"Well! firstly our Father wanted to be the king over his people but they insisted that samuel get them a king so that they should be like all other nations.This is what the people wanted not what our father God wanted,so then he told samuel all the things that they should do to submit to there king ,and that included giving a tenth of there seed and the harvest from there vineyards,for the officers and the servants.I suggest that if they hadnt hounded samuel to get them a king this wouldnt have happened,just like when the isralites were in the exodus for egypt they hounded Moses to tell God they wanted the leeks and onions and they wanted meat so God sent them the quails, to satisfy there hunger for meat.
In malachi the Lord once again is dealing with a rebellious people who once again have gone away from the trust and obedience of the Lord by profaning the convenant of their for fathers the levi priests have accepted offerings of people that have dealt treachoursly with their wives they have bee disobedientand sought after sorcerers and commited adultery, and not had mercy for the widows and orphans,and not welcomed strangers.
I believe that these are the things that make our father God and our King angry and upset with his people when we have hardened and diobedient hearts ,thats why Jesus said thou shalt love thy Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy strength and with all thy mind and though shallt love thy neighbour as thyself/Who is our neighbour?????those in need ,so in obedience and in love we should pray and give of the seed that the Lord blesses us with to where ever the Lord lays in our heart NOT NECCESARILY ALL TO THE CHURCH< EVERY SUNDAY BUT WHERE HE LEADS US TO SUPPORT. thats my point of view " Cheers Anna