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Everything posted by charisbarak

  1. Centered on their knowledge of the situation, they knew it wasn't sin to do it. However, if they got their eyes off themselves, they would realize that new or weaker believers have a weak conscience, they would lose faith and they might go back to their pagan ways. The validity of course, needs to be measured by what the Bible says, then keeping others in mind, see if it might hurt someone's faith or cause them to fall. It could be life or death for them.
  2. They are free to worship & serve God with their entire life, not being burdened about providing for a family or making a wife or husband happy. Married believers can serve God together. They must meet family needs together and together serve! They can show true devotion to the Lord when they are working on their marriages and leading the children to the Lord.
  3. Married believers should not divorce. Perhaps separate and remain married or restore the marriage. Unbelieving spouses can choose to leave the marriage and believers should let them go. But if they wish to stay married, then God will bless their family. Remarriage is allowed if the spouse has died.
  4. Couples who are not married yet should be in control of their bodies until they are married. Single persons should look to get married if they have a hard time of controlling themselves. If these single persons are strong and wish to remain single-they're blessed in that choice too.
  5. Paul is saying that a man that has chosen celibacy or an unmarried man should not touch a woman--have sexual relations with them. Within marriage it is a celebration of their love for each other and to provide progeny. A woman has rights to her husband's body and he to hers. Neither is slave to the other. They may agree to not to participate in sex for a short period of time--if they both agree, for a period of prayer. Sex is not to be used as a way of manipulating one another.
  6. We belong to Him. We have crucified ourselves to live in Christ. If we resist that truth, we are not His.
  7. Our bodies belong to God. He created us & then bought us back. We are also the habitation of the Holy Spirit. We don't want to use our bodies as instruments for sin, People are watching us even in ministry. We should put no doubt in anyone's mind that we are His!
  8. Jesus died for all sin. It's good news to know we have not sinned too much or had gross sins which could not be covered, Jesus paid it all!! A person can be forgiven if they admit that they're a sinner, name the sins if possible, accept that Jesus died on the cross for those sins and rose again, defeating death. And repent--turn from those sins. We are then cleansed. As believers, we can come to God, confessing any sin and ask forgiveness and repent & He will be faithful to forgive & cleanse you.
  9. Regularly participating in any of those is sin. God hates sin. Jesus died for our sins. However, if we do not repent, we are still in our sins.
  10. The love we're known to have for each other is not there. Gets unbelievers thinking they would have no desire to be like us. Believers should be able to settle things on their own, first. Then appointed men should act as a third party to help council. Representatives of each church could be chosen to mediate in a larger area.
  11. We should associate with, live our lives & worship with believers. Unbelievers have not accepted Christ. Their lives in sin prove that. Unrepentant believers are also put into that category. We must not have close association with them. The dangers to associating with either of them is that you may corrupt yourself or be enticed to sin. However, you can still pray for them, and share Jesus with them and show them love.
  12. It is a detriment, especially for those who previously committed those sins. Leave that bad apple in a batch and soon you'll have all rotten apples! Yeast represented sin. If left to itself, it grows!!
  13. First, person to person. Then 2 or 3 witnesses to that person. Person to person could be anyone. 2-3 witnesses should include a pastor or elder. If they repent, praise God and accept them back!! If they choose not to repent, they need excommunication--let God deal with them!! If it is not practiced often, it becomes a basis for a law suit or worse.
  14. They had mistaken tolerance for good morals. Societies think they are growing--keeping up with things--being current and applicable when in truth they are falling deeper and deeper into sin--to the point that what is wrong becomes right and vice versa. They had a poor value system. As is still common in some countries today, woman do not have value. My pastor in So. California years ago, spoke on I &11 Corinthians. He called it 1 &11 Californians!!
  15. Paul knew Timothy was faithful and reliable and able to be a witness. I would hope to be so close to God to be able to recognize when & where He was sending me and to be ready and willing. I know I would have the peace of God's call and not worry about any persecution that might come my way because of my faithfulness. One thing, however, I would not count it truly persecution if I had behaved badly--proudly--unloving--deserving of that "persecution."
  16. It is a witness to His Church and the world, that we need to count the cost following Christ. Because, it is going to cost us. He wanted to let them see just how he had to suffer and what his attitude was toward it each time. For me, I see pride that needs to be cut down--I need to be a humble servant, willing to acknowledge that everything I am & have is from God, not of myself. No, not avoid ministry that may lead to abuse of some type, but pray to be in God's will. I am awed in those missionaries in very hard situations in other countries who have the attitude of serving God whether it leads to death, injury or other forms of persecution. Pray for our missionaries!!
  17. Paul was concerned about how God saw him, not anyone else. Paul probably did judge himself by listening to his conscience. He took the steps to confession keeping his relationship with God open. People usually cannot see motives, but God sees them all. This is why He can rightly judge. I see God as a righteous judge. I see Him harsh with those who deny Him. I do not see Him as an easy judge. Righteous is neither harsh or easy.
  18. As Christians, we have been given spiritual gifts. We are stewards of these gifts. God expects us to use them for His glory. Oh yes, I have seen many. One does not have to be in a high position to be unfaithful. God wants us to be faithful in the small things so He can trust us with the bigger things. It takes much work and prayer to remain faithful. It created discouragement in the body, and was a poor witness to the unbelieving community. Discouragement, illness, little or no prayer or Bible study and unconfessed sin can lead to our unfaithfulness. Be encouraged in the Word. Study, pray, confess daily and take care of your physical body.
  19. Yes, these things do injure people--especially young believers, and discourages curious unbelievers who will probably not want to accept Jesus now. We are not only ministering to fellow believers, but to nonbelievers who may have been drawn to church by God. Only one side wins and everyone loses. This is why the punishment is so bad for those who bring discord..... Only when people are brought together to pray, discuss and use the Bible to solve problems, will there be unity. We are all Christ's body--we're His temple--the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Just hurting one person hurts His church. Lord, show us to love as You loved!!
  20. Assessing quality vs slip shod churches is seeing if there is fruit. Some denominations operate like a cruise ship--all these special things they do as a church--but have left out the Bible and it's study. Programs are great--but the Word is greater. It is the Word, coupled with the Spirit that make special programs really special. It is important to sharpen all your ministry skills while you love and appreciate others and their gifts.
  21. Denominations provide a place where people who are like-minded as to how to worship and what they believe to be important theologically, to serve Jesus together. They foster disunity when there is so much division that the glue of the Spirit doesn't work anymore. Nondenominational churches are also operating by like-minded persons who agree how to worship and their theological beliefs. They do not cause disunity. Disunity reigns when the Holy Spirit doesn't. We can think of ourselves as the Universal Church--which we are--and appreciate differences we all have. They will know us by our love.....
  22. As for hunger for the Word--adult! It seems the Holy Spirit reveals more & more to me each time I am in the Word. I know now I'll not outgrow that hunger. Behavior--probably sometimes like a teenager--still focused on self rather than on others and following the Holy Spirit each hour of every day. Like the rest of you, I'm still growing!! Praise God!
  23. By studying God's Word and praying for understanding, The Holy Spirit brings understanding to us. God has provided for us all we need--when our spirit is open to the Holy Spirit, He is there. God's Spirit guides and empowers us.
  24. Paul refused to reform in order to keep Christ & our salvation at the forefront. He concentrated on sharing the message accurately so the Holy Spirit would work among the people. It wouldn't have been the pure message--the whole truth--up front. Christ might have been lost in a reworking.... Paul faithfully communicated the truth and let the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of those who heard.
  25. Jesus is God. Those are godly attributes and they belong to Jesus too. The Bible records Jesus' wisdom, righteousness, holiness, and the price He paid for our redemption. He has freed us from the bondage of sin to freedom to choose to learn about Jesus' wisdom and pray for wisdom each day, free to be righteous and free to be holy. When we fail, we are free to confess to God and accept His forgiveness!
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