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Everything posted by charisbarak
actively seeking Him. We are to trust Him to reveal His mind to us when He believes we need it and can use it for his glory. We need to not only agree with God that we are sinners, but that we need to turn from that we know to be sin in our lives. Humility is necessary because we tend to be prideful and we need to acknowledge that He is the Lord of our lives and whatever we are that is good is because of Him! We get shallow answers. Only the Lord knows our hearts. We may never get another chance. We are not promised tomorrow. No, never too late unless we are dead. No, He is the WAY! the truth & the life
They think that those things will make them happy & fulfilled. Love of pleasure & hedonism leads to hell. Thirst quenching, hunger satisfied, soul delights & lives, covenanted, kindness. No cost to them. It may be. Share the gospel with them & tell them what God has done for you--how He has satisfied your soul.
They had suffered shame & reproach because they had forsaken the Lord. He called them back as if calling back a wayward wife--calling them back to His protection. Gave her kindness, compassion, love & peace. The wife is the Church and the husband is Jesus Christ. The wife must submit and respect their husband.
By much prayer, Bible study, spending time with believers. Having faith & really believing He will lead and that He wants the best for us. Yes, I have. But I had to get back to completely praising Him, knowing He was in control. Requesting prayer from my brothers & sisters in the Lord helps much! Whenever you choose to walk by your own light is like the blind leading the blind. It is really foolish. Besides, you compound the problem & it falls in on you.
These days, I think fear is a part of it. We look at the person and see the country they're from. Also, being here illegally is a problem. Pray for them and share with them. Be a friend. Pray for our missionaries and those they encounter. Our church sends out many missionaries and encourages those who wish to go. Sometimes that entails ministering to the communities around our church & beyond. We can pray for our leaders.
Q7. Weal and Woe
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
He allows these things to take place. God is not the source of bad things, sin is. God allows these things to happen for His purposes. He blesses us with good things. He is the source of blessing. God's responsibility is His will. He, alone, sees the big picture. He can use all these things for his greater purposes and to refine us. (Job) Our responsibility is to stay as close to Him as we can, obeying Him, knowing He wants the very best for us. Keep praying & praising. Help uplift and encourage our brothers & sisters in the Lord. -
Q6. Cyrus the Persian Deliverer
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
The Holy Spirit inspired him. God's true prophets are never wrong!! He is an instrument in God's hands. God can & does use them also. God is in control! We are all sinners. That makes me no different than others. I am saved and I can share with others. Judging them & their motives, is God's work!! I need to be humble & obedient. -
Q5. Your Purpose for Living
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Live my life as Jesus did, in fellowship with God. Do it! Share with others about our wonderful God and the salvation brought by His Son, Jesus! Make sure my life and witness are the same. Praise Him daily, hourly, every chance you can, trusting Him in times of trouble and still praising Him. Because of husband's illness, my time has been cut down for evangelism--but is still possible in situations where the Lord puts me. The joy I receive is wonderful! It may glorify God, but brings me joy as well! -
Q4. God's Blind Servant
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
See things and pay no attention. Ears open but not hear anything. They didn't want to obey God. Israel is the servant. I can see growth. The more you learn about God and obeying Him, the more you love Him. Blind is usually not effective. I keep on, growing in knowing God--it is He knows my true effectiveness. -
Q3. A Light to the Nations
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
We have to carry the gospel to the nations, the good news--the light! We need to help others see the light--Jesus! I am trying daily to make more of Jesus and less of myself. I have as my ministry the teaching of 3rd graders on Sunday and a couple of Bible studies in nursing homes. I pray I will live in a way that glorifies Jesus. -
Q2. The Just Servant
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
He is God's chosen one, sent to earth to draw men to God. He will, in faithfulness, bring justice to the nations. His quest for justice will happen--he will not falter or be discouraged. He will not raise his voice and will be kind to the weak. We need to walk as He walked--kind, tender, thoughtful of others. We need to seek that same justice as He did and make sure our lives are in order. -
The preparation consists of first repentance in order to have a straight path to God! He has tenderness & compassion as a shepherd with a lamb. God's glory is far above earthly glory. He is the creator--needing nothing. We can get enamored with the world because of the glitter and temptation. There, at times, seems that "everyone" is doing it or wanting it! It is where we have our mind set. We need to see God for Who He is. The creator, king--no one is his equal. We get our strength from Him by hoping in Him. Again, our mind must be set on Him!
Hezekiah prays knowing God is in control. He is worried about Jerusalem and knows he needs time. He reminded God of not his righteousness, but that he realizes who God is, that He is able, even tho we sin. He knew God loved him and that he could humble himself & pray to God. If we are not trying to be righteous & holy, we are really not committed to God. He knows our hearts. God is in control! He chooses to answer our prayers. Sometimes he says no, to help us grow. Ultimately, His will is what is important. When we pray, we want His will, even if it is a delay in an answer or the "no" answer.
Q3. Hezekiah's Healing
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
It was important because at that time he did not have an heir to the throne. God promised David offspring to succeed David and establish his kingdom forever. He was calling on God to honor what He told David. -
Q2. Seeing God's Greatness
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. They show who God is & his holiness and power. Trusting in a BIG God, results in BIG answers! Hezekiah asked all this to show all the nations that He alone, is the true God. ultimately, we want the answer to bring God glory. -
Q1. The Battle Is the Lord's
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Hezekiah’s Reign (Isaiah 36-39; 2 Kings 18)
He was humbling himself before God, submitting the problem before him. Hezekiah realized that only God had the wisdom & power in this situation, not Hezekiah himself. Instead of trying to handle things in our own puny wisdom, or waiting til we have tried everything else first, we should take it to the Lord right away. When we don't apply this principle, we have a better chance to make the situation worse or add to it. -
I think it brought the readers hope, that the covenant would be fulfilled. Some may not be figurative, but they were describing something to happen in the far future and they used the best means they could to explain what they had seen and heard of happening. Only those who were redeemed would be allowed on it--way too holy for unredeemed! It means they have heard the gospel, believed, repented and allowed Jesus to cleanse them. It also means they will be inhabited by the Holy Spirit. Jesus redeemed us--He paid our ransom.
It shows we have love and respect for God & it displays who He is to the world. Living ethically shows love and respect to others, just as Jesus directed. Talk about something we are dealing with right now...... corruption and bribery (sin) takes righteousness from gov't and satanical powers take over. Usually as this is begun, eventually the gov't itself is destroyed. Even in gov't, the wages of sin = death.....
Humans naturally seek humans. We need the supernatural mindset--our eyes fixed on Jesus---ever ready. In adolatry we allow something to take away our love, affection, trust from God to another thing or person. Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things shall be added unto you.
Q3. God's Grace
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God’s Help vs. Man’s – the Assyrian Crisis (Isaiah 28-35)
God is compassionate. God is righteous & full of grace. Our rebellion and disobedience prevents His grace. Yes, I think I have heard Him--His peace surrounds me. We have to be open to His leading, have unbroken fellowship with Him and pray & be in the Word daily. -
Yes, I have seen it in many cases. Review why we are doing religious activities--make sure it is just not religious, but a heart relationship and fellowship with God. Let God examine our motives. The rules need to be replaced by an overwhelming desire to praise & glorify God with our actions and thoughts. Legalism--a cold Christianity God is at the center--we desire to obey Him more than anything else. We want our thoughts and actions to please and glorify Him.