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Everything posted by charisbarak

  1. The purpose of the law was to restrain fallen human nature, to make wrongdoing a trespass and to point to Jesus., No, it was not intended to justify a person. The law restrains by making people aware of what is not right. Same as the laws we have today. They restrain people to some degree. Though things are bad these days, they could be worse. The law shows us where we haven't hit the mark. Like your term regarding a schoolmaster teaching us--I once heard (I really like this) that the law is a mirror that shows who we really are!!
  2. Everyone who lives by the law is judged by the law. Since no one is able to perfectly live by the law, those are cursed. Sin = death Having faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, justifies us and the promised Spirit is given to us at that time. Jesus was cursed for us for our redemption.
  3. Abraham was justified by his faith. We are Abraham's promised spiritual children, thus, we are saved/justified by faith alone. We are his spiritual children promised by God (from all nations).
  4. After receiving the Spirit and seeing the miracles performed by Him, why would they want to add works to what God had already completed? They weren't strong in their faith, easily swayed by those who say they need works to complete salvation. Stay in the Word. Review often the scriptures pertaining to salvation and what Jesus did for us.
  5. We have been crucified with Christ--our old man--slave to sin--has been replaced by the new man! I--my old man--has died I now live by Christ--a new man--and am indwelt by His Spirit! Jesus paid it all--No need to have to do something else to try to earn salvation. He loves me. He lives in me. I just need to live by faith!!
  6. The importance wanes. The works the Jews were used to doing to gain their salvation, took a complete turn around in their mindset on conversion. Luther had a similar problem. There were works involved and laws of the church which took presidence over the Bible as authority. In our day, we need to think on Jesus and praise Him for His gift to us everyday! It's easy to do good works.... It's important that church leadership not impose their legalistic views on the congregation.
  7. As missionaries, we need to be culturally sensitive wherever we go. There are many examples of this in history--actually, it was generally done that way. Now they've found out they have to change the way they minister. The danger is offending those of a particular culture, nor does the gospel look as attractive when we impose our culture on someone else. Now they are seeking missionaries in different countries who come from countries more culturally relevant to the people they're serving. Ultimately, the new believers in the country will one day relate beautifully to their own people.....
  8. Church discipline calls for confronting face to face first, then to the body of believers. He had to correct differences which were threatening to divide the body. The entire church needed to hear this so everyone would know where they stood. It would bring balance--for the Jews, the circumcism problem for the Gentiles, that the pressure to be circumcised was off. This put a tremendous amount of pressure on Paul, but it was necessary to keep the unity of the body!
  9. Peter was fearful of the "circumcism" group. He vascillated between opinions. He had Jesus as his teacher & shouldn't have feared anyone. Barnabas should have known better--he got duped trying to find common ground. That group had alot of clout. Yes, unfortunately. repent! ask for forgiveness & trust God.
  10. He seemingly distanced himself from those leaders because they had falsely led the people into thinking they had to be circumcised. He taught them the gospel again and the gospel in action when Titus did not want to be circumcised. It was a was of keeping the peace--of sorts. He didn't want to give in to them. He wanted to be independant from their ministry. At that time they respected & approved of his ministry to the Gentiles. They gave them the right hand of fellowship after recognizing God's grace in Him. Then they came together agreeably, to remember the poor. Along with bringing the gospel to the Gentiles, he was also eager to be ministering to the poor.
  11. Paul preached the gospel to them--the one he preached to Gentiles. Titus, hearing the word, did not feel compelled to be circumcised. It was revealed to them that false brothers had infiltrated their ranks & didn't want them to have freedom in Christ Jesus--they wanted them to become slaves to works--having to be circumcised to become a Christian. They were adding to the gospel.
  12. Paul's calling by God and His revelation of Jesus Christ to him coupled with the zeal he had when he was persecuting the Gentiles made him a ideal apostle with the zeal for Jesus Christ & His kingdom. Paul was set apart by God to preach to the Gentiles and the mystery of His Church. It was a new way of thinking which would take someone whom God had set apart for that very task. I have some teaching experience & God can use me any way He wants to--using anything about me & what went on in my past to share Him with others. I am uniquely His and I want to be available for Him & also recognize His call & leading. It's exciting! No, I'm certainly not special--no way! But God can use what He wants!! I want to be a willing vessel for His use.
  13. The source is from a revelation from Jesus Christ. It stands the test and conforms to other inspired works from the O.T., the revelation from the 11 disciples as eye-witnesses to Jesus and Paul's previous revelation directly to Paul from God. Today it is dangerous to take someone's teaching as "the gospel truth" for they may be misled and can only be confirmed by the scriptures. We should also double-check our pastors and what they preach to the scriptures regularly.
  14. The danger lies in adding more to the salvation message, anulling the simple truth. Unbalanced gospel messages will grow unbalanced believers--or confused unbelievers who think they're saved. We have plenty of cults around, doing that very thing.....
  15. Jesus gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age. Jesus rescues people the same way today--through the gospel being shared. He provides the Holy Spirit & His Word to keep us on track. Also, reviewing the gospel message often, helps to keep us on track.
  16. Hugs & handshakes. It bonds everyone together, as though they were family--like they really are! Many reasons why they would not want to openly show affection for others. If our brother or sister are uncomfortable with that--give them time & space. Maybe a pat on their shoulder would suffice--just to show you care. Yes, Pastor Ralph. Thank you for another great study! Bless you & your family this Christmas!
  17. The cure for these sins is a renewed relationship to God-a deeper relationship for all members. When a church is that bad off, they obviously have their eyes off Jesus. The second would be church discipline, if necessary. Discipline with love & acceptance if they repent. A love offensive would be a direct effect from everyone growing closer to God. Of course, that would have to be a daily offensive. The role of church discipline is to remove persons from the body who are stirring up trouble or sinning without repentance. We need to be answerable to our church officers whom God put in place. They must use wisdom & love & support the offending party. If they repent, they should be accepted back into the body.
  18. Paul learned that God's grace was sufficient for him. More weakness only means there is more room for God to work! If we are sufficient in ourselves, we won't seek His power! I think everyone has some sort of "thorn." Our flesh is always battling with His Spirit.
  19. The thorn in the flesh kept him humble God's purpose was to show that His strength works in our weaknesses. God allowed Satan to give Paul this thorn. But God used it for His ultimate glory! God allows problems in our lives to help us grow & conform to Jesus Christ. God turns evil into good for His purposes. See Joseph in Genesis 45:5-8!
  20. He suffered greatly for his faith. Paul was committed to travel and preach the good news, knowing he was in mortal danger. I am excited about being able to be used of God in a way that will bring Him glory. If it includes suffering, I wll not give up--my life is His!
  21. He knew their hearts were not favorable to giving to his ministry. It strengthened his ministry. He knew God would take care of him and he would not be indebted to that church. Nor would he be under pressure from those who would have given more--they would have expected favors from him. They would look at him & maybe one day realize they had missed a blessing by not helping him financially. He would have less actual time to study & preach if he was working. We can love them, gift them when we could, pray for them & encourage them. Christ will honor them with a greater reward.
  22. I would suppose the church would have it's lights hidden from the community and instead, be like the unsaved. Darkness and unrest would permeate it. Gullibility comes when there is a lack of maturity of believers. They were open to accepting a false gospel because they were not daily in the word and learning. They had to go back to the basics and actually repent of their behavior.
  23. Because we are all in a battle for our minds & hearts. He speaks of the spiritual battle--that strongholds held by Satan need to be pulled down, obedience needed & discipline to ensure the protection of the church.
  24. Our giving prompts thanksgiving because He has supplied us with what we have--we are thanking Him as we give back to Him. We show our love for Him as we give freely--as He has loved us & given to us freely. The gift of Jesus could not have been given by anyone else. God's incredible love for us shown in Jesus coming to die for our sins is the greatest gift ever! You cannot out-give God!!
  25. The purpose of enlarging our store of seed is so we can sow more!! We can invest in other's lives. Greed grabs everything & holds on tightly to it for MYSELF! Generosity gives freely & joyfully to OTHERS in need. He will always provide for us if we are faithful to continue sowing it!
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