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Everything posted by charisbarak

  1. Everlasting destruction. Everlasting destruction for the wicked--those who don't know & accept Jesus. None--except for my unbelieving children & friends.....
  2. No, he would not be just. Rehabilitation is the changing of someone's mind to help them to correct behavior. I think of a tire that is a retread. In my experience, years ago, the retread did not last as long as a new tire. Some of those who have been in rehabilitation go back to their prior life. Retribution is to pay back--or repay. A Christian's rehabilitation takes place at the time of salvation--when we are "born again"--reborn.. We are then being sanctified for the rest of our lives! The sinner's retribution takes place after he dies, being without Jesus eternally. God does it perfectly. Love the person, hate the sin, punish the sin (unless the person repents and asks forgiveness of God (a believer) )
  3. Testing proves our faith. A person whose faith has not been tested, is weak. We grow stronger as we depend upon God in our trials. We see his answers to prayer and trust him even more. Testing within a group draws the members of the group closer together. When we stand united in Christ Jesus, we have strength to even die for Him.
  4. I would first go over the salvation message again, to make sure they understood. Then I would tell them that this Jesus they have put their trust in is worthy of being praised and has the power to help them live a holy life. That the Holy Spirit is growing us to become more like Jesus and will complete His work in us before we go to see Jesus! Phil 1:9 The problem with no assurance, might be that they are not saved yet! The problem of a false assurance of salvation, is deceit. The Spirit will not be at work in them, will not have a desire to pray or read the Bible regularly, no growth. Now if this person is in a congregation, it could cause trouble. His/Her heart is not linked to the others'. Motives will be questionable. No fruit!!
  5. They say that the gift of prophecy has ceased these days. Healthy congregations who allow the gift of prophecy, are to have one person speak at a time; have an interpreter; and the others discern what they are saying-testing the words according to scripture.
  6. A person can rejoice in any circumstance. Thankfulness should be a part of our prayers. I don't think we even skim the surface of how much God has given us! Our attitude must be that of joy, prayer and thankfulness. Even when we are going through horrible things, we praise God & pray IN our troubles. We need to be like the bottom of the sea in the middle of a storm--calm, quiet, at peace with God.
  7. Wanting revenge shows a lack of maturity and growth in the Lord. It causes divisions. Lack of forgiveness, encourages anger toward the person, shown in the angry person--not open with others or himself. He becomes the brunt of all that anger. No peace. The church becomes exclusive--a club, really. No different than the secular clubs. Those attitudes will turn people off--that they'll reject the Lord & the Good News. Individuals, as well as churches can find healing by repenting and turning from their evil ways. They need to confess and do what it takes to restore relationships and forgive.
  8. There would be a lack of peace and possibly division. A further breakdown of the church family, lack of trust, deepening division and a church that is not active & vital--Lack of the Holy Spirit's influence. It could be the leader, but more than likely some members are acting in a carnal way--not in a loving way.
  9. We should be alert & productive, always ready for His return. We should show self-control and seriousness about how we live our life and witness to others. Don't put it off for another day--we're not promised another day. Beling alert & watchful--living our lives as though He were coming tomorrow. Also we need to put on our spiritual armour each morning, preparing for attacks made on us by Satan! If our soldiers on the battlefields lived like we usually do, they would certainly lose the war. Be alert & watchful!
  10. The only warning we have are the words of scripture. We need to be ready!! Coming like a thief, is coming with no warning. Lock your doors! Make preparations. Be Ready!!
  11. Believers who have died in him will be resurrected & given new bodies. Someone mentioned before about cremation--no body to resurrect. How about if they were in the ocean and a shark ate them? Same thing. I believe God, the creator will be able to put the bodies back together! He will be accompanied by all those believers who died prior to that day and all his angels!! What a glorious celebration!
  12. They both said He would come with the clouds from heaven. He used "Son of Man" to confirm Daniel's prophecy--like a son of man. He was the Messiah.
  13. Severe punishments against sexual immorality are necessary because we are rejecting God directly, and harming His temple. (our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit). It should be a "heads up." We are hurting many others including ourselves when we disobey in that arena. It is incompatible with holiness.
  14. Yes they are if they are controlled by the Holy Spirit. Many out of control because they are not controlled by the Holy Spirit. Sexual control in marriage is important--first of all to channel all that desire toward our spouse and second, no sex outside the marriage. When sex has no boundaries, it is out of control. Out of control sex, destroys marriages & families, hurts our children, hardens our spirits and invites disease in our bodies.
  15. To be sanctified is to be made holy. We're holy positionally--in Christ Jesus. God is working in us by the Holy Spirit to make us holy day by day--more conformed to the image of Christ. Holiness requires we put our sexual lives to the test--sex only in marriage with own spouse. All other sex is not holy--it is sin..
  16. Keeping rules involves guilt. If we're seeking to please God, no guilt! Love is stronger. Authority is Jesus Christ!.
  17. Special speakers give us another view of the Word. It is refreshing to hear about other ministries around the world. Each speaker is so very different and it is wonderful to see how God is using them. Often the speakers are missionaries who have experienced things our pastor has not. We learn from each other. It is difficult to raise the $'s needed to travel, you're at the whims of the church you're visiting and you give up spending alot of time with your family. It's important as listed above, but often an itenerant speaker will minister to a special person/persons in your congregation, encouraging them to be a "go-er."
  18. Sometimes fear, or fear of failure. I agree with Brother Gerbrand, we might think we were not in God's will. Sometimes, it could be our personality, that we say or do things that cause us to be "persecuted." Under real persecution it is a joy to receive persecution as Jesus did. Sometimes, it causes Christians to go elsewhere and thus, the gospel spreads. It takes trials to mature us. We become stronger when we totally rely on God & His Word and go forward! If we're forced to grow, we must always check our motives by praying and searching our hearts. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit. Strengthing growth. It's not in God's plan right now. He knows what we need to grow & be fruitful for Him. God uses nations and even Satan to grow His people.
  19. Paul wanted to know how the church held up in persecution. If they were experiencing persecution, strengthening and encouragement were necessary. Paul didn't want the new church to be worried about the persecution they had gone through. Timothy needed encouragement as well. Put in this role, the people benefit from the love Timothy showed them, and he was encouraged as well. It was time for him to be putting his gifts to work as he had watched Paul use his gifts. As each person excercises their own gifts, the body runs smoothly. Leaders can get burned out easily and it is important that they delegate tasks to others. That's what discipleship is--preparing others to use their gifts to serve the church.
  20. We are being entrusted with gifts/talents to be used for the Lord. It is responsible Christian living. It doesn't save us, it just makes us fruitful. Christ rewards obedience. He doesn't reward you for unused gifts or talents. We want to please Him with our lives--bring Him glory. We are motivated out of love for God and thankfulness for what He has done for us!
  21. The Word is primary. It exposes the parts of us that the Holy Spirit has to be at work in us to change and grow. It is the eternal truth where we learn about God and His works. Yes there is Power in the Word! It operates through the Holy Spirit. As a discipler, we encourage daily Bible reading, studying and memorization to become familiar with the Word.
  22. The fatherly role encourages the ones being discipled, giving them a role model. The women can pick up these traits by striivng to live a life that reflects Jesus--one who is blameless. Praying to God to help us & to mold us into disciplers is of utmost importance, since it is the Holy Spirit we need to help us.
  23. They show the person being discipled that they are loved and worthy. To me, a gentle & caring man is a godly man! If these are hard to put on, it takes prayer and a decision to really love others. In sharing their lives with others they'll grow as well as the one discipled.
  24. Pride is one of the worst. Because each of the character flaws have something to do with pride--in ourselves, who we are, what we are doing.... We have to pray & search ourselves daily & know exactly what our motives are.
  25. Courage is necessary to us to be able to share with unbelievers. The Holy Spirit gives us the courage along with the assurity of our salvation. We are fighting a spiritual battle. We would be afraid to approach anyone, fearing what might happen to us & what we might lose. We also would not grow.... They wouldn't have courage to step out in faith. It takes courage to go out to witness to people especially in dangerous areas.
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