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Everything posted by charisbarak

  1. Some pastors use the guilt method because something is wrong in their church when out of joy & love for God parishioners should be giving and don't. It is really sad that we don't all do the least--tithe--what a difference in missions would take place--not to mention the growth of the individual members of the church. There is no joy in pressured giving. It actually turns people away.... We need to be joyful givers. Giving is actually worship--blessing God!!
  2. Yes, material & spiritual blessings. Probably because it would be easily related to the health & wealth gospel. My giving at 10% does not look generous..... God has always provided...
  3. Balance occurs naturally when our eyes are on God through all our affairs--especially those with the church. Unbelievers are watching....... We need to be pure in all our dealings so no one can dig up dirt about us and smear God's name. I agree with Pastor--Money, sex & power are three areas men in high offices are prone to fall into disgrace and downfall. Look at those running for political office right now & how indiscretion smudges their accountability.....
  4. Jesus had all the riches we could imagine that the creator of this universe possessed. He voluntarily gave them up to come to earth as a man to die for us. We were poor spiritually--we were dead, actually. We were badly in need of a saviour. After Jesus died for us, and we accepted what He did for us, we became heirs of Jesus Christ! Many spiritual blessings in Him!!
  5. It has everything to do with giving. God has gifted us with spiritual gifts, physical gifts--$'s, food, etc. We should do the same. Giving without grace is just as though we were paying a bill--grudgingly or to gain attention from others--see what I did..... Giving would be done joyfully & willingly. After all, we'd be helping our brothers & sisters in Christ!!
  6. During these trials our faith is weakened. We hold on tightly to any $'s we have, fearing we'll not have enough to pay everything. We can learn to give freely, especially when in dire circumstances, and see how God will bless you. The poor widow was certainly blessed--she in immortalized in scripture!!
  7. Fear is a natural reaction to something that may hurt us. Faith is trust in God. Courage comes when we trust God for the outcome & go forward--not be paralyzed by fear. Denying fear is foolish, and not being honest. It actually is prideful. Admit your fears to God, trust in Him & He will give you the courage and the words you need at the exact time of need. Paul admitted his fears & asked God for the courage needed to face them.
  8. Separation from sin. They have to cut off relationships & activities that will lead them back to sin. Friendship with these people does not mean you'll do the things they do to sin, although some relationships are toxic & they must release themselves from them. Love the sinner, not the sin. You know what will tempt you to sin.....
  9. We need to live holy lives because if we are Christians, the H. S. lives in us--we are holy & set apart to God. All that we are & do should be done with that in mind. He has redeemed us! Idolatry, sexual perversions--not unlike what is going on today--and much more accepted today.
  10. Paul shares, I believe, to encourage those Christians around him that could be suffering in any of those ways. He also wanted to be transparent & for them to know how he suffered while getting out the Word. He exhibited the fruit of the Spirit as he went through the various trials. A little. Not even close to what he has suffered. This next Sunday is for us to remember the persecuted church. In so many countries individual believers have to suffer similar things to what Paul suffered. We don't even come close here in the U.S.
  11. My daily life will be impacted by the urgency of salvation for everyone we meet. It changes our priorities. People may perceive me as being single-minded--only one important thing in my life. They may also be thankful that I took the time to share with them. God rewards us for our labor for Him. (eternal fruit) He desires to see people saved and rejoices when they come to Him!!
  12. Jesus was sinless; He took our sins on Himself and died to make the payment of our sins which should have been our death. We become clean in God's eyes because of what Jesus did for us. Through Him, God accepts us. We are reconciled.
  13. We've been reconciled to God by Jesus taking our sins on the cross with Him, thus paying the price of death for our sins. God mended the relationship between us and Himself. We are ambassadors for God by telling others about Him & His wonderful works! We are ministers of reconciliation by urging others to come to salvation & reconciliation with God.
  14. Verse 17 says we are a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! The Holy Spirit regenerates us, we're washed, renewed & sealed in Him. We're being changed from the inside out. It takes time to undo lifetime habits!
  15. We will all be judged one day and appear before God. Those who have not been saved--to hell--no chance of salvation then.... (which is where the importance of evangelizing comes in. We are all commanded to evangelize...I am learning & trying to grow.....) Believers' judgement takes place to judge our works--whatever is done on earth--God knows. Obviously we need to choose to please God each minute, each hour, each day--it does matter what we choose to do. Again, we need to ask God for a burden & love for the lost. Just walking around the supermarket, God laid on my heart each individual--that they were lost & heading toward hell. I needed to obey God and share the good news with them. It's hard--but harder yet to disobey God & realize that I don't care enough about others to send out the lifeline.........
  16. We will all be judged one day and appear before God. Those who have not been saved--to hell--no chance of salvation then.... (which is where the importance of evangelizing comes in. We are all commanded to evangelize...I am learning & trying to grow.....) Believers' judgement takes place to judge our works--whatever is done on earth--God knows. Obviously we need to choose to please God each minute, each hour, each day--it does matter what we choose to do. Again, we need to ask God for a burden & love for the lost. Just walking around the supermarket, God laid on my heart each individual--that they were lost & heading toward hell. I needed to obey God and share the good news with them. It's hard--but harder yet to disobey God & realize that I don't care enough about others to send out the lifeline.........
  17. We will all be judged one day and appear before God. Those who have not been saved--to hell--no chance of salvation then.... (which is where the importance of evangelizing comes in. We are all commanded to evangelize...I am learning & trying to grow.....) Believers' judgement takes place to judge our works--whatever is done on earth--God knows. Obviously we need to choose to please God each minute, each hour, each day--it does matter what we choose to do. Again, we need to ask God for a burden & love for the lost. Just walking around the supermarket, God laid on my heart each individual--that they were lost & heading toward hell. I needed to obey God and share the good news with them. It's hard--but harder yet to disobey God & realize that I don't care enough about others to send out the lifeline.........
  18. We walk by faith because the things of God are spiritual. We have nothing more concrete than the Word and history. We live by faith, trusting what God has shared with us in His Word and making decisions in that light. Walking by sight involves our senses--wonderful creations of God--which helps us live on this earth and enjoy and be aware of His creation. Praise Him each day for the air you breathe, what you see, what you smell, what you taste and what you touch. Taste & see that the Lord is Good!!
  19. These are wonderful promises! I can hardly wait!! I was so excited about finally being retired, but the best part will be my new body & being with Jesus forever. Now, to the questions..... God's got a plan for us. We'll be with Him forever! Praise Him! Our spirits go to heaven to be with Jesus and loved ones who are saved. If we die before Christ returns, he will bring us along as he resurrects our bodies & unite us with those being raptured! We will be in our resurrected bodies, alive & well, praising our savior face to face!
  20. These are wonderful promises! I can hardly wait!! I was so excited about finally being retired, but the best part will be my new body & being with Jesus forever. Now, to the questions..... God's got a plan for us. We'll be with Him forever! Praise Him! Our spirits go to heaven to be with Jesus and loved ones who are saved. If we die before Christ returns, he will bring us along as he resurrects our bodies & unite us with those being raptured! We will be in our resurrected bodies, alive & well, praising our savior face to face!
  21. These are wonderful promises! I can hardly wait!! I was so excited about finally being retired, but the best part will be my new body & being with Jesus forever. Now, to the questions..... God's got a plan for us. We'll be with Him forever! Praise Him! Our spirits go to heaven to be with Jesus and loved ones who are saved. If we die before Christ returns, he will bring us along as he resurrects our bodies & unite us with those being raptured! We will be in our resurrected bodies, alive & well, praising our savior face to face!
  22. These are wonderful promises! I can hardly wait!! I was so excited about finally being retired, but the best part will be my new body & being with Jesus forever. Now, to the questions..... God's got a plan for us. We'll be with Him forever! Praise Him! Our spirits go to heaven to be with Jesus and loved ones who are saved. If we die before Christ returns, he will bring us along as he resurrects our bodies & unite us with those being raptured! We will be in our resurrected bodies, alive & well, praising our savior face to face!
  23. Our tent bodies are only temporary--after all, we're only sojourners on this earth. Our time on earth should be used to serve Him and gain everlasting fruit. Our bodies and our lives here have such a short time compared to eternity. And some try to have wrinkles, etc removed......
  24. All the time we suffer as we grow older, as do our bodies, we are being renewed daily in our inner man. We are coming up on the time when we will be going home to be with Him forever. Compared to eternity, this time of suffering is a moment in time. Sometimes our pain is all-consuming. If we have the eternal focus we are renewed in knowing that eternity with Him is just around the corner! We must focus on the eternal!!
  25. I'm sure I will go through times of stress & pressure again and again, we know that suffering is part of our walk with God. People can see God in us when we respond to our trials in a godly manner. Pain was a necessary ingredient in Jesus' life on earth; pain will be ours too. People will see Jesus in us when we welcome trials and respond the way Jesus did. We will be honored to suffer with Him. We may be really down, but not out--we are not hopeless!
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