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Everything posted by charisbarak

  1. That they are pride-filled. High sense of self worth. Need more growth. Realism???? Humility lacking. I think one of my gifts is teaching and facilitating studies. I have to give it to Jesus every time--ask Him to be in control--pray that it would give Him the glory!
  2. They take it as our judgment against them. We don't particularly like it either--not easy to see those things we've done that don't bring glory to God. We should be inspired to completely obey God--be in the Word daily. An attitude of expectation of Jesus' return!! Let that truth be reflected in each decision & each word & thought we have.
  3. People won't think their sins are very bad when you join them. We're tempted because we want to have the crowd's attention and approval. We can resist by just saying "no" and then setting up an acceptable activity to share with them--one conducive to sharing Jesus with them eventually.
  4. An attitude of obedience and joy in Christ--living by the Holy Spirit.
  5. Yes, I have. When we are baptized in front of the congregation, we are letting them know that I am a new person in Christ--died to myself & live for Him.
  6. They are all directly related and touch me as a whole. Again, celebrating this at communion is a joy.
  7. Fear, mainly. However, reading accounts of those really persecuted--in dangerous situations have encouraged me when I hear of their bravery and know they have their eyes fixed on Jesus so it becomes necessary to share with others. Keep a clear conscience. People see how you behave and it doesn't match your words. Gentleness is needed. So many ways to share with others. The Holy Spirit needs to direct us.
  8. All are displayed in our church. There are some who are spiritual babes and they need to grow. We can help them by displaying harmony & blessing to all. Don't look simply at your needs, but the needs of others around you.
  9. God chooses not to hear prayers of those who mistreat others--- hypocrites--He knows our hearts. For the same reason for the wife. Her attitude toward her husband can ruin things.
  10. Because the wife is the weaker vessel. Besides, God said it! He has taken the time & foresight to really care and see his wife and her needs. Domination----everything for me ruins marriages.
  11. By living totally for Jesus every minute of every day. Letting the Holy Spirit change us. Our character is changed when we put into action the fruit of the Spirit in our everyday lives & decisions. Our true character speaks of the closeness of our relationship with Jesus each day and brings glory to God. Husbands are drawn like magnets to the fruit of the Spirit in their wives daily lives.
  12. We should make every effort to be as attractive as we can. But when that is the goal for us--getting the most expensive articles to wear or spending hours getting our "tent" ready---our bodies become an idol. We should spend equal time in actively seeking to be changed by the Holy Spirit--spiritual beauty--on the inside. This is the balance.
  13. Submission for some is the loss of thinking & acting for yourself. It causes pride being hurt and feel a loss of control. No, not remain silent, but speak with respect. It is wrong for a Christian to submit to sin, spiritually to anyone but God and those He has put in authority.
  14. We still have our sin natures. When we accept Christ's gift and let Him be Lord of our lives, we are not a slave to sin. The Holy Spirit gives us power to choose righteousness. Nip it in the "bud." Choose to live for Jesus Pray for the Holy Spirit's power to say no to sin and to live in righteousness instead.
  15. What awes me is the profoundly deep love which was shown by bearing our sins in His body. Not hard to go thru communion regularly and be reminded of His personal gift to me.
  16. He took our sins on himself & died on a cross--the wages of sin is death--paying the price we owed. He suffered greatly. With my sin on Him He had to deal with all the garbage related to each sin, had to suffer being separated from His Father for a time, suffered cruel punishment in front of his disciples, friends, family. He was God and sinless--He obeyed His Father & laid down His life for us!
  17. He suffered to provide an example for us to follow.
  18. We may need to suffer--but not retaliate, or try to get even. love them anyhow & watch God work!!
  19. We don't have to be tolerant of injustice. However, sometimes you need to give it to Jesus and He will lead you as to what to do--if anything. Life is not fair. We need to care....for others. People will notice your attitude and the joy that surrounds you.
  20. Respecting those over us at work is crucial. We may not like what they do, but because they have that title, (knowing God has put them there) we need to respect that title. God is glorified when we obey those in authority over us. If we choose to not do that, we are NOT reflecting Jesus Christ to those around us. A good thing to remember is that we are really working for Jesus!!!
  21. We live obedient lives to glorify God. Submission to authority is key. Our first authority is God. With men, we are to be found blameless--that there would be honesty in all we do. When we get rebellious we are fighting against God--having our own way & not submitting to Him. That certainly disappoints Him.
  22. Good deeds are bringing light into the world. God is glorified in our obedience and praise. To the watching world, we are drawing others to Him by how we behave. If we try blending in with the "world" we will be successful. It's like hiding our light and blending into the darkness. :-(
  23. We are strangers/aliens here on earth. We are in a spiritual battle & we need to choose our actions carefully. Remember Whose you are!!
  24. love & praise to God and love to fellow believers
  25. Praising Him throughout the day, letting Him lead you to do His will, offering myself as a living sacrifice, giving of my $ or "things" wherever needed, sharing with those who don't know Him yet.
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