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About RedInkWarrior
- Birthday 05/29/1967
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Dallas, Texas
Art history, painting, sketching, drawing, bookstores, running, the Bible, conversation, loving my wife. :O) etc, etc.
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Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? A. Having a sound, safe and strong foundation in CHRIST enhances, fortifies the ministry in my church. People will be able to witness the fruits of my ministry because of my healthy christian spirituality. Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? A. The consequences of dropping out of church would be that my brothers and sisters would not be able to benefit from the gift of mercy that GOD bless me with and I wouldn't be able to grow spiritualy with a congregation anywhere else. Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church - for Christ's Kingdom? A. The expansion of his Kingdom would be effected. I would be effected um I could not be able to grow . I wouldn't learn how to spread the gospel if I wasn't taught by the church. So it's imperative that I don't leave the church.
Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? A. Having a sound, safe and strong foundation in CHRIST enhances, fortifies the ministry in my church. People will be able to witness the fruits of my ministry because of my healthy christian spirituality. Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? A. The consequences of dropping out of church would be that my brothers and sisters would not be able to benefit from the gift of mercy that GOD bless me with and I wouldn't be able to grow spiritualy with a congregation anywhere else. Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church - for Christ's Kingdom? A. The expansion of his Kingdom would be effected. I would be effected um I could not be able to grow . I wouldn't learn how to spread the gospel if I wasn't taught by the church. So it's imperative that I don't leave the church.
Q. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? A. Regardless how one often trains in the ministry, it will not be effective if you don't have a personal relationship, guidance and blessing from the Spirit of GOD. There will be no fruit (good positive results) without the HOLY SPIRIT's help. Q. Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? A. Yes, but unfortunately I have to admit as a born again believer I have strayed away from his advice many times, many times! And I fell short on not only on personal ministry training but battling the enemy. I'm working hard against my carnal nature and place further effort to obey and submit to the gentle guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT's voice. Q. Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? Well, simply put, with the Spirit's voice there is no wrong. You can place your whole faith on it and know that your ministry is in good hands from "THE TEACHER". :-)
Q. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? A. Regardless how one often trains in the ministry, it will not be effective if you don't have a personal relationship, guidance and blessing from the Spirit of GOD. There will be no fruit (good positive results) without the HOLY SPIRIT's help. Q. Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? A. Yes, but unfortunately I have to admit as a born again believer I have strayed away from his advice many times, many times! And I fell short on not only on personal ministry training but battling the enemy. I'm working hard against my carnal nature and place further effort to obey and submit to the gentle guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT's voice. Q. Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? Well, simply put, with the Spirit's voice there is no wrong. You can place your whole faith on it and know that your ministry is in good hands from "THE TEACHER". :-)
Q. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? A. Regardless how one often trains in the ministry, it will not be effective if you don't have a personal relationship, guidance and blessing from the Spirit of GOD. There will be no fruit (good positive results) without the HOLY SPIRIT's help. Q. Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? A. Yes, but unfortunately I have to admit as a born again believer I have strayed away from his advice many times, many times! And I fell short on not only on personal ministry training but battling the enemy. I'm working hard against my carnal nature and place further effort to obey and submit to the gentle guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT's voice. Q. Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? Well, simply put, with the Spirit's voice there is no wrong. You can place your whole faith on it and know that your ministry is in good hands from "THE TEACHER". :-)
Q. In what sense are we “living letters”? A. We are living letters of Christ's message. The way we act around people, how we spread the gospel of Christ is what makes us "living letters". Q.In what way can people “read us”? A. By the way we behave around other brothers and sisters. How we address ourselves to non believers. They will be able to sense out spirit and hopefully the Holy Ghost as well. People can pick up on positive energy when we have King Jesus in mind. Q. Why is it so important to be authentic, not phony, in our lives? A. We will be held accountable if we mislead a fellow brother/sister away from Christ if we are not sincere. So it is important to always be authentic, so our "word" is gold when we speak to others. People will hold you in the highest esteem because of your authenticity in Christ. Q. What happens when people “read” something in you that they admire and mention it to you? How might you respond appropriately? A. I would be flattered and give them thanks for acknowledging me. But I "always" give the glory of my acknowledgment to GOD!
Q. In what sense is knowing GOD fragrant to people who are open to GOD? A. The fragrance of hope. Simply put. The fragrance is potent to those who are open to the good news. Hope brings people to want to know more. Q. In what way is this fragrance repugnant to people who are closed to GOD? A. The smell of death, the smell of truth of their own sinful nature. The idea that the good news exposes them makes these people even angrier. No one likes to be exposed of their iniquities (unless you're a Christian and you seek with prayer for any hidden sins), nonbelievers do not like that. Q. Have you suppressed you fragrance because some people are allergic to Christian perfume? A. Yes unfortunately and embarrassing to mention it, yes. I was a new born again Christian and was embarrassed to expose my Jesus to my friends. Not any more. Everyone knows now that I'm saved. In order to regain the fragrance of Christ's gospel I must study the Word, meditate the Word and with the Holy Spirit's guidance pray that in time people can smell hope and King JESUS on me.:-)
A) Satan takes advantage of our unforgiveness by reminding us of the offense that took place against us over and over again. This relentless reminder will not cease until we forgive the offensive act/or person. Symptoms of unforgiveness in our heart are many. To name a few, bitterness, anger, resentment, jealousy, vengeful thoughts, perhaps apathy? Uh, hate, disassociation, depression, recklessness, etc. C) Holding unforgiveness will hurt my spiritual life. With all of the above symptoms, its highly unlikely to even have peace to achieve a normal spiritual life. 2nd, not forgiving my brother/sister will offend GOD and HE in return will not forgive my transgressions. D) What would I have to do to let go of resentment and give it up to GOD? The question itself is part of the answer. "YOU GIVE IT UP TO GOD". Pray with a sincere heart. BELIEVE that God can heal the pain in your heart and release you from the offense. Give it up to a higher being that is capable of healing you. You must BELIEVE & PRAY.
Q3. Obedience to Leaders
RedInkWarrior replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
Obedience to servant leaders of the church helps them concentrate (with the help of the Holy Spirit) on the healthful spiritual growth of the congregation and focus on the positive feedback gained from our acknowledgment for their dedication and love for the church. But the church can get hurt if we exercise obedience without love and praise. If we have bitterness in our heart, we tend to "give" to the church, but we "give" without loving intentions. There will be no fruit behind those negative feelings towards our servant leaders. There has to be humility and love in the obedience towards our church leaders. I am all about obedience to those who are anointed by God to serve the church community. Why? Because they are sanctified and blessed to take care of the church. I can tell when they serve the brothers and sisters that there is growth, love and an anointed surrounding in our environment. What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? Growth, love, strength in GOD! Yay! -
Q2. Leadership Styles
RedInkWarrior replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
To "Lord it over" someone, in my opinion means to have authority over with conviction. What is the balance between good strong leadership, micromanaging and a complete "laissez-faire approach to leadership? The balance is to make sure that you do not over emphasize one over the other. To make it where "encouragement" through hard work is needed. Encouragement brings people to be positive about themselves too. The laissez faire approach comes right after where hard work has been commended. ) What are the dangers of authoritative leadership style? "Walking on eggshells" is an unhealthy approach for anyone under the influence of that type of authority. You either have them fear you or hate you. What are the dangers of a weak leadership style? Less commitment from the people under that authority. Less or no respect and not taken seriously. Progress is nullified with lack of influence and consequences by both parties. The recipients of weak leadership will be lost. -
Q1. Sealed with the Spirit
RedInkWarrior replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives signify a promise. A promise from God. A pledge from our God as there is a "seal of ownership" because we accepted in our hearts and mind the sacrifice, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Holy spirit signifies God's promise to us. How does the Holy Spirit unite us with God? Through intercession. He mediates my prayers to God in Jesus' name. The Holy Spirit unites us closer to God, every time we obey, learn and act on the Holy Spirit's gentle guidance. *(if and only if we listen to the guidance and teaching of the Holy Spirit and being sincere in our hearts, that a connection will be easily confirmed to my God) What is the promise of future blessings inherent in the Spirit's presence? Conviction, affliction, guidance, growth, protection, comfort, love, peace, reassurance that "WE" will be in the presence of God. -
Q3. Intercessory Prayer
RedInkWarrior replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
The apostle Paul strongly believes in prayer and knows that GOD will listen to the church of Corinth if they faithfully pray for Paul' safety and success in his ministry in other regions. Prayers of other people have an effect when hinderances are cast out, sincerity, love and faith is applied and above all,,,if the prayers are according to HIS will. There are strength in numbers when we come together in his great name, our beloved king JESUS. When I discovered for the first time that my prayers were heard by GOD, I was more happy (thrilled to be exact), about HIM listening to me than answering me. The "answering" to my prayers was a bonus. After years and years of suffering anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts, I finaly discovered JESUS and what he meant to me. My prayers and my pleading became more childlike to FATHER GOD and still to this day. GOD does listen and HE does answer. -
Q2. Growing through Crisis
RedInkWarrior replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
How does facing a harrowing crises help us grow in the Lord? Well, by realizing that after enduring the pain no more, our stubbornness from being self-reliant disappears and we realize the truth, "that GOD is better" in handling our crises. By coming to that conclusion, we now know to rely on GOD during such situations as the only way and then to praise HIM for it. How has a crises helped my spiritual life? It helped me "DEPEND". It helped me depend on the name of my savior JESUS. It helped me depend on the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. It helped me depend on praying to GOD. My spiritual life is improving due to the crises, and GOD gives me enough strength to handle them. The value of learning "not to rely on ourselves" is so paramount to our spiritual life. Our walk with GOD depends on it. What does it do our pride? For the lack of a better term,, "it destroys our pride", thank GOD! It exposes how weak and insignificant pride is in our spiritual life. We turn away from it, ask for forgiveness, rejoice in GOD's strength and steadfast love. How does this improve our effectiveness as God's servants? :0) By having pride out of the way, by depending on God, we are able to help others that are going through crises themselves. Encouraging them without blemished intentions, knowing in our hearts that we are serving exactly the way GOD wants us to. Note** please, please forgive me for my run on sentences punctuation. At least you get my drift with my answers. Thank you. ;o) -
Q1. Comfort and Comforting
RedInkWarrior replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
The comfort that I receive in my faith in GOD is that I will have an everlasting life in his kingdom because I accepted, with all my heart, that KING JESUS died on the cross for all my sins (past, present and future). The comfort that I receive from my personal daily relationship with GOD is that he listens to not only my praise, but my cries. I'm comforted that he sent the HOLY SPIRIT to guide me and hold me accountable with conviction. I'm comforted by the lessons learned by afflictions where the HOLY SPIRIT teaches, reminds me, shows me what to do and not to do. I can share the good news to family and friends that are suffering or afflicted by sin that, "no matter what", GOD loves them regardless of their imperfections. That there is also "strength in numbers" when it comes to not only prayer, but "community",,, like the community that the apostle Paul was trying to establish in Corinth. What words of comfort can I bring to others? That they don't have to do this on their own. To surrender all their worries to GOD and know that HE will strengthen them during tough times in their lives. That JESUS is Lord and that HE is suffering with them during those excruciating times and that HE will also share his peace with them.