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Everything posted by charisbarak
Q1. Moses' Prayer of Frustration
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Rebellion against Moses
Moses was frustrated in this prayer because he had obeyed God and the people were more of a challenge for him to handle. It tears people down physically & emotionally when they are continually complaining. He sure does have grounds for his complaints. The people were behaving badly. Yes, it can be a model. Any time we admit to our inabilities, we also realize God's abilities. I think we're shown this prayer to show Moses' humanness. He, like us, get frustrated with others. God answered him by providing helpers and the meat desired by the people. -
The ark of the holy of holies was "God's throne." It represented mercy and the giving of the covenant and commandments--later to contain memorials from the 40yr walk. It's representation was very real. No one can come close to God unless He approves them. They were not allowed in that room unless it was the time the Lord gave commandment to come.
Q4. The Pre-Tabernacle Tent of Meeting
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Golden Calf and Moses
Moses's meeting with God in pre-tabernacle times was very important. We need face to face contact for a period of time with our friends in order to know them as God knew Moses. The tent of meeting was a designated place to meet with God one on one. That intimacy should be growing. I pray that it will be able to increase more & more. It could only better it. -
The people had no one else to intercede for them. This is an important role for pastors/leaders today because God wants their hearts to be right with Him. Only by being in the Word daily can we know of the character of God & of his promises which Moses used in intercession for the people. That puts feet on our intercession.
Q2. Aaron's Irresponsible Leadership
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Golden Calf and Moses
Aaron's sin was a big one--idolatry & passively leading God's people--leading them into depravity. He doesn't take responsibility for his sins because he doesn't have the strength of character his brother has. He thinks placing the blame on others makes his ok. I'm not sure--but God promised the priestly ministry to him and his sons. Leaders are also guiders.....and they are directly under God's authority. Accountability helps growth of the leader and also of his followers. Leaders must learn from their mistakes in order to guide their people correctly and as a guide to their people to do the same thing. Pride in a leader keeps them from admitting to & learning from their mistakes. -
I think they were fearful that Moses would not be back & they needed something they could see & touch. He knew what they wanted...and didn't want to cut across the grain like his brother would have in dealing with the people. He wanted to be accepted by them. The golden calf made God angry!! He would have destroyed them if Moses hadn't stepped in.... Idols in churches can be almost anything--carpeting, singers, a certain pastor, special programs, and a heart that holds tightly to these things instead of Jesus.
Q4. The Blood of the Covenant
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
The function of the blood of the covenant sealed the covenant made & provided cleansing. In the N.T. it speaks of Jesus' blood which sealed the new covenant & provided cleansing also. The covenants are similar because God covenanted with man. He wanted to be their one & only God, and for them to love & serve Him. The first covenant was between God & Israel. The second opened the covenant to us as well as Israel and God provided the once for all sacrifice for sin--Jesus Christ! -
Q3. Holiness
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Israel is set apart to & by God. Set apart! People have conveniently stated that it is old-fashioned, that things are more acceptable today--what is more accepted is sin! And the sinners have become more bold & outspoken! -
Q2. Royal Priests
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Priests in the O.T. interceded for the people with God. They'd sacrifice also. I have direct access to God - through Jesus Christ. I can intercede in prayer and encourage my sisters in Christ. I have been chosen by Him & I am His to do with as He wills. I can use improvement in all functions..... -
Q1. Treasured Possession
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Emotionally, I look at a treasured possession & I immediately think of who gave it to me and the memories surrounding it. I tend to try to protect it--put it in a place where it wouldn't be quickly harmed. The care for & leading of Israel fulfilled their being a "treasured possession." Also, the Word states God isn't finished with them yet! It feels like nothing I've ever felt before--really loved and cared for. It gives me peace. -
I think it took him awhile because God had sent him--no others. Perhaps he wasn't sure if that would be what God wanted. Sometimes those who love us can see things we cannot & when Jethro saw the strain on Moses, he suggested delegation to him. The qualifications were: capable, God-fearing, accountable & honest Moses' role was similar to that of leaders in the church--they must delegate the jobs to be done & find thoe with those certain gifts. The Spirit's annointing is necessary! We need to be led of God--not out to accomplish on our own.
It shows we're not happy with the leader God had chosen to rule over us. I'm sure it might not be true with a corrupt leader, but God is in control. Leaders are the ones to take criticism because they are in the limelight--not God. This puts things in their control and they have failed. Remember that God is in control--he puts people in authority for us to obey in His place. We need to trust Him.
Q4. God's Glory
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
God's glory --his honor--are above all. He deserves our praise. Belief in what God is doing & giving Him the credit for it is important. We give God the glory & the praise--it purifies us. We have right thoughts about God & what he is doing in our lives. When leaders take the glory it is surely pride. They're not willing to admit that God brought it about, not them. Leaders can keep themselves from pride by daily giving God praise for all and worshipping Him. -
Q3. Blaming the Leader
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
They were blaming the messenger. Lack of trust in God's leading fuels their fear. They're really blaming God. Moses knew God had promised & would come through for their salvation. God wasn't finished yet. He was a great encourager to them--because he totally believed in what God was going to do for them. -
There were certain things that had to be done to obtain freedom. If they hadn't followed what God said to do through Moses, they would have died. Our obedience leads to righteous living & it is easier to fight temptation with Jesus leading us. No discipleship without obedience, unless your discipler is off target..... No, he doesn't. If you believe, you obey.
Q4. Letting God Fight the Battle
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
It's often the first thing we think about--how can we deal with this? What can we do? We take the enemy's attacks on us personally--as though they were attacking us. We need to realize Satan is using other human beings to do his will and that the battle is the Lord's in the spiritual realm. Some battles he expects us to fight with prayer & faith, speaking with the Lord's leading. Other battles He is fighting & he expects us to remain faithful & pray & let Him fight on our behalf. Otherwise, we could come to ruin if it isn't God's will. -
Q3. Compromising
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
Moses stayed faithful to God and His promises. He knew & believed what God had told him. If it will lead to unity of the body, perhaps a compromise is in sight. Otherwise, any compromising of God's Word is not acceptable. God said it & it is True and Right! -
Q2. The Courage to Confront
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
Some church leaders fear man more than God. Some fears they may face are loss of membership & $'s, that some would not like them anymore. Confrontation & rebuke are necessary for growth. It purifies the congregation & may even help others if they are tempted in those same areas the others have earned rebuking. If we refuse to rebuke or confront we open the door to impurity & immaturity in the body, and undisciplined lives--lawlessness. -
Q1. Blaming and Resisting God
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
Moses blamed God because he had obeyed Him and it didn't turn out the way he was expecting. He took it personally--not realizing it was God they were rebelling against. They were stubborn because they thought it a personal attack on themselves. Sure, they were fearful--they were looking at their abilities, not God's. Unbelief? Sure, they did what God said & didn't get the results they thought they'd get. God's commanding of Moses & Aaron gave them a chance of obeying without question & without trust in themselves.