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Everything posted by charisbarak
Q1. Spiritual Kingdom
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
The nature of the kingdom of God taught by Jesus was that it is a spiritual kingdom. No, he didn't understand--he couldn't understand a spiritual entrance or rebirth. -
Jesus teaches us that His Kingdom is the most valuable thing we could desire. It is worth giving up all we have to attain it. If we find ourselves unable to give up something...we are holding on too tightly to the world. In this world of temptations and some very good things, we can satiate ourselves on daily life without Jesus. It is actually "work" to keep focused on Jesus and letting Him set our priorities. The Word's teaching about the Kingdom shows us the high value. The more we read His Word, the more we can appreciate what is to come. I think if we share our weaknesses in any area--in the things that oppose His Kingdom-- & share how God has revealed these areas in our lives to us--and to see us handle things differently, we can be a witness to our unsaved or floundering friends/seekers.
Q3. Follow Me!
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
It's still trying to be "good enough" to enter the Kingdom of God. It isn't relying fully on Jesus' sacrifice. He asked because He really wanted him to follow Him & learn from Him. It also was a revealer--revealed his true heart. Jesus believed it was possible for him to give up all for Him and was offering him the chance. He knew he couldn't deliver. He couldn't let loose of his "god." -
"On that day"--a normal day for us with normal things going on--and all of a sudden He comes! The days of Noah--people's eyes & hearts were closed & all of a sudden come the wet judgment. It shows we should be living our lives daily--not same 'ol same 'ol, but living as though Jesus would be coming! Not doubting--or falling back.
Q1. Present Kingdom
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
The Kingdom of God was present in the life & ministry of Jesus because the kingdom is Jesus and His followers. His life & ministry all pointed to the Kingdom of God. It is present today in works of the Holy Spirit in and through those who love the Lord. -
Persistency gets us what we need. We give up sometimes when answers don't come right away. We stop knocking. If someone wanted to sell me something, he would knock until I answsered. If he just knocks a few times lightly, he wasn't really that interested in making the sale. Our boldness & confidence comes when we realize that God will answer--in His time. We can count on Him. We continue to be faithful in prayer daily....
To seek His kingdom is to be salt and light in the earth. Seek Him hungrily every day. To seek His righteousness is to desire to be more like Jesus & spending time each day with Him letting Him change us. We need to thirst for His righteousness as for water... The best way to support our families is to live the way God proposes. We bring blessing to our family when we are close to God. The promise is that He will meet our every need!! Oh, that our faith would grow by leaps & bounds!!
I think Jesus wanted us to know to keep sowing seed!! Not concentrate on where it is being sown, rather regularly sowing! It also helps us to know that not everyone who hears will even acknowledge it--some do acknowledge but not with a whole heart. Jesus is looking for fruit and there cannot be fruit where you haven't sown--or someone else hasn't sown.
I believe riches are the largest snare. Looking for riches to buy pleasures....wanting the newest of the new--getting rid of perfectly good--though out-dated products.....Wanting more & more...... People think riches are the answer to all our problems, but more problems come with more riches & the more riches you acquire, if that is your goal, leaves no place for the Lord Jesus.
Q1. Falling Away
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Fertile Soil for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
They fall away because they are "surface" Christians. When it is fair weather--they're fine, but when foul weather comes, troubles, persecution, they fall away. Roots not deep enough.... -
Repentance is central to Christianity--Christ died for our sins--if we cannot turn from those sins to Christ, you cannot be a true Christian. Yes, there is a life-style difference. Baptism is important--not only identifying with Jesus' death, burial & resurrection, in new life, but it is also a public witness to others. No, Christ cannot reign in an unrepentant heart--"Self" is on the throne.
The point of comparison between Jesus' and John's baptisms is cleansing. The Holy Spirit prepared those who had been baptized by John and Jesus' baptism of the Holy Spirit resulted in the H.S. living inside each believer. Yes, I long to be carried away by the Holy Spirit. My life is consumed by the everyday things, work, just busyness. I need to draw closer to God each day--each hour-each minute.
Q2. Offensive Baptism
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
John's baptism would have offended the Jewish people because they would probably have thought John had assumed that they were ceremonially unclean. I think Gentiles would have been very open to John's baptism, perhaps some Jews who were not leaders. The leaders would have been offended & proud. -
When people accept Jesus without repentance, it is not a deep enough relationship to grow. Their Christian life is inferior and will not stand up in storms. There is not enough room in our hearts for Self and God's Spirit. People avoid repentance because they really do not want to change. It's probably a large percentage who have not repented, unfortunately. Repentance is not a one-time experience either. It's a lifetime--the more we learn about God and the closer we grow to Him, the more we realize how much more we have to repent from.......
Paul had to see Onesimus in the Holy Spirit's light. I think, if he was moved by the H.S. to help him pay his debt, that he had served Paul above and beyond what others could do for him. No, it is not always wise to vouch for others, or to cover their debts. We need to be aware of the Holy Spirit's leading in all cases.
You cannot command someone to forgive someone else. It neeeds to come from the heart. Paul sets the atmosphere for Philemon to truly forgive Onesimus and to receive him as a valuable brother now.
That is where Onesimus belongs--he actually belongs to Philemon. Paul needs to send him back as a brother--where he belongs. Onesimus needs to do this to show his changed heart.
Q4. Charge to Archippus
charisbarak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Final Instructions and Greetings (4:2-18)
I think he may have had a need for encouragement & to keep on track and not become discouraged. We may get tired in serving, we all need encouragement to complete our missions. He may have been an elder or deacon......All serving Christ need encouragement from each one of us.