the same in the church of today. Aren't there worse things a church could have done? The church dishonored the Lord's Supper, therefore they dishonored the body and blood of Christ. We also can dishonor Him in how we live our lives daily. A new life began when we came to know the Lord as our savior and the growing process has begun. Stay in the "Word" - pray daily for strength to fight the good fight, pray for others, and eat at His Table. When I eat at His Table I am there CELEBRATING, I am eating with a THANKFUL HEART, I am eating expecting to receive again and again from the Lord. He invited me to come and eat, and I know He will not send me away empty. -
Q4. We Shall See His Face
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Lord's Supper and the Great Banquet
Q4. We Shall See His Face
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Lord's Supper and the Great Banquet
Q4. (Revelation 22:4) When you meditate on "seeing his face," what thoughts come to mind? Love, Joy, Peace, Remarkable, Awesome, Astonishing, Worthy, Holy, Reverence, Lover of my Soul, Bridegroom, Savior, Redeemer, Delight, Deliverer. Why should the Lord's Supper stimulate these thoughts every time we partake of it? As I drink of the cup, I am testifying that someday I will see Him "face to face." It is because of Him - I am able to someday look into the face of the one who made it possible, to look into the face of the one who clothed me in His rightouesness, so I may come before the Father. That is - once I get up from being prostrate before Him, once I have stopped dancing before Him, once I have stopped singing praise and glory to Him. How "AWESOME" is He who came to save the world, who has prepared this wonderful table for us to go to! How "AWESOME" is this Manna, this Love, sent from God to us. "AWESOME is He" -
Past, Present, and Future
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Lord's Supper and the Great Banquet
I must say I again loved very much what Eudora wrote!!! In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? Past is remembering, "faith" is a key word for me in remembering, for it is by "faith" - believing in the Bread of Life that hung on the cross, that I may have eternal life with the Family of God. How does it point to the present? It is this "faith" that brings me to the present. My adoption is sealed by the Holy Spirit, He is my engagement ring, I wear it each and every present day. The Lord put the seal of His Holy Spirit on me. Today is the day, live today for Him, for this could be the day He comes for His Bride. How does it point to the future? Living the present day with the "hope" of what tomorrow will bring. Our "future hope." What is this "hope?" it is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Epehsians 1:19,20 -- We will some day sit with Him, our glorious Hope. We were dead, (past) but now we are His workmanship, (present) created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Looking to the (future) when we will sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am reminded I am no more a stranger, but a fellow citizen with the saints. The household of God is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom we also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. What a great FUTURE we have in Christ Jesus!!!! -
Q2. Fulfillment of the Lord's Supper
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Lord's Supper and the Great Banquet
Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? The cup we drink is the "Cup of the Covenant." Christ has offered a proposal of marriage to us, He has chosen us to be His bride. When we drink of the cup, it seals our covenant with the Lord. We are saying "yes we will be your bride." He has now gone to prepare for us a place, and when the Father tells Him it is time to go get His bride, He will come, and we will drink together our pledge to each other, the "Cup of the Covenant" at the Great Banquet. What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table? As I drink of the cup, I am renewing my pledge to Christ my Bridegroom. I am thanking Him for choosing me to be His bride, I am thanking Him for the invitation to the "Wedding Feast." As I drink of the cup, I know He is looking forward to our drinking together at the Great Banquet, for I am preparing myself for that great day. As the Bridegroom presents me to the Father, I want the Bridegroom to be happy with the garments I have put on, for they are the garments He gave me to wear, garments of His righteousness. I received them when He offered Himself for my sins. He loves me and I love Him, that is why I want to put on His garments. He paid a great price for them, and gave them as a gift to me. My thoughts at the Lord's Table are on my Bridegroom, I am anxiously looking for Him to come and take me to the "Great Banquet," there we will drink together the cup of His Love, Mercy, and Grace. -
Q1. Why are so many of Jesus' teachings oriented toward the future? Because that is where our hope is, to some day be with the Lord. He has gone to prepare a place for the Bride and He tells us to be ready, to be watching, for we know not when He will come. We are to prepare ourselves, we are to put off the old man and be renewed in the spirit of the mind, put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. If we are not anticipating His coming, looking towards the future, we may find ourselves as the man who did go to the Wedding Feast, but he did not have on a wedding garment. He insulted the king's invitation. He did not put on the new man, put on the righteousness that Christ has given to be worn. The man came unprepared, a great insult to the King. He was sent out of the banquet hall! Christ is coming for the bride who is anxiously awaiting His appearing. Each day, look to the future, be prepared - for the future may be today. What kinds of associations come to mind as you think of the Great Banquet? We will dine with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We will sit with the the saints of the Old Testiment, we will be celebrating with the saints of the New Testiment. What a day that will be. How exciting, how much fun to start the day off, preparing ourselves for that Great Day.
Q4. How does "eating the Bread of Life" (to use Jesus' metaphor in John 6) nourish our faith? By eating of the Bread of Life we are showing our "faith" is in Him who is the true bread from heaven. I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. 2 Tim. 1:12 --- I can eat of this bread, for I received it through "faith" in the Bread of Life. How does partaking of the Lord's Supper build and nourish our faith? Our physical body needs to have food, it must be nourished or it will die. Our spiritual soul must be nourished, for "faith" to continue to grow with-in us. I believe Christ's last commandment, "do this in remembrance of Me" Christ is saying - our souls MUST receive that nourishment, that is why He said " do it often." I see great importance and necessity of the Eucharist. I believe there is great "power" received at the Lord's Supper. I do not believe that the elements are literally the Lord's body and blood, but I believe they are more than just "symbols." When we partake of the Supper, how have we prepared ourselves? Just another tradition, or is it to receive nourishment for our whole being, so we can go forth and be a testimony of His saving grace? What does the main point of the Bread of Life discourse (John 6:25-69) have in common with "Do this in remembrance of me," in Jesus' Words of Institution (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)? I love the verse found in Isaiah 55:2 "Let your soul delight itself in fatness!" This is one time I want to be fat. ------ When we eat together, how can we not just rejoice, and celebrate the perfect work He did? So we may have eternal life with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Remembering - remember who saved us, remember who brings nourishment to us, remember who loves us so. Jesus came to do the will of the Father, Jesus reminds me of the great love the Father has for us, for He let His Son come to mankind, giving us true manna from heaven, who is "Jesus our savior." Remembering, it brings a heart full of thankfullness, a heart so full of love. His table isn't just a table of symbols, it is far more, for it is there I am receiving the true manna from heaven.
Q3. (John 6:53-71) If to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood is a strong expression for "to believe," why does Jesus emphasize this so strongly? There is no other way to receive eternal life but by eating the flesh and drinking the blood. Christ is speaking in V63 It is the spirit that quickeneth. He is speaking in the spiritual sense, for eating of the body in itself would not bring eternal life, it is the authoritive words He speaks to mankind, words that come from the Father, there is life found in them. Jesus said, "I am the Word." What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? Disciples are one's who want to learn, but - did they have spritual ears to hear what Jesus was saying? Do we have spritual ears to hear? The words spoken were hard words if we are hearing from the carnal mind. Christ was speaking spiritually, we need to have our spiritual ears on to hear, to understand. God's path is not an easy road to travel, did they, do we, want to go through the "Narrow Gate?" God has given to each of us a measure of "Faith" to believe. (Believe is to - have faith - entrust ones spiritual well being to Christ. Believe = commit, to put your trust in HIm.) Going through the narrow gate we will find streets of gold, life eternal. Walking the narrow road may seem difficult at times, but we have the Lord walking with us, we have the Holy Spirit with us. I am thankful I chose to go through the "Narrow Gate." What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32? Joh 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. The word "disciple" means, "disciplined one." There is life found in the word. Where are our priorities? Are we in the word daily? It is in the word we come to understand, we are "free." We must not just receive His word, but we must walk in it. They say "walking is good for your health" Walking with the Lord, is great for our spiritual health. Excuse me, I need to go for my daily walk.
Q2. Flesh Given
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Eating His Flesh, Drinking His Blood (John 6:53-57)
Q2. (John 6:51b) What is Jesus referring to when he says, "This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world"? He told them that the bread meant his flesh, (his life), which he was about to give up; to save the life of the world. His death was to be a sacrifice and atonement for the sin of the world; and that, as no human life could be preserved unless there was bread (proper nourishment) received. What similarities do you see with Jesus' teaching at the Last Supper in Luke 22:19b? In Luke 22:19 Jesus is giving His last commandment, this bread is My flesh given for you. Here it is for each individual that will believe, will eat, do it in REMEMBRANCE of Me. This is that nourishment Christ was speaking of in John 6:51. As each individual partakes of this Bread from all around the world, we are eating of the same loaf and drinking of the same cup. We may never agree on all points of doctrine, but at the Lord's table we are united, for the Cross united those who ate of the "Bread" together. I believe as I partake that I am being filled, His blood is washing me. Christ said, "Do this." --- Remembering that it is Christ Himself, He is the nourishment of my soul, He is the "Living Bread" and He has given me life, for He lives in me. Thank you Lord for all you have done and are doing in my life. -
Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? The metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" EATING means to consume, to eat greedily, to take in eagerly, to swallow up. To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Christ did not say, "take a nibble, (meaning of nibble is to take small or hesitant bites.) but He said "Consume, fill your soul with the Bread that I give, unless you do devour, eat, consume the "Bread of Life" your soul will never receive the nourishment that I give, which is eternal life." There is NO half way point with being kept by God, when He calls us to salvation, we must eat all of the "Bread of Life," for in it is the promise of being kept unto the last day. Thank you Father for calling me to EAT of the "Bread of Life," for there my soul has found nourishment in the love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. By eating of the "Bread of Life" I know I am being kept, I know that when I do fall, you are there to help me up. I need your nourishment daily, that is why I feed on your word, that is why I love eating at your Communion Table. I find eating and drinking of you, helps me to grow closer to you, I am thankful you didn't say "clean up your act first, than come to my table," but you asked me to come often, because you know how the soul needs to eat of your bread and to drink of your blood. For it is in them that I am nourished. I am growing stronger in you. Thank you for the nourishment you have given to my soul.
Q3. Teaching the Atonement
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. My Body, My Blood -- Literal or Figurative?
The word Broken is a word referring to the bread and not Christ's body. The word broken means -- klah'-o A primary verb; to break (specifically of bread) John 19:36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken. -
Q4. The Worldwide Church of Christ
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Cup of Blessing and the One Loaf
Q4. (1 Corinthians 10:17) How does Paul's teaching on the One Loaf affect our relationships and love for those of other Christian denominations and traditions? The "One Loaf" that ties the Gentile's together is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is by His work that we are one family unto the God of Israel. It isn't our doctirne, nor is it the traditions of men. Love is the foundation of our Salvation, for Christ is "Love" --- Hatred is the foundation of Satan. I think of the hatred that has killed many christians, hatred is the root that is behind Anti-Semitism. It started in the heart of man when the greatest Rabbi af all was put upon the Cross. John Paul 11"s work was to reconcile the Roman Catholic Church with its anti-Semitic past, memorializing the Holocaust, and officially recognizing the State of Israel. He proclaimed the first Sunday in Lent, March 12, to be the "Day of Pardon." This is love in action. How can we love our neighbor if we have this hatred in our hearts? I remember Jesus words - Matt. 25:40 "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me" Jesus reference to "My brethren" was a reference to the Jewish people, not some Christian denomination. I have seen many unscriptual beliefs being spoken in our churches as if they are truths, and if you do not agree with them you are called a bigot, you are said "not to love". My first love goes up to God, my allegiance is to Him. Yes, we must love others, but remember, God tells us to speak the truth to them, or we will be held accountable to God. I have grown to love the Holy Communion Table even more after going through this study, and the challenge of the heart to answer the thought provoking questions. Thank you so very much. -
Q3. Repairing the Divisions
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Cup of Blessing and the One Loaf
Q3. In what ways do the divisions in Corinth sound familiar in our own congregations? Don't pick on another congregation; how about your own? The prayer of Jesus is for unity, we know what the desire of Satan is - DIVISION. The Bible is full of wisdom on how to live one with another in the family of God. Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! God wants to bless His people, when we live together in unity, we will experience God's blessings. Unity is for the good of the people in this life and in the life to come. Israel rarely achieved the level of unity, nor the level of blessing that God would have given, nor does the church today. 1 Corinthians 12. Therefore, when one part of the body is blessed, the whole body should rejoice. How serious was the need for unity? Unity is evidence of God ruling in the church and in our lives. Satan is out to destroy the fellowship between brethren. Jesus knows the importance of unity between brethren, and the dangers that are ahead when there is division. This is why He prayed not only for those with Him, but for those who would believe later, that is you and me. That we would be one, WHY? so the world may believe that thou hast sent me. - John 17:21. We believers are to be a people set apart from the world, we are to be the light to bring others into the Family of God. Jesus I say "Amen" to your prayer, not just for me, but I pray it for the church body. We are living in a day of Self Indulgence, Self Centered philosophy, this is contrary to the plan God has for His people, and it will not bring unity into the body. Can bickering congregations partake of the Lord's Supper without sin? 1Corinthians 11: 20-22 The Corinthian believers were taking their own supper ahead of others, violating the spirit and purpose of the meal, They showed contempt for the church of God and shamed those who had nothing, this is not unity. (V28) Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup (V29) For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the "Lord's Body" Unworthy manner refers to the way in which a person eats the Lord's Supper. They were overeating and getting drunk rather than a time of relecting on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Unity was not seen. Yes, if the body of believers come to His table with hatred in their hearts, spreading division, walking in darkness, yes! he is bringing sin to the table. He is showing contempt also for the work done on the cross. The table is where we go to reflect on the Person who freed us from the strong hold of sin on our lives. We are not perfected, but our hearts are being touched, we are becoming a new person. It is this newness in Christ that allows us to linger in His presence, lounging around the table. Keep on perfecting us, we want to have that unity you so desire for us. -
Q2. Repairing Offences
Blessed Me replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Cup of Blessing and the One Loaf
Q2. Read Mark 11:25 and Matthew 5:23-24. How do these relate to Paul's teaching on the One Loaf (1 Corinthians 10:17)? Mark 11:25 When ye stand praying, forgive. Mark is teaching us of Faith. Unforgiveness is an obstacle to the body living a life full of Power. Galatians 5:6 tells us- Faith worketh by love. If we do not love or will not forgive others, how can we be entrusted with this power, Faith works by love. Mattthew 5: 22-24 If you say to your brother, Raca, thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire, THEREFORE if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave thy gift and be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, If thou REMEMBEREST, when you come to the altar to pray to God and the Spirit touches your heart, He brings to your memory, you must do something about it. When the Spirit leads, we must follow His lead. This is how our Faith grows, this is how we grow in the Lord. What must we personally do to achieve unity to prepare ourselves to partake of the Lord's Supper righteously? The unity that we speak of is found in Jesus Christ and His Salvation plan, God's gift to us. It is this gift that makes us one with the Father, one in the body. We are now one unit in Chirst. The Lord has asked me to come to His table and to do it often! I can do nothing on my own to make myself righteous, Christ has already done it on the Cross, He took away my sin, He has clothed me with His righteousness. I come to his table with a heart of Praise, with a heart of Love, with a heart of thankfullness for His saving grace, and His mercy that covers me. It is my daily life that I desire to put His love into action, it is by the power of the Holy Spirit I can overcome, It is by this "Love" that lives within me that enables me to grow, day by day. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.