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Everything posted by Linda478

  1. I love the fact that we are kept by the Spirit of God and that we are not trying to work out our salvation all alone with fear and trembling. This knowledge that God does not abandon us and or have us live out our lives without Him involved in every detail, directing us as we go alone, calling on Him for our inadequacies, praying to Him and knowing that He hears at all times. In Jude I am reminded that I am snatched out of the fire by a loving God and that I am secure with Him forever. He is an awesome God and all my being should praise Him with all my heart and give thanks for what He has done for me.
  2. It is to my utter most comfort that I know He is looking out for me
  3. Abiding with God and doing His will. Worshipping Him and showing our love by following His lead in reverence. I want to involve Him in all my decisions throughout the day and remember to seek his guidance in what He wants me to do. Keep a constant journal, so I can remember things better .
  4. If I love something/one than I would invest a great deal of time in it and want to be good at it or with that person all the time. It would be my main interest. My time spent on or with it would prove that I love it. Reading my bible, listening to sermons, praying, reading books about the bible, worshipping at church & having fellowship with other believers. I want to be able to talk to people about Jesus effectively.
  5. All 3 are equal to me. They are wonderful and I am humbled by them. It takes an enormous amount of burden of me because I know I don
  6. 1.They should be looking forward to it because with His return comes us leaving this earth and our sin nature behind and being with Jesus and seeing Him face to face forever. We should concentrate on living a life well pleasing to Jesus. 2. That Christians will have a tendency to live as they pleases and not be anticipating Christ
  7. To much pride and into self. There can be no salvation without repentance! Yes it would be that pride was in my way. Pride can win the day if we allow it.
  8. God is way beyond our comprehension of patience and He is mind boggling in His Love for people who want to take away His sovereignty and become their own God. He knows what little minds and what lack of understanding we have, yet He delays so that all who will come to Him will have an opportunity to receive His gift of salvation. He above our word awesome. We have no word that can describe His absolute Holy greatness.
  9. Reminders are great on a constant level because it is what it takes for us to be conqueror
  10. Both the old and new testament show us who is really in control and who is aware of the mess us humans have created on this earth. At this point in time we just carry on the work that all the prophets and apostles truth they believed in and we believe in. Jesus set the pace and we need to keep on it to be lights in the world. It was never declared easy to go against the grain, Jesus told us that. The New Testaments give us hope of our Lord Jesus returning to the earth and setting up His reign. Darkness/evil, sin, Satan, world order & everything representing these things. Light/Good, The trinity God, truth & everything that represents this.
  11. The man is being carried along by the Spirit of God. Anything is possible with God. His Holy Spirit is what guides us. With the ship you see it moving but you can
  12. We have to come close to hear it, it
  13. We are cowardly and have know backbone. Churches want to bring in numbers and that means water down the message. As Christians we need to stand firm on what the bible says, even if it means going against a son and daughter who are living in sin.
  14. Sexual sin is not in obedience with God
  15. We must always fight for the truth, it
  16. A disciplined devotional life puts God out front of everything else. It keeps me centered on Him. Life gets busy around me that I can have devotions in the morning and can forget God throughout the day and what I
  17. The easiest for me is the knowledge virtue. I love seeking knowledge and to acquire information but to put it into practices is another matter all together. Sometimes I forget what I
  18. Q4. (2 Peter 1:4) How can strong desires erode our faith and corrupt our lives? What strong desires can build our faith? What does a strong desire for God have to do with the "knowledge" of God, or "knowing" God? How are God's promises and evil desires at odds with each other? How does one build and the other erode our faith? If we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then His desires and righteousness will be put into our hearts. The desires that we seek on our own derive from our flesh and a lot of the time sinful desires. If we don
  19. I am overwhelmed and grateful to be called to glorify His name in this way and to know that His goodness sustains me and directs me. To know that such a Holy God would take me in as His own and allow me to know Him, it is awesome. His goodness is beyond my understanding and I trust Him to teach me to become more and more like Him.
  20. 2 Peter 1:3 seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. Our boundaries would be everything that is NOT godliness. In scripture God has revealed Himself as Eternal Having always been in existence; has no beginning and no end. Colossians 1:17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Omnipotent All-powerful. Having no equal in terms of power, strength, and ability. Omnipresent All-present. Existing everywhere at once; not limited to time or space. Ps 139:8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. Omniscient All-knowing. Aware of everything that has occurred, is occurring, or will occur. Results in absolute intimacy, because the all-knowing God thoroughly understands every aspect of His people John 16:30...Lord, thou knowest all things. Immutable Unchanging. Psalm 102:27 But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. God will not deny those who earnestly seek Him in truth and the more we know Him and gain understanding of who He is the more we comprehend His great promises and righteousness toward us. He even gives us the heart to seek Him.
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