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Everything posted by charisbarak

  1. The scribes & Pharisees picked up on that right away. They openly rebuked Jesus as having blasphemed--they knew He was referring to Himself as God/Messiah. I like the Light--we are supposed to be the light in the world. I also like--the way, the truth, the life--as I witness this is most important!
  2. No, we're not acting in a way that shows He has Lordship in our lives. Absolutely not!! We need to pray each day to obey swiftly, confess & repent from sins, stay in His Word. He'll reveal those places we need to be aware of in order to truly make Him our Lord.
  3. He is our Messiah, Savior, fully God. He is Master and the only One worthy of our praise.
  4. Only son of God--God through the Holy Spirit and Mary, His mom. There is no one else like Him--He is unique. We, as sons & daughters of God, come covered in Jesus' righteousness. He chose us & we choose to accept His gift of salvation. I would think it hurt the Father, having to take His wrath out on His only Son. We'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross.
  5. His justice demanded it. There was no other way to save us--we are all sinners. He loves us that much!! His job of parenting us, goes far beyond food, water, clothing.. It goes all the way to our salvation! We, as parents, are limited and often make mistakes in our parenting, but He doesn't!! We are not worthy!! But He gives us the eternal life and salvation we do not deserve. Jesus died for us--no other act of love measures up to that!!
  6. A son is related to a father. As shown in your study, Jesus admits being about His father's business and did not disagree with the demons when He confronted them and they cried out. That is why the scribes & Pharisees were so angry. They got it--and didn't like it! They were jealous!! Not totally the same. God the Father is different in position from Jesus or the Holy Spirit. They are all God, however.... Yes I do! I want to know Him more!! I love Him and want to seek to obey Him more readily--showing my love for Him!
  7. He is God's chosen one--listen to Him--for He speaks as the Father directs. Listening to Jesus, is listening to God. My life is closer to Jesus each day. You listen to Him, by reading His Word and obeying it! I need to completely lay my life down for Him daily.
  8. Came from Isaiah. The root is the source: Jesse/David The righteous branch grows from that root (Jesus!) And it said it was a fruitful branch!!
  9. They knew the people were waiting for that special One from David's line as scripture told them. Definitely that He was the Messiah.
  10. Christ the Son of the Living God. His Father in heaven It wasn't time for it to be fully revealed. He knew the scribes & Pharisees didn't need to fuel the fire concerning their jealousy.
  11. Isaiah 9:6 Prince of peace/Messiah When He returns to earth, he will bring true peace!! Cannot wait!!
  12. Anointed One They were expecting the Messiah to come and conquer the Romans and take rule right away.
  13. Jesus only was qualified to stand in the gap for us. He is a peacemaker. We ask others to intercede with us, not taking Jesus' place.. We all have been given the privilege of interceding to the Father thru the Son. He says "I paid for that sin that ______ did." I pray He'll use me. The elderly in nursing homes need that intervention. They enjoy our Bible studies. We also present the gospel each week to be sure all who attending have a chance to hear & believe.
  14. Jesus suffered the sorrow of being separated from His Father because He was carrying MY sins to the cross. He suffered for ME. He had the joy of obeying His Father and completing His will for Him. We just need to know that sorrow is a part of our lives. We give it time and know that we all have to suffer one way or another and let ourselves heal by serving others. It is a way to really grow closer to God as we trust Him to heal us.
  15. He is God! He is to be worshiped, obeyed because His power and authority are from everlasting. We need to bring glory to Him each day.
  16. Resembles a man, comes on clouds of heaven, approaches the Ancient of Days. Would have to have been divine to approach the Ancient of Days--God He rec'd authority, glory & power, all persons worshiped Him, has an everlasting kingdom. In Matthew he said that in the future they'd see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of God.
  17. Those in the upcoming generations are purporting that your truth is not my truth, etc. They are completely bypassing the genuine and only truth! Therefore, they are standing on shakier and shakier ground with not much hope. God's wisdom far exceeds ours. Ours is foolishness to His. In James, you can ask God for wisdom and He will give it to you. Staying in God's Word is a tried and true method of becoming more wise.
  18. Jesus is faithful--dependable, trustworthy. We can count on Him for the absolute Truth. He is faithful to speak truth. He testifies of the truth even up to Him giving His own life on the cross. He is the only true witness of God, His Father. He spoke only the truth. I try to be open to share with others and to have Bible study with the elderly. There is always improvements to be made. I imagine I would use more of my free time to speak to others about Him.
  19. Jesus could only speak what was given to Him to speak. He is the fulfillment of God's entire word. Because Jesus was the embodiment of the Word of God & Eternal life Because all that Jesus spoke is the Word of God and is The Truth. Salvation is found in no other! We need to hunger & thirst for His Word!
  20. I pray to grow more in allowing Jesus to me my Lord and master throughout each day. I come to Him daily. I receive His teaching with joy and obedience. However teachable I am now, I want to be more so!!
  21. They used His name with the authority of Jesus. We also have this authority. Power of attorney--we act in Jesus' name & power. He has given us that "power of attorney." When we're afraid to act or speak in Jesus' name, it shows a lack of faith and that we might not really believe it. It becomes a faith-builder.
  22. Praying in His will with His power. I do. I want to pray in His will and His power, not mine. Perhaps much of what we pray for is NOT His will.
  23. The world does not like Christians. They are threatened by Christians. When we identify with Jesus, we also identify with his sacrifice. Yes, my examples are so small, not like those of whom have risked their very lives. If a Christian is ashamed of the gospel, he usually has inaction--refuses to speak to others about the gospel Conversely, if a Christian is unashamed, he shares the gospel with others--regardless what their response will be.
  24. Jesus = "Yahweh saves" To save all the people from their sins He took the punishment we deserved. The wages of sin is death. He offered the gift of salvation. I agreed with Him that I was a sinner, repented and became part of God's family!
  25. Separates the wheat from the chaff. Draws Christians to a deeper walk with God. Stay in the Word and obey it! Share the "good news" with others.
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